***August 2018 Mummies***

I was 7 days over with jack and thought I would be early!! Hang in their ladies not long now but I do know how you feel going over due isn’t fun! Xx
NOpe each day is sooo Long..it’s not fun. I was 6 days overnight with my first so if I go over that I’ll be miserable haha
All the August mums are going over due! Bloody lazy things!! Have you had a sweep yet Niv? Xx
All the August mums are going over due! Bloody lazy things!! Have you had a sweep yet Niv? Xx

Clearly they all seem to think they’re on their holidays! They don’t offer sweeps in my area until 41 weeks so will be at my next appointment on Wednesday. I’m a little nervous about it to be honest. Hope all is good with Jack, Mexico? I meant to ask, did you have a home birth in the end? Xx
Don’t be nervous Niv it’s not as bad as it sounds! You will be fine just similar to a smear!! Yeah had a homebirth did have a water pool but didn’t give birth in it didn’t like it so got out and used it to rest on! Haha! Can’t believe he will be a week on Tuesday!! We are so in love!! He slept for 4 hours last night in a row which is really good!! Xx
Congrats ladies that&#8217;s have their babies already! Hope you&#8217;re all doing well <3 I&#8217;ve been in sloooooow labour about now for most of yesterday and now sat in the bath at 3:54am wishing it would either pick up or just stop D:
SO painful but contractions are like 20/30mins apart! Feels like my pelvis is going to crack! OH is asleep telling me to stay calm every time I moo :rotfl:
Come onnnnn babbbyyyy!!!! Good luck to everybody else too! X
Good luck ladies! Can&#8217;t believe my tiny girl is 4 weeks on Thursday! X
Mexico- I&#8217;m glad Jack is doing well and you got the home birth you wanted. I&#8217;ve heard that people often end up
Getting out of the birthing pool, I guess you never know until on the day if it&#8217;s for you or not.

Jamie - hope that your baby is with you soon (if not already!) Keep going, you&#8217;ve got this!

Xsarah- wow, 4 weeks that&#8217;s crazy! Hope everything is still going ok.

Hope to hear of some more arrivals soon xx
Not been checked but my god I&#8217;m in so much pain :( did anyone else&#8217;s first stage go on foreevvvvvvveeeer? This is baby number three I thought it&#8217;d be quick lol!

TMI but currently stuck on toilet with a hot water bottle too comfy to move
Poor you Jamie! With my first I had pains for about 28 hours in total before he arrived but really really bad for about 14 hours if that makes sense. I&#8217;m currently 4 days over and hoping something starts here soon. I&#8217;ve heard latent labour can last a few days but if you&#8217;re really sore maybe worth getting checked over x
Poor you Jamie! With my first I had pains for about 28 hours in total before he arrived but really really bad for about 14 hours if that makes sense. I’m currently 4 days over and hoping something starts here soon. I’ve heard latent labour can last a few days but if you’re really sore maybe worth getting checked over x

Still going x been two days now I’m exhausted and they refuse to come and check :wall: feel I’ve im splitting in half D:
Hello all! Little man made his entrance 12.43am this morning ! I went from 4cm to him being here in 3 and a half hours which apparently is very unusual for first time mums! I blame the raspberry leaf tea! Didn&#8217;t have e have time for epidural so just gas and air and it was horrendous !!!!!! Never again! But he is perfect. 9lb 3! No names yet. And I have a lovely 3rd degree tear to show for him :-) no pain no gain? Haha

He latched on straight away too! Very pleased! Hope your all ok and little ones arrive soon xx very excited to hear your stories xxx
Congrats roniece that's amazing. I'm 5 days over today and hoping my lo is here soon x
Hello all! Little man made his entrance 12.43am this morning ! I went from 4cm to him being here in 3 and a half hours which apparently is very unusual for first time mums! I blame the raspberry leaf tea! Didn’t have e have time for epidural so just gas and air and it was horrendous !!!!!! Never again! But he is perfect. 9lb 3! No names yet. And I have a lovely 3rd degree tear to show for him :-) no pain no gain? Haha

He latched on straight away too! Very pleased! Hope your all ok and little ones arrive soon xx very excited to hear your stories xxx

Huge congratulations!! Haha I said the same it really is horrible, never again! Hope BF goes well for you. I’ve stuck with it but it was excruciating at first and had so many problems but it really does get easier!

Jamie, hope things are progressing for you x
Hello all! Little man made his entrance 12.43am this morning ! I went from 4cm to him being here in 3 and a half hours which apparently is very unusual for first time mums! I blame the raspberry leaf tea! Didn’t have e have time for epidural so just gas and air and it was horrendous !!!!!! Never again! But he is perfect. 9lb 3! No names yet. And I have a lovely 3rd degree tear to show for him :-) no pain no gain? Haha

He latched on straight away too! Very pleased! Hope your all ok and little ones arrive soon xx very excited to hear your stories xxx
Congratulations! x
COngratulatuons Ron! What a big baby for your first!! Jesus that can&#8217;t have been easy pushing that out haha!! You did so well just on gas and air! Welcome to motherhood! Xx
Hello all! Little man made his entrance 12.43am this morning ! I went from 4cm to him being here in 3 and a half hours which apparently is very unusual for first time mums! I blame the raspberry leaf tea! Didn’t have e have time for epidural so just gas and air and it was horrendous !!!!!! Never again! But he is perfect. 9lb 3! No names yet. And I have a lovely 3rd degree tear to show for him :-) no pain no gain? Haha

He latched on straight away too! Very pleased! Hope your all ok and little ones arrive soon xx very excited to hear your stories xxx

Aww massive congratulations Ron! Xx

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