August 2017 babies! The final thread!

It's my birthday on Sunday! Weird that lots of us have our birthday this month! X
Happy birthday to you to mummytobe0817!!!! Birthday buddy xx

Rose83 - happy birthday to you too sweetie xx

H4R - hope you've had a safe journey to your dad's

PB - they usually let you go home as there's nothing they can do for slow labour, but I think they tell you to rest up as much as possible. Not 100% sure though. Yes you can absolutely take them out before vaccs, I've been out with mine within a week of giving birth. You'd go bonkers if you stayed inside for 8 weeks!

Tashap - hope you've got to your holiday place ok, that's a very long trip! Yes my feet are swelling up, which is a bit of a worry with my BP.

Happy birthday Tashap, Mummytobe and Rose!

No 28 week appt for me yet, very envious of you ladies approaching the 10 week countdown!

Happy birthday ladies!

I haven't noticed any swelling yet, my shoes are all still okay and I can get my engagement ring on and off! Other than the GD my body seems to tolerate being pregnant pretty well considering. I hope you have a lovely holiday Tashap!

Yay my mum is going to come to my GD clinic with me on Thursday (oh is up country with work all day boo). I'm not sure if she will just have to sit in the waiting room, but I didn't even ask her to come, I thought she'd be at work! Makes me feel a lot better even if she only keeps me company while waiting, plus she knows a lot more about all this medical stuff than me.
I haven't ever been able to get my rings back on since about mid way through my pregnancy with my second :( and my feet swell up as soon as I've been on my feet for any length of time. I've just spent 45 minutes up a ladder sanding poly filler in my little girl's room so my feet are pretty large now lol! That's the last bit of mess I need to make in there and now I can give everything it's last coats of paint which will probably take me another week with the amount of time I get each day (I.e not very much at all).

Hope everyone is feeling well this evening xx
Ouch it feels like he has been sat just under the right hand side of my ribs all day, it's actually really uncomfortable just sitting up! I keep trying to give him a poke to move positions but so far he hasn't... any ideas? Ha.
Get on all fours, gives them more room to wriggle about in and will hopefully get your bean wriggling into a more comfortable position

Haa thanks just given that a go... must have a looked a right tit if anyone was looking through the windows :lol:
Ahhh, just trying to catch up here. Too much going on.

Jill, blimey. What a rough time you've had. I hope all is a bit more settled now and your hubby is better.

Happy birthday Tasha and mummytobe.
Tasha and H4R, enjoy your holidays.

MissCharli, sorry to hear about GD. Everything crossed that it will be easily diet controlled and won't cause you any problems.

I've had a funny few days​. Had a lovely weekend away in Edinburgh, just me and my husband which is a very rare treat. But I noticed on Saturday that babies movement has reduced and this has continued for the next few days. I had another really quiet night last night ( normally baby is having a party in there around bedtime), so decided to call maternity triage this morning. Was monitored with a CTG and everything looks fine. Looks like baby was in a different position which is common before 30 weeks she said.
Midwife was lovely and so kind. Feeling thankful for our NHS, that people are there 24 hours a day and we don't have to worry about how much it will cost.

Horrible news today, can't believe what has happened in Manchester. So sad for the poor families. :(

Ahh all these naughty babies hiding and misbehaving! Glad everything was okay for you though :) I know we have all moaned about certain aspects of the NHS but can you imagine how expensive this whole process would be without it?!
It would be very expensive lol.

Is anyone else struggling with the heat yet? It's been so hot here, can't hang washing out without sweating buckets and I just can't breathe there's no air!! Lol. Xx
Massively struggling with heat here, I've started slathering anti perspirant on at night so I'm not a sticky mess the following day.

24 week mw appt today, can anyone remind me what happens at it please? I've gone blank!

My appointment oonly took 5 mins.. used doppler to check on baby, asked how I was feeling, asked for pee but couldn't go that's it really x
Soooo I don't think it was the brazil nuts making me have a bad belly.
Is it normal to go 24 weeks constipated then just change to having the runs daily for over a week? I can't deal with it omg :oooo: the cramping that comes with it is awful!!! :( x
It's normal for bowel movements to change but I don't know if it's normal for it to change that much? Maybe review what you're eating - I couldn't eat chicken after 20 weeks in previous pregnancies as I'd be so I'll, but this one seems to be ok. No rhyme or reason for it, might be something similar maybe? I don't know.

All went well at appt, BP and urine fine which is a relief with the swelling. Back at 28 weeks and then appts will be fortnightly to monitor BP. Happy enough with that, I just hope my BP stays down and my urine stays clear

Ugh the heat. It's fine at home but at work it's horrible. I put the ac on and then someone moans and turns it off. It's like a constant battle :( :(

Glad your appt went well kumber x

Afternoon ladies, hope all is well?

Pb- love bargains, so much of the stuff we have is ebay it's amazing the quality stuff that can be picked up isn't it x

Hey spuds, Good luck with your test xx glad the scan went well, how was it seeing your LO in 4d?

Went to the babyshow yesterday, got the last few bits and finally picked the pram and collected it today. I can't believe we will have a baby in that soon


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In a weird sort of way (as it took so long to get the pics) it felt really nice and as though I was spending time with the baby - what I mean in, I was holding my stomach to help the placenta move out of the way of its face and the baby would move. Feeling the move and seeing the move on the screen made it all the more magical somehow. Hard to explain.
GTT is tomorrow - urgh, not looking forward to that, but I'm sure all will go ok.
Ugh the heat. It's fine at home but at work it's horrible. I put the ac on and then someone moans and turns it off. It's like a constant battle :( :(

Glad your appt went well kumber x

You have my full empathy - it's exactly the same at my place, although it's more of a desk fan and only circulating air but none the less, I get "the looks" !!

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