***August 2018 Mummies***

Yeah the waiting drives you nuts!! I’m so impatient! I’m due tomorrow!! Doesn’t look like I’m going to give my birth before/on my due date!! How is everyone feeling? I wonder who will be next!! Xx
Being induced tomorrow! So hopefully little man will make his appearance on the same day! If not a day later! Hope everyones doing okay :) x
Being induced tomorrow! So hopefully little man will make his appearance on the same day! If not a day later! Hope everyones doing okay :) x

Good luck for today Nat!

Looking forward to hearing of more babies arriving soon! I am so ready to meet my little man, do any of the tricks to induce labour actually work? Xx
I had period pains the night before last. Got excited but died off by the morning then last night nothing!! Think baby’s too comfy- really thought I’d go early with my second
Due date today! No baby!!! Here’s to the overdue club!! Hope everyone is good!! X
Been at hospital all morning as little man had me worried all night as couldn't feel him moving. They said that because it's the second time in a month they think it could be a sign that he's not happy in there so booked me in for an induction on Saturday but the MW did a sweep and said I'm already at 2cm so she seems to think the sweep will set me off before Saturday! Eeekkk! Back home now in pain from the sweep and feeling extremely anxious xx
These August babies seem too comfy and don’t seem to be coming out!! Obviously it’s cooler inside than out and more comfy! Driving me nuts!! Xx
Hi ladies! Been in hospital since wednesday at 10am had the pessary at 1pm in for 24 hours, i was already dilated at 2cm when i came in but my cervix was pretty far back, then after that was taken out 24 hours later at 1pm the following day which made it thursday i got examined again this time i was a 3 dilated just not enough to break my waters as i was still pretty thick and far back, so i had to habe the tablet inserted which didnt do anything for a while 6 hours no contractions which i was hoping for! I have just been examined again at 10:20pm thursday still, and im 3cm dilated but soften and at the front which means they will be breaking my waters tomorrow morning! The wait is killing me three days! But all positive thinking as its worth it in the end little man should be here tomorrow will update on how things go x goodluck to you mexico hope you go in soon x
Hi ladies! Been in hospital since wednesday at 10am had the pessary at 1pm in for 24 hours, i was already dilated at 2cm when i came in but my cervix was pretty far back, then after that was taken out 24 hours later at 1pm the following day which made it thursday i got examined again this time i was a 3 dilated just not enough to break my waters as i was still pretty thick and far back, so i had to habe the tablet inserted which didnt do anything for a while 6 hours no contractions which i was hoping for! I have just been examined again at 10:20pm thursday still, and im 3cm dilated but soften and at the front which means they will be breaking my waters tomorrow morning! The wait is killing me three days! But all positive thinking as its worth it in the end little man should be here tomorrow will update on how things go x goodluck to you mexico hope you go in soon x

Hope your little man arrives safely today xx
Been at hospital all morning as little man had me worried all night as couldn't feel him moving. They said that because it's the second time in a month they think it could be a sign that he's not happy in there so booked me in for an induction on Saturday but the MW did a sweep and said I'm already at 2cm so she seems to think the sweep will set me off before Saturday! Eeekkk! Back home now in pain from the sweep and feeling extremely anxious xx

Good luck for tomorrow, if nothing happens before then! Xx
These August babies seem too comfy and don’t seem to be coming out!! Obviously it’s cooler inside than out and more comfy! Driving me nuts!! Xx

I was convinced that we’d all be early! Still the thought of being in labour in this heat does make me slightly glad that my one seems a way off yet! Xx
Good luck for tomorrow, if nothing happens before then! Xx

Thanks hun!
I lost my mucus plug about 2 hours ago and have started having some slight twinges so hoping something kicks in tonight before I go in for induction tomorrow. Eeeekkkk either way I'm going in to hospital tomorrow :dance::dance:
Good luck for tomorrow, if nothing happens before then! Xx

Thanks hun!
I lost my mucus plug about 2 hours ago and have started having some slight twinges so hoping something kicks in tonight before I go in for induction tomorrow. Eeeekkkk either way I'm going in to hospital tomorrow :dance::dance:

So exciting! Looking forward to hearing your news xx
I hope you are ok Sarah and it kicked off naturally for you rather than being induced!! This baby is comfortable still sitting nice and tight!! 4 days overdue! First sweep not until Wednesday! Hoping it arrives before then! Xx
It's so long since I came here I haven't even posted in tri3 yet :lol:
2 weeks to go but pretty sure he'll be early. Homebirth booked. Excited! :D
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I’ve got 5 days to go eek! Really thought this one would be early. Just feel different to my first but I’m still
Hanging on annoyingly. My hips are so sore I can hardly walk so chasing a toddler is hard work. Hubbie now off 3 days so hoping baby makes an appearance before Tuesday!!!! Good luck everyone looking forward to seeing some August born babies xx

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