***August 2018 Mummies***

I breastfed my first and I truely believe it contributed to my pnd putting to much pressure on myself. If your really not enjoying it and it’s making you unhappy don’t do it Ron. The baby doesn’t know any different the only person who is putting pressure on you is you. You could always try both Ron that’s what I did with my first eventually and that meant hubby could do some feeds!! Xx
Hey guys, my little man Fraser made his entrance into the world yesterday, 18.08.18. It wasn’t quite the birth I’d hoped for but was all worth it and he is just perfect! Hoping everyone else is doing ok xx
Hey guys, my little man Fraser made his entrance into the world yesterday, 18.08.18. It wasn’t quite the birth I’d hoped for but was all worth it and he is just perfect! Hoping everyone else is doing ok xx
Congratulations! x
Congratulations Niv!!!!! Amazing news xxx

Ladies your all amazing. Thank you for letting me in not alone haha. Hormones still running High, but I’ve only cried once today so it’s an improvement. Haha. Still only expressing as waiting on baby’s slight tongue tie to be done and help with latch. But I’m not holding out hope. My nipples are just too big ! :-( there is a lot of pressure on us mums to breastfeed and I think that may have contributed slightly to my anxiety and emotional outbursts. I’m so scared to give up as I’m worried midwives ect will judge but I really am doing everything I can . I’m going to see this out as long as possible but it’s kind of ruinging this whole experience for me. We’ll see what happens ! But on a positive note baby had heel prick today and was weighed and has only lost 30grams so my expressed milk is keeping him chunky :-) how are you and all your littlest ones doing? Xxxx
Hey guys, my little man Fraser made his entrance into the world yesterday, 18.08.18. It wasn’t quite the birth I’d hoped for but was all worth it and he is just perfect! Hoping everyone else is doing ok xx


How is feeding going Roniece? I was told to BF Harriet then give her 30ml expressed milk every 3 hours to top her up because she wasn’t gaining weight. Trouble was she was constantly on my boob so I was too exhausted to pump. They suggested I give her formula as a top up which i was really reluctant to do at first but now I have she’s so much more settled. I feed her first then offer the bottle which sometimes she guzzles. I give her expressed milk after feeding in the night. I’m more relaxed because I can see she’s getting some milk. Harriet had a minor tongue tie and she had it snipped. I’m not sure if it’s made any difference though. X
Thread hopping and just wanted to say congratulations nivetha! I hope you’re doing ok.

Congratulations to all of you August mummy’s x
CIt’s negates Niv love the name! How much did he weigh? Xx

Thanks Mexico! He was 7lb 12oz despite a growth scan at 40 weeks predicting him to be 8lb 13oz! Hope everything is good with your little man xx

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Due date today - had a sweep Friday, lots of irregular contractions then lost some plug followed by nothing! If nothing happens, I'm getting induced Tuesday. Come on baby!
All good, how are you TTC? Can’t believe little man will be 3 weeks on Tuesday! It’s crazy how quickly the time goes!! Awww Eleven I was induced with my first it’s not as bad as what people say! How you feeling about it? Xx
We are good. Baby great really settled and breastfeeding well. Toddler happy too as able to still spend loads of time with him between feeds. Only thing I’m struggling with is getting baby in Moses basket at night as he wants held so we end up co-sleeping!! Anyone else find their baby wants closeness/cluster feeds in the evening and struggle to get them
In their basket?
So, Barney Theodore finally arrived at 10.30pm 26/08/18 and weighed 9lbs 3oz!!
He is perfect and we are completely in love with him. DH is fast asleep and I'm wide awake because I can't stop staring at this tiny baby! I can't believe he's finally here. My homebirth went perfectly!
Congratulations juice, I had a homebirth too!! Much preferred it to hospital!! I know what you mean you can just sit and look at them all day!! Xx
So, Barney Theodore finally arrived at 10.30pm 26/08/18 and weighed 9lbs 3oz!!
He is perfect and we are completely in love with him. DH is fast asleep and I'm wide awake because I can't stop staring at this tiny baby! I can't believe he's finally here. My homebirth went perfectly!

Congratulations Juice! Glad everything went really well for you xx
All good, how are you TTC? Can’t believe little man will be 3 weeks on Tuesday! It’s crazy how quickly the time goes!! Awww Eleven I was induced with my first it’s not as bad as what people say! How you feeling about it? Xx
I really wanted to avoid an induction, as everyone keeps saying the contractions are more painful, but in sure in the end I will just be glad to get her out. Still keeping everything crossed I might go into labour in the next 24 hours though!
So, Barney Theodore finally arrived at 10.30pm 26/08/18 and weighed 9lbs 3oz!!
He is perfect and we are completely in love with him. DH is fast asleep and I'm wide awake because I can't stop staring at this tiny baby! I can't believe he's finally here. My homebirth went perfectly!
Congratulations! x
All good, how are you TTC? Can’t believe little man will be 3 weeks on Tuesday! It’s crazy how quickly the time goes!! Awww Eleven I was induced with my first it’s not as bad as what people say! How you feeling about it? Xx
I really wanted to avoid an induction, as everyone keeps saying the contractions are more painful, but in sure in the end I will just be glad to get her out. Still keeping everything crossed I might go into labour in the next 24 hours though!

Good luck hunni x

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