***August 2018 Mummies***

Little jack jay was born 4th august at 1:01am weight 8lb 8oz! Healthy as can be �� hes too gorgeous love him to bits, hope you ladies have your babies soon! The heat is horrible i must say xx
Little jack jay was born 4th august at 1:01am weight 8lb 8oz! Healthy as can be �� hes too gorgeous love him to bits, hope you ladies have your babies soon! The heat is horrible i must say xx

Massive congratulations! Glad that all went well xx
Little jack jay was born 4th august at 1:01am weight 8lb 8oz! Healthy as can be �� hes too gorgeous love him to bits, hope you ladies have your babies soon! The heat is horrible i must say xx
Congratulations! x
Little jack jay was born 4th august at 1:01am weight 8lb 8oz! Healthy as can be �� hes too gorgeous love him to bits, hope you ladies have your babies soon! The heat is horrible i must say xx

Congratulations!!! :dance::dance:

I'm currently next in line for my waters breaking. Hopefully it won't be too long before I get newborn snuggles too :cheer:
Little jack jay was born 4th august at 1:01am weight 8lb 8oz! Healthy as can be �� hes too gorgeous love him to bits, hope you ladies have your babies soon! The heat is horrible i must say xx

Congratulations!!! :dance::dance:

I'm currently next in line for my waters breaking. Hopefully it won't be too long before I get newborn snuggles too :cheer:

Aww hope everything goes smoothly for you sarah! And thankyou so much hehe its worth the wait for sure you will soon be holding baby! Xx
Congratulations Nat! Lovely healthy weight!! I wish I was having mine now! So uncomfortable! Xx
Congratulations !!!!! Amazing news :-)

Today’s my due date and I lost my mucus plug this morning ! But absolutely no pains or twinges yet ggggrrr

Sweep in the morning ! Let’s hope that gives bubba a kick up the bum haha xxxx
I’ve got period cramps. Had since 130am so think this could be it starting. Not slept much at all tbh so pretty tired. Just hoping baby is here safely by tonight x
Jesus ladies that sounds positive! Any update Ron or TTC? Hope your ladies are ok xx
Little jack jay was born 4th august at 1:01am weight 8lb 8oz! Healthy as can be �� hes too gorgeous love him to bits, hope you ladies have your babies soon! The heat is horrible i must say xx

Congratulations! Very exciting, lots happening now for you guys! X
My cramps settled annoyingly! So annoying it happens at night and I get zero sleep then I’ve to entertain my toddler and feel knackered! Oh well..onto tonight
Had a sweep this morning. Worst pain I’ve ever experienced ! I thought I was going to pass out and cried through it. My cervix was long and back (unfavourable) but she said she could fit a fingertip in and managed to do a small sweep. Been bleeding lot with a few tightenings but no pain and certainly no labour. She’s booked me in for another one on Wednesday but don’t think I’ll be going. It’s very much scared me about being able to handle labour itself if I can’t even handle that! Feel a bit deflated that my body isn’t doing what it’s supposed to either :-( xxx
Aww Ron, yeah sweeps aren’t pleasant but honestly you do cope!! Your lucky you can have a sweep my midwife won’t do it until I am week overdue!! Driving me nuts and it’s my second baby!! It will be more uncomfortable when it’s not favourable as it’s obvioauly tighter and more closed!! Don’t stress yourself about it, you will have your beautiful baby soon xx
Our little boy was born on Sunday 5th August weighing 7lb 6oz. We have to stay in hospital for a course of antibiotics as I developed a fever towards the end of my labour. Hopefully we can go home in a few days :)
Our little boy was born on Sunday 5th August weighing 7lb 6oz. We have to stay in hospital for a course of antibiotics as I developed a fever towards the end of my labour. Hopefully we can go home in a few days :)

Massive congratulations! Hope you get to go home soon xx
Congratulations!! Is that 3 babies we’ve got now! X

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