Thanks Rose, that's a lot of info.
I'm not sure what happens at the appointment tbh, I guess I'll be told everything then. Though I don't like the way that it's just like ring up for results and then worry about it for nearly a week
I'm glad I rang back and spoke to a midwife though, even if she wasn't one that works in that area. I will mention the fact I had a cold, my mum (ex midwife) thinks it may have made a difference.
I don't know how raised mine is in comparison to other people that have it, does it mean it's mild? Idk? I guess I have to wait until the appointment to find out more, I guess it's not urgent because I haven't been told to do anything in the meantime. I don't do well without knowing all the info lol, and not a lot was given to me before or during the appt. Maybe the way they did it for you was better, if a little annoying!
Is it just the sugar in food I need to look for? Or total carbs? Like the pitta bread I had at lunch had 1g of sugar but 30g of carbs! I'm pretty good at the dieting to lose weight thing (which is why I'm not a huge fan of lecturing) but obviously this is different? The last couple of weeks I've naturally cut back on lots of sugary things anyway, I just haven't fancied things a lot and my appetite isn't huge.
I have had my blood sugar tested before (not with a GTT) and it has always been low! I haven't put on loads of weight either so I guess I was just a bit surprised as well. I've been really lucky so far and pregnancy has been easy for me, so I think maybe it was too good to be true! I know I'm overweight and I feel like I've brought this on myself
I have calmed down a bit about it now, I guess I needed to get my head around it. I don't want him to be poorly or too big. I guess they won't let me go overdue now either? Which is a definite silver lining, gotta stay positive lol.