August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Got everything crossed for you that all is ok and she's just having a growth spurt or just a lazy day! Well done for going to hospital, please keep us posted :hug:
PB - hope everything is okay, let us know and like Hoping4rainbow says hope she is just resting or having a growing day xx

Beautiful bump Charli. xx

Kiwi lovely to hear from you.

Rose- are you feeling better today. Sometimes a good cry is just what is needed x

Sorry not had chance to reply/catch up with everyone x sending you all lots of hugs xx

Thanks. I tried for 4-5 hours to get her going but nothing worked. I'm fed up of going tbh. Got here lay in bed to be monitored and she started rolling around. :whistle: felt so silly. As long as she fine that's what matters lol. Got seen pretty much straight away which is unusual! X
PB hope she is all alright! Atleast you went to the hospital that's the main thing and they have checked everything is all alright with her 😁 Rose hope you are feeling alright today. How is your little girls room coming on? Lovely bump misscharli! I can't believe we all have less than 10 weeks to go which is scary 😵 Especially how quick the time seems to be going! I can't believe another weekend has gone already!
Hi ladies, PB glad everything is ok!

Feeling better today, yesterday was such a long day and hard work. Had to go to my niece's first birthday without my other half who was working. My little boy spent the morning screaming with teething pain, I was over tired and emotional and my parents were arriving and the house was a disaster so it was all a bit much. Thankfully once we got to the party and my parents were there they helped me out as they could see from the size of me that I was struggling (my brother and his wife who are selfish arseholes didn't help at all).

My little girl's room is looking great now the carpet has been laid. My OH built the bed (after a lot of grumping around) but I've still to make curtains before she can go in there (huge Windows so you can't just buy off the shelf). She absolutely loves going in it though which is so cute.

Took a photo of my bump last night and compared it with one I took the night before my son was born and there is barely any difference in size so I'm going to be pushing the midwife for a growth scan as that's ridiculous with 9 weeks still to go and him being a 10lb baby! X
Glad your feeling better rose :) I would definitely ask for scans! I'm also worried about mine being to big, last scan I had she said we need to keep an eye on her size! No one wants to push out a 10 lbs baby aha!!

I have to go in for a scan tomorrow... they didn't say anything about her on the monitor, they're concerned about the fluid around baby.
Also has anyone been struggling to breathe? Sometimes I can't and I feel faint and my arms go numb, idk if this could affect her?
Thanks guys :) I still feel like I'm not huge? I'm kinda glad though cos I feel self conscious sometimes. Especially cos I'm short and I kinda assume people think I'm younger than I am! Not sure why I really care tho tbh. Ha.

Glad she was okay PB and I hope the scan goes well. I think it's normal to get breathless but maybe not to that extent? I'd mention it if you see someone tomorrow x

Bit crap that you ended up doing the work for your nieces birthday rose, doesn't seem fair! Fingers crossed your bump is mostly waters instead of another big baby, though I guess that's not likely! X

PB I had a scan with last baby as they were worried about two much water, one scan showed there seemed to be a bit too much but then two weeks later it was normal so even if they say there's something abnormal it can resolve quickly.

Struggling to breathe is fairly normal unless it's getting kind of scary. But I walk upstairs and am out of breath. Basically baby pushes everything so far up in your body that your lungs are being squished. I went for a facial at about 35 weeks with one of my pregnancies and almost passed out on the bed because I was lying on my back and the baby was pushing on my lungs and I didn't realise how much until I started to feel faint! X
Bump isn't looking quite as big as the other night but I have photographed from the other side and I always look a bit smaller this side I think x


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Hi all sorry I have been mia again! Been a tough few weeks with this boy with a few emergency trips for lack of movement. I am finding the Midwifes are lovely at the hospital but the doctors seem to treat you like crap. The baby was breech and we were about to go for our appointment to turn him when we discovered the wee mite did it all by himself!! Growth wise he is doing good but I don't think I have much longer to go. Atleast my bp has stayed semi ok with a few raised days and my gestational diabetes has been easier to manage so far. Hope everyone is doing good! Not long now!!

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Glad he is behaving now Jill. Nope not long left at all!!

My scan was OK but she still being stubborn and not moving so the scan place sent me back to the mau. I had a little blood when I wiped this morning so the Dr wanted to examine me which was came back ok apparently I have a weird shaped cervix tho he said it won't affect anything tho. He said if I carry on experienceing reduced movement I'll be induced because of my mcs so if it happens again they might wanna bring baby too soon :( Looking at inducing me earlier than 40 now anyway.
I also always find a way to make a fool of myself to xD they asked me to pee in a pot so I did and when I tried to bring it out my legs it got caught on my fat and spilled all over my jeans :oooo: so had to walk around with piss over me never been so embarrassed. Then the Dr was like yeah examination! Ughhh why am I so clumsy xD x
(Gatecrashing the August thread!)

Sorry to hear you're not having a great time of it, PB. I hope everything goes well with you and the little one xx
Think our babies are all trying to give us a tough time lately, and looks like there could be a good few of us with early babies. Just wanted to send you all some love and hope we all get some good news soon enough xxx
Haha oh no PB, sometimes you just gotta laugh or you'll cry! It sounds like they are looking after you now though, even if she comes early she should be okay, and that's better than the alternative. We're all so close now, I kinda feel relaxed about any issues that crop up, just because I know that if he was born now he'd be fine.

Glad that everything has been okay Jill. We do seem to have a naughty bunch of babies on here! How has GD been for you? Are you still doing it by diet?
Haha oh no PB, sometimes you just gotta laugh or you'll cry! It sounds like they are looking after you now though, even if she comes early she should be okay, and that's better than the alternative. We're all so close now, I kinda feel relaxed about any issues that crop up, just because I know that if he was born now he'd be fine.

Glad that everything has been okay Jill. We do seem to have a naughty bunch of babies on here! How has GD been for you? Are you still doing it by diet?

We certainly do!! The GD has actually been easier this time. I'm on one metformin tablet at night but that has really kept the sugars down. I haven't been good all the time either... I couldn't really say no to sticky toffee pudding at my best friends wedding could I?! The nurses are always so nice too when I'm honest and tell them why I've had high ones. It's hard when all I've craved is sugar this pregnancy. How are you getting on?

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We certainly do!! The GD has actually been easier this time. I'm on one metformin tablet at night but that has really kept the sugars down. I haven't been good all the time either... I couldn't really say no to sticky toffee pudding at my best friends wedding could I?! The nurses are always so nice too when I'm honest and tell them why I've had high ones. It's hard when all I've craved is sugar this pregnancy. How are you getting on?

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That doesn't sound too bad then. At the end of the day we're only human and pregnant! Sometimes cake is the only answer :lol:

Mine has been fine, still on diet controlled and I haven't had an appointment about it for nearly 4 weeks. In the just over a month I've had 3 high readings I think, the highest was 8.3. So I'm hoping they will let me stop when I see them Friday? Maybe wishful thinking!

Thanks ladies. Still not feeling her much but they've booked me in for another scan on Thursday for water levels again. I'm worried about going in tbh. Scared about them making me have her early ikno it's for the best but still scarey. She only has to go another 6 weeks. Hopefully she can make it!

Glad you're diabetes is better this ttime Jill. Who can refuse toffee pudding ever aha?! X
Oh PB, I hope all is ok. Sounds like they are monitoring closely which is good.
How has your baby girl been today?

Nice to have you back Jill. Sorry to hear you've had a tough time if it. Will they continue to monitor you and induce you at some point or will you go in to labour naturally. That's excellent news he's turned and great he's growing well.

Last day at work today. Feeling so rubbish and demoralised. I've struggled so much lately and feel so crap at my job. I wish I could be a bit kinder to myself. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow feeling better.

Thanks H4R for your virtual hug. How's the moving going? Sending hugs back. I've barely started and already I feel like I'm loosing my mind.

My lovely nct friends I am leaving behind have organised a surprise spa day for me on Sunday. The thought is cheering me up but also making me want to cry more.
I am a hormonal mess.

Back from scan today and again my fluid had dropped more. They are just keeping a watch but the worry is horrible to live with, just wish baby was here now, alothough I know would be a little early, at least I could see they were safe :) hope all you mummy's are getting on okay, and babies are behaving. Xxx

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