August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Will try and take a pic a bit later when I've managed to take up the curtains :) Next on my to do list!

Spent most of this afternoon in an outdoor pool we have down on the seafront, it was lush! I think it was about 28 degrees earlier which is ridiculous. I live on the south west coast but cos of where we are we don't usually get it so hot! Bought a floor fan for the bedroom earlier, our bedroom is definitely the hottest room of the house and it's been horrible the past few nights. Not looking forward to work this week, no one likes the ac on :(

Hope the tests go okay Tasha. I did have a quick google (sorry I'm too curious!) and it doesn't sound like it's anything too serious. But hopefully they will be able to tell you more tomorrow x
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Hope everyone has been alright the last few days. Sorry for being quiet I feel like I have been none stop busy! PB I hope you are feeling better now and your hubby makes a speedy recovery. I'm also getting growth scans and at my midwife appointment I asked why they weren't going to measure my stomach and they said because I am getting growth scans it is way more accurate than them measuring and it would be counter productive.

Rose Im so sorry about your furbaby its always horrible when they leave us as they are such a big part of the family.

Misscharli I love the nursery painting I can't wait to see the final finish :)

Tashap I dont know how you managed to go swimming even at 8:30.

I hope all of yous have managed in the heat this weekend. I have been absoloutley wiped out by it! I was awake at 5 to 5 yesterday morning due to the heat so I decided to build some furniture haha.

Have anyone else done anything for their OH for fathers day? I booked a 4d scan and surprised him.

It was amazing and I will put some pictures on when my phone has charged :D I even got a heart beat bear :blue:

My OH was dubious about the 4D scans as he said he thought he would look like an alien but little legs didnt, he even has really cute chubby cheeks :D He was awkward at first with his hands, feet and cord in front of his face so we had to go for a walk and have lots of sugar!
Ah that sounds really lovely Rach :) kinda wish we had a 4d scan now. The bear sounds good, I take it that it plays the sound of it? Such a lovely memento :)

Sorted the curtains out so here's a few pics of it all done! Just need to buy a lampshade (which seems to be really hard in navy!).


The lamp is a colour changing remote controlled one! So happy it's done now. Feels like it's been a slog!

Tash your ALT is one of your liver function tests, I imagine they're checking for potential cholestasis due to your itching x
Misscharli the nursery looks fab and you still could they do them until 34 weeks the company I used. Yeah they recorded his heartbeat while doing the scan and then put it in a bear 🐻 I'm wanting to give it to him so he has something from when he was still in mummy's tummy.


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Rach those pictures are amazing, was a cutie x I'm loving swimming at the moment it's really helping with swelling but the first 10 minutes are really hard.

Thanks mummytbe0817 - I'm just here and they confirmed it's the test for Obstetric Cholestasis although the previous one was clear and I've stopped itching but they were elevated on Thursday

Misscharli it's so beautiful and looks super calm.

In a lovely hospital bed and being well looked after just waiting for the blood results x

Ah those are great photos and I love the bear idea!

Hope you're okay Tasha xx

The heat has finally caught up with me and I have elephant feet :( according to my baby monitor it is currently 29 degrees in my bedroom! Ugh!

Rach, aww he looks so scrummy!! :cloud9: xx

Tasha, sending hugs to you and so pleased you're being looked after :hug: Hope the results are ok xx

MissCharli, the room looks wonderful, you have done such a great job! You should be so pleased and proud! And the curtains are a perfect fit! Did you have to alter them or reordered them in the end? xx
My legs are affected by the heat too, I have cankles! :sick:

On the south coast too, 27.5 in my toddler's room. Poor little man is sleeping almost naked and even a sheet on him is making him sweat so much, now I've pulled that off of him too! Windows open not making a single bit of difference as there is absolutely no breeze! xx
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Thanks H4R :) I had to take down the hem in the end which gave another 2.5 inches, ish. I kinda wish I'd just paid the extra for the long ones tbh! But it was double the price, about £50!

Yep also have cankles. A bit better now I stuck my feet in ice water and elevated them though. Was very strange, glad I wore flip flops all day!

Nope not a breeze to be found. I hope this weather breaks soon!

Went to London to see private Dr today as I haven't been seen for so long (my midwife changed my appointment originally planned for as soon as I'd return from abroad to a different time I couldn't make, and I've been leaving messages on her voicemail for a week and a half to try to rearrange it but she is not responding to me, called the maternity centre spoke to another midwife there who kindly offered to try and book something for me looking at my midwife's calendar, but could only find me one in two weeks' time! So said it's better to keep trying to arrange one with her and that she would also let her know I am looking for her! ...To think that these appointments are so crucial for me as they are meant to monitor me between my consultant appointments. E.g. according to NHS consultant, bigger fundal measurement could mean more fluid, which could indicate baby could also have my son's condition, intestinal atresia! So I'd be sent for an extra scan to get checked.)

The worrying thing though is that I've never ever seen the same midwife twice anyway! Every time someone else replaced my assigned midwife, and every time happens to be a different person that I see for the first time. Which means I have to repeat my stuff over and over and I feel it's pointless as it cannot really be properly followed up. When a different midwife every time just jots down in my notes whatever I tell her and then just hands my folder back to me!

Dr was very frustrated that my consultant has only been monitoring the growth of that mass of mine when its actual position is also so crucial. He unfortunately found it to be so so low, that natural birth is absolutely impossible. He says there is no way the mass will move now as everything has already grown loads and uterus, ovaries and everything have been pulled upwards, but the mass hasn't been pulled up with them, so that's where it will stay now 'til the end.

So he wrote a report for nhs where the words OBSTRUCTION, and IMPOSSIBLE natural birth are in capital letters. Accompanied by a shocking scan of the baby's head, my cervix and the large mass right behind it, already obstructing it. The baby won't even have a chance to drop properly into my pelvis, let alone travel though an obstructed birth canal.

Very gutted as I was dreaming of a natural water birth to follow hypnotherapy techniques, like with my previous baby...BUT I also need to plan as I have a toddler to consider and look after too. NHS consultant said there is no point planning for a c section until close to the end, close to birth - but if things aren't gonna change, why leave me hanging, unable to plan?? Letting me even think (when I specifically asked) that I can even try giving birth naturally first before considering c section?? I would love to try naturally first, but never if baby is to get distressed, never at the risk of my baby's life!

I'm so so sorry for the monster of a post/huge rant girls :oops: seems I really needed one, it's been a while lol

Thank you for listening and love to all of you xx
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Sorry to hear all of that H4R, and how frustrating :( at least you know now, but you shouldn't have had to see a private dr to get proper care!

Sadly I think it's quite common to not see the same midwife, I've seen the same one twice and then every other one has been different. It's not really the continuity of care that you expect, and I'm sure that's even more important for you.

Are you able to complain that you haven't been able to contact your mw or book an appointment? It's just not good enough that you haven't been able to be seen. Especially as you're clearly high risk.

H4R that's upsetting news for you and I agree you should never have had to have paid to see someone and get a proper idea of what's going on! I too have had experiences (my first baby) where I never saw the same midwife twice but then I wasn't high risk or clearly needing to be carefully monitored! Hope they let you plan for the c section now x
Charli, the room looks amazing! :)

H4r, is there a way to complain? You shouldn't have to pay for the care that is supposed to be there!
I usually see the same midwife, and did when I lived in West Midlands. Maybe there's a shortage of midwives in other places? Still doesn't make up for the fact they aren't seeing you though. I would say something to her when you do get an appointment! Sorry to hear about needing a c section can't you ask if you can try first if you want?

Rach beautiful pics hun!! X
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Thanks PB :)

It's clearly not a good week for pets... my mum text me to say that she had to get the cat put down because he had severe heart and kidney failure :( Totally out of the blue as he hadn't been poorly, just a bit old and frail :( I was about 9 when we got him so pretty devastated. Had a little cry in the loos at work ha :(
Aww misscharli I'm sorry - it's so heartbreaking :( mine was actually put down too as the vet told my mum he had had a pulmonary embolism and any treatment would only have a 5% chance of achieveinf anything and that he would be in a lot of pain :( x
Thank you girls xx
I can only hope now they won't get pissy that I went to see a private Dr :( but I had to right? I am not trying to undermine them, it's just that I was nervous as not being seen by midwife in 5 weeks feels like a long period for a high risk pregnancy right? (dual reason for high risk i.e. previous baby history plus uterine mass). It was the NHS consultant who said that, in between consultation appointments, a higher fundal measurement by midwife could send me earlier for a scan to check fluid levels! My original appointment was set for straight after I'd return from my trip abroad, so 3 weeks from when I had seen a midwife before I left - but with midwife rearranging it and then not being contactable through any other way than voicemail, the 3 weeks became 5!

Finally got a letter yesterday by midwife with new appointment arranged for Friday. I don't personally want a c section but based on what the Dr said, I will be requesting one. I would love to try naturally first but there is no way I am putting my baby through he risk of distress when the mass is so clearly obstructing the birth canal.

Oh no MissCharli :(
So so sorry to hear about the cat :( Sending big hugs your way xx My dad's dog died while we were staying at his a few weeks ago. I didn't even know her for more than a couple of days as he had only adopted her relatively recently, but I was devastated. I cried and even felt my stomach cramping that day :( But felt so thankful that my toddler is too young to understand and hadn't had time to bond with her! Made me feel like I don't ever want him to experience the hurt from the loss of a pet :( He asked where the doggy was the following day and I told him the doggy wasn't ours and had to go back to her mummy. Felt so sorry for my dad too, as I believe the love for and from animals is helping him to cope after my mum's death :( These creatures are so amazing and giving and too missed when gone xx

aww how sweet, what a lovely little profile! Perfection :) xx
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Thanks girls 🙂 I'm just worrying about his size thinking he is going to be big haha.

H4R I think you have every right to go see a private doctor from the way you have been treat by the NHS it's just a shame that you have to do that to get the best care possible for you and little legs!

Aww I'm so sorry misscharli ☹️

PB fab picture 😁 Pleased you managed to wear him down. My way around was because it's not like we are going to have another one and once he is out he isn't going back in lol 😂

Tashap I hope you are alright and the hospital are keeping a good eye on you 🙂
All these 3D scans are making me want one! Although I know half the reason behind that is there is still a tiny bit of me thinking they got the sex wrong lol.

H4R they have no right to be pissy with you when they've left you uncared for!

This heat has been killing me the last few days - just felt like I was melting and this is in Scotland where it's nothing like as hot as most of you have been experiencing! X
Thanks guys x feeling a bit better about it today.

That pic looks great PB, glad you managed to wear your oh down :p it'll be interesting to see how accurate they all are when they are born!

Tbh H4R I don't think they have any right to say anything or get pissy. It's your right to get care wherever you want! 5 weeks is definitely too long, my normal mw appointments are every 2 weeks now.

Much much cooler today, so hoping my feet go back to normal! So glad that the weather has broken, can't deal with the heat.


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