August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Elspeth thanks she's been moving a little more last day or so nothing like she was though. She doesn't have a 'pattern' and does what ever she wants. Lol
Oo spa day sounds lovely, especially when you have no work to go back to!! Enjoy the time off :) x

Awhh kiwi sorry it's dropped again :( glad they're keeping an eye on you. My dr said if babys come early it's best to get to 34 weeks your nealry there! Hopefully can make it another 4 and be full term! X
All my fingers and toes crossed for you ladies, Kiwi and PeanutButter, that babies stay put 'till they're at the safest point! Hugs ladies, I have faith in all of you and our babies :hug:

And for you Jill, everything crossed that everything will continue going well, despite the tough times you've had. Good babyboy, glad he's turned on his own for his mummy and he's growing well :) xx

Elspeth my lovely, sending you even more virtual, big hugs! Forget about work now, they occupied enough of your life and stressed you out enough already, I am actually relieved for you that maternity leave has started. Now you can focus on what really matters, your precious family, new baby and new home you are working towards creating for them. Again, one step at a time and it will all work out in the end and we'll finally settle in our new nests.

What lovely nct friends you have! I can tell they're doing this for you cause a wonderful person too and it's the least you deserve! Please enjoy your treatment fully, you owe it to yourself and your babies. Cause happy mummy==happy babies :hugs:

We have been packing...we're perhaps about one third of the way I think...the house still doesn't look like we've packed much! I keep telling myself as long as we've made a good start and keep chipping away at it, we will get there!

I have my nhs consultant appointment tomorrow and stressing that he'll feel I'm undermining the care that I get :( I am annoyed that I feel this way, I should be much more confident. I could even complain if I wanted to. And he is a professional and should take it professionally. And I shouldn't really care cause it's my baby's life. But I do :( Hopefully they won't make it awkward for me and just agree to c-section. My hubby keeps correcting me if I say elective c-section, he insists I should only call it c-section for medical reason. As that's what it is. So I am taking him with me tomorrow at the appointment!

Finished mine and baby's hospital bags. Just in case baby decides to come earlier. A friend reminded me I should do a little bag for my toddler too, so I won't have to look last moment for pyjamas, change of clothes, perhaps snacks? etc. so I won't panic last moment putting it together. I feel so guilty I didn't even think of that. What are other mummies doing? My friend will look after him and possibly have him overnight IF I go to labour at night - otherwise, and esp. in the case of a planned c-section, I guess hubby will pick my toddler up to bring him back home for bedtime. Do I even make sense...? Never done this with a toddler before! What will other mummies pack for their toddlers? xx

Love to all of you and your bumps
from me and my coconut xx lol
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H4R my OH's sister will be having my two. With my little boy I was booked in for induction at 8am so she just came and picked up my daughter then with an overnight bag and travel cot. We weren't sure how she'd be overnight as she had never stayed away from home but she was fine and in fact ending up staying a second night as I wasn't coming home and she was asking to stay with her aunt again. So I know she'll be fine this time. However my little boy is a whole other story. He won't even settle at home if it's not me that picks him up so he is going to be a nightmare. He doesn't sleep through the night so he'll definitely wake and make their lives hell. I'm pretty worried about how distressed he is going to be to be honest. I think if there is any way my partner can end up being there at bedtime or not having to leave him overnight then I think he will take the option. I'll have a bag packed for them both though x
Ohhh Rose I understand and feel for you! My toddler still wakes up in the night (not every night, we have some good nights, then some bad nights, so he's unpredictable :( ) - and he always needs me to comfort/hold his hand in order to get back to sleep.
My other main worry is that I am potty training him and although he seems ready and he's slowly but steadily progressing and doing well bless him, I have no idea how he will behave toilet wise in another environment without me around. Might be a nightmare for my friend! Thankfully she's a mummy too and she's ever so understanding and sympathising! It's my only comfort in the case that my toddler has a bad day/night when she has him. Soooo many changes for him! New sibling, new house, he might even regress and I'm trying to prepare myself for it...

Fingers crossed for both of us! And all other mummies with similar issues! That our toddlers/babies do end up having good days/nights when that time comes xx

Love to everyone xx
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Had my scan, shes measuring over the chart lines now! And nearly 5lbs :shock: they're a little concerned about it. Her belly is rally big at 34 weeks I think.
Anyway they were asking about movement again at 2 pm and i said she's not moved since 9 am and said they want me to be monitored so sent me to mau again. Tried drinking coke which has helped she's moving a little abit but apparently need to be monitored still. I'm quite worried what they'll say after last time :( I feel like a nuisance now to everyone, ikno it's best for baby though. Xx
What a chunky baby you have in there PB! I hope all is okay though, let us know what happens.

Have another scan tomorrow too, hoping that he's still an average size! X

Aww PB never ever feel like a pest. I know you must be fed up keep going in but they are obviously concerned enough to keep monitoring you so you are in the best place. Have they said why they think baby is big? X
Hope your scan goes well Charli :)

They don't know why she's so big. I think I might ask for another GTT though :/ but isn't the head supposed to be the biggest part? Cos it's not it's her belly :oooo:
I eat fairly healthy meals but I do snack on junk to but not more than I expect from anyone else... I mean I've lost weight from my legs, arms, back, chest so idk. My weight hasn't moved for a few weeks either. I'm a little worried tbh. X
Sorry, jumping in from July thread!

Just wanted to say that my LO's AC measurement is very large too (Over the 95th) and I don't have GD either! Everything else is measuring fine he just has a big belly!! lol Apparently it's not uncommon and the consultant wasn't worried at all.

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Thanks July bug makes me feel better.
Finally home. The Dr said there's nothing they can do because they don't know why I keep feeling reduced movement and I should wait a few more hours and try to get her moving before calling :shock: I was shocked cos they always tell you to come straight in normally. There was talk of me.being induced at 37 weeks depending on how I go :/ I think the midwife over herd what he said and when he left she told me to come.straight back in if I'm having problems again. I asked about babies size and he said its juts a big baby. :/ fair enough.
You know when you have a scan and on the result page with growth etc there's a thing that says umbilical artery is this blood flow to baby? X
Yes I believe it is PB, I think it's a ratio or something like that? Her being big is a good thing if they do want to induce you at 37 weeks, cos the bigger she is the stronger she'll be :) It sounds like that might be getting more likely because of the issues that you're having, it must be really worrying not to feel her :( Definitely go back in, the consultant can't say that, the one time you (or anyone) don't go in it might be when it really matters! Even if you have to go every day it's worth it, though I'm sure its a pain in the arse!

Thanks :) I followed the line on the little chart thing from 30 weeks and if he's followed it he'll be about 5lb 5, which seems so big!! But only 6 weeks left today, eek. As of Saturday we can officially say I'm having a baby next month :shock::shock::shock::shock:
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That's what I thought. You know you get the little chart thing next to it ? Mines like really low nearly off the chart low... they didn't say anything tho its 0.55 :/ I tried to Google but I don't understand it.

5.5lbs wow where are all these big babies coming from?! Aha. 6 weeks is such a short amount of time :shock: if I'm having mine induced we could have them close together! Heh. Ikno I've been looking at out calendar saying a few more days we can tell people next month aha! X
PB she may have just had a growth burst but the main thing is atleast they are monitoring you making sure that you and baby are safe and healthy. Definitely I positive thinking if she is measuring bigger and they want her to come early she will be stronger and a fighter 🙂

I had my growth scan today and he weighs 5lb 5 which I can't believe! I've got 6 weeks 6 days left now 🙂
Couldn't have said it any better than MissCharli, PeanutButter! :hug:

Had my consultant appointment this afternoon girls...

Vaginal delivery not possible. Mass restricting the pelvic outlet.
Planned c-section at 38 weeks.
Plus removal of mass at same time. Unless they find it to be too firmly embedded/attached to uterus (or to anything else) hence risking excessive bleeding. In that case they'll leave it and remove it later some time after birth.

Waiting for a phonecall tomorrow (if not tomorrow, then Monday) to give me the exact date. So any day from 19th July....

Eeeeeeek girls!!! I am having a baby in THREE WEEKS!!! :shock: omg omg OMG!!!
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Omg three weeks!!! Wow. Sorry about not being able to a vaginal birth but hopefully they can remove it when your having a section instead of having to go through another hospital stay and more pain than you need! Eekk exciting how everyone is getting so close. Xx
5lb 5 would put him at the 50th percentile PB, so while it sounds huge it's normal apparently! Eek haha. Mine was low but sorta like 1/4 of the way along I think? I think if it was an issue they'd have mentioned it x

Ah we're all pretty similar then Rach! Can't believe it's getting so close.

Eek H4R!! Sounds like you've got a sneaky July baby in there! I'm guessing you'll be first then! X

Oh, I need to remember that I'm far behind everyone else aha. Least he's on average then :)

Be so exciting when the first one is born! X
Three weeks H4R!!! Eeek!

They are supposed to put on half a pound a week from around now so if you have 5lb ones in there with 6 weeks to go it looks like you'll have 8lbers. My first was 8lb 8oz born on day after due date. She was still teeny to look at x
Had my scan and clinic appt this morning. Seemed all good to me, he was a bit bigger this time, on 69th percentile and his tummy was bigger. But they weren't concerned.

Allowed to drop to doing 2 blood readings a day, yay! But they still want him to come no later than my due date, so I'm gonna be induced at 1030 on 8/8! Eek!!


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