All my fingers and toes crossed for you ladies, Kiwi and PeanutButter, that babies stay put 'till they're at the safest point! Hugs ladies, I have faith in all of you and our babies
And for you Jill, everything crossed that everything will continue going well, despite the tough times you've had. Good babyboy, glad he's turned on his own for his mummy and he's growing well

Elspeth my lovely, sending you even more virtual, big hugs! Forget about work now, they occupied enough of your life and stressed you out enough already, I am actually relieved for you that maternity leave has started. Now you can focus on what really matters, your precious family, new baby and new home you are working towards creating for them. Again, one step at a time and it will all work out in the end and we'll finally settle in our new nests.
What lovely nct friends you have! I can tell they're doing this for you cause a wonderful person too and it's the least you deserve! Please enjoy your treatment fully, you owe it to yourself and your babies. Cause happy mummy==happy babies
We have been packing...we're perhaps about one third of the way I think...the house still doesn't look like we've packed much! I keep telling myself as long as we've made a good start and keep chipping away at it, we will get there!
I have my nhs consultant appointment tomorrow and stressing that he'll feel I'm undermining the care that I get

I am annoyed that I feel this way, I should be much more confident. I could even complain if I wanted to. And he is a professional and should take it professionally. And I shouldn't really care cause it's my baby's life. But I do

Hopefully they won't make it awkward for me and just agree to c-section. My hubby keeps correcting me if I say elective c-section, he insists I should only call it c-section for medical reason. As that's what it is. So I am taking him with me tomorrow at the appointment!
Finished mine and baby's hospital bags. Just in case baby decides to come earlier. A friend reminded me I should do a little bag for my toddler too, so I won't have to look last moment for pyjamas, change of clothes, perhaps snacks? etc. so I won't panic last moment putting it together. I feel so guilty I didn't even think of that. What are other mummies doing? My friend will look after him and possibly have him overnight IF I go to labour at night - otherwise, and esp. in the case of a planned c-section, I guess hubby will pick my toddler up to bring him back home for bedtime. Do I even make sense...? Never done this with a toddler before! What will other mummies pack for their toddlers? xx
Love to all of you and your bumps
from me and my coconut xx lol