***August 2018 Mummies***

Ok so apologies if this is a silly first time mum question but google is not giving me any clear answers... I had some red blood mixed with discharge this morning. It wasn’t thick discharge that I would assume a mucus plug to be like. Is this classed as a bloody show? Or is that the same as loosing your mucus plug? Also is it a good sign things are happening? (Or wishful thinking at nearly a week overdue!) Thanks ladies xx
It sounds horrendous but it’s like really thick snot! That’s what mine was like thick snot like!! That sounds good Niv sounds like things are working!! Xx
How is everyone? Any more babies?! Today is my due date. Nothing is happening, surprise surprise! I'm nesting like crazy. Nothing is clean or tidy or organised enough! I need this baby out now!!!
Oh Juice I feel you! Well not the nesting, I never got that instinct, I need to borrow you!

I’m now 8 days overdue but been in latent stage of labour since Wednesday! It’s so tiring, having contractions anywhere between 2-15 minutes apart and have had little sleep. Hopefully we’ll have some more arrivals soon, I remember us all being convinced we’d be early!!

Hope those that have arrived are still doing well xx
Congrats ron! Motherhood is amazing :) my little dude is now 13 days old and hes perfect hope to see some more august babies here soon! ^_^ x
One besotted mama <3
Our birth experience was less than desirable, maternity care in My area is bloody awful!

But he is here and he’s perfect! I’m also making enough milk to feed the whole family :rotfl:

Congrats to everyone who has their little ones and good luck to those still waiting!


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One besotted mama <3
Our birth experience was less than desirable, maternity care in My area is bloody awful!

But he is here and he’s perfect! I’m also making enough milk to feed the whole family :rotfl:

Congrats to everyone who has their little ones and good luck to those still waiting!
Congratulations! x
Hi everyone had another little boy 14/8/18 really quick delivery. 2 hours from
Waters breaking coming out bath to him being here. Blooming agony with just has/air - no time for anything else. Anyway we’re home and he’s breastfeeding well. He was 8lb 3oz
Hi everyone had another little boy 14/8/18 really quick delivery. 2 hours from
Waters breaking coming out bath to him being here. Blooming agony with just has/air - no time for anything else. Anyway we’re home and he’s breastfeeding well. He was 8lb 3oz
Congratulations! x

A bit more happening now!
One besotted mama <3
Our birth experience was less than desirable, maternity care in My area is bloody awful!

But he is here and he’s perfect! I’m also making enough milk to feed the whole family :rotfl:

Congrats to everyone who has their little ones and good luck to those still waiting!

Massive congratulations Jamie! Gorgeous photo! Sorry your experience wasn’t great but hopefully all those cuddles are making up for it xx
Hi everyone had another little boy 14/8/18 really quick delivery. 2 hours from
Waters breaking coming out bath to him being here. Blooming agony with just has/air - no time for anything else. Anyway we’re home and he’s breastfeeding well. He was 8lb 3oz

Aw congratulations TTC! Another team blue! Glad he’s doing well xx
Eeek congrats ladies!! Xxx

Oh Juice I feel you! Well not the nesting, I never got that instinct, I need to borrow you!

I don't normally get it either but I think it's because I'm having this one at home I'm more obsessed with the house being perfect for the birth.
Congratulations ladies! So far all us team yellow have had boys!!! Me Jamie and TTC!! My LB is constantly hungry and is up a lot in the night! I am hoping it settles down soon as it&#8217;s so tiring with a toddler!! Hope everyone is doing ok! Can&#8217;t believe a lot of these babies are late too comfortable inside their mommas!! Xx
Congrats and well done Ttc and Jamie! Wow we&#8217;re very boy strong! Am I the only one who&#8217;s had a girl so far? Can&#8217;t believe she is 1 month old tomorrow! She now weighs 6lb 3 bless her!
Awww bless you Sarah! Think you may be the only be with a girl!! Awww 6lb 3 bless her!! This little chunk was weighed on tuesday and wasn&#8217;t just under 8lb little chunk! He was 7lb 10&#8217; born and hasn&#8217;t lost anything just gained! Not surprised he&#8217;s always bloody eating! How you feeling Sarah? I find the nights and the broken sleep hard! Is your LG up a lot in the night still? Xx
I know she&#8217;s so dinky bless her! Not sure if it has anything to do with it but I&#8217;m short and was a small baby too. She has really long legs and big hands and feet! The first 2 weeks I was basically up all night feeding her now she sleeps for 2-3 hours then I&#8217;m up for up to 2 hours feeding, cuddling putting her down then feeding and cuddling again. She hates being put down. Then she&#8217;ll sleep for another hour or 2 and cuddle and feed for an hour then she&#8217;ll go down again for an hour or 2. I put her for a bit in her bed side crib for the first stint then end up with her sleeping between us in a sleepyhead because she settles quicker. How are your nights? Xx
Congrats Jamie ! How&#8217;s everyone doing?

We&#8217;ve called the baby Sonny. Had a bit of a night mare past few days I&#8217;ve been an emotional wreck. Baby&#8217;s latch is just too painful. I&#8217;ve seen breast feeding specialist and everything but nothing seems to help so I&#8217;m currently exclusively expressing breast milk. Which is exhausting and time consuming . Everything has changed overnight and I&#8217;m a human cow not being able to move around much. Baby sleeps all day with me having to wake him for feeds and then is up ALL NIGHT. Currently I&#8217;m not going to sleep until 4am and getting up at 9am nothing settles him. Help!!!!
Oh roneice sounds hard. Have u tried co sleeping? I had to
Do it with my firstborn as he was really unsettled and I&#8217;ve started doing it this time again just to get good sleep having a toddler too. Worth a shot x
Awww Roniece I know exactly how you feel. Everyone kept telling me it gets better and honestly as each week goes by it really does get a bit easier. I was in excruciating pain the first 5 days at least where I dreaded feeding her and cried each time but if you if stick with it it does go away. I think I spent day 3-5 crying non stop your new roll is a massive shock to the system. Are you managing naps in the day? I found that easier said then done when she wouldn&#8217;t let me put her down and me and my husband had to take turns holding her and sleeping. She always started to cry and frantically root when he was holding her the moment I&#8217;d drift off. Xx
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Aww Ron we are the same. My little one has decided he doesn&#8217;t want to settle before 12 and grunts and goes! I think it&#8217;s the start of colic. My daughter had it and he seems to be going down the same road! He really wants to feed but finds it really uncomfortable at night! It&#8217;s reslly hard as we have a toddler too so she is on the go all day! Not ideal Ron you could always try a dummy. I think we will be before long as he seems to want something in his mouth as he is always falling asleep with the bottle in his mouth and then when you take it out he wakes up again! Just remember this phase is only short and they change all the time so what why do one night they won&#8217;t do the next etc!! Xx

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