August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Don't worry misscharli - I'm 34, my OH is 35 and we've been together 10 years in September, 3 babies and he has still never proposed. It's almost like a family joke now! We've talked about getting married many times in terms of expecting one day to do it but he isn't very romantically inclined and I honesty can't see him doing some big proposal. I feel like it will end up being a half arsed 'well so will we just do it now then?' Lol x
Haha wow that is a long time to have not proposed! We have been engaged for 5 years, but it's never been a priority in terms of money and I'm not very bridal haha. I'd happily just elope, but he wants to do something a bit bigger with family. But I don't wanna not have the same name as him and the baby for very long, so will maybe try and convince him to do something small next year! We'll see...
One of my friends invited everyone to a naming ceremony for her second child in February but when we all got there it was actually their wedding - that was pretty cool. (I knew beforehand).
I think we think we'd like a small one but when we've actually talked about who we'd invite we easily get up to 100 people. He is an events manager so at least when we do he'll do all the stressful stuff and know how to get things cheaper but I could be waiting a long time! X
Ahh that is such a good idea, love it! Might float it past the OH :) See I know I would end up organising everything cos that is not OHs strong point (though I reckon I could rope in my step mum cos she loves all of that).

A girl I work with had her baby 6 weeks ago, is moving house in 2 weeks and is getting married pretty much in secret in 4 weeks! I'm the only person she's told from work cos she doesn't want any fuss. I am a little jealous that it's that easy for her! ha.
Ahhhhh weddings are just stressful... I really wish we just went on an expensive holiday and got married in secret cheaply. We spent around 10k on ours. Had nose bleeds and everything because of the stress lol.
Wedding bells maybe next year then?

Had another scan today my proper growth scan, shes 3.9 lbs already. Woman said she's growing faster than they'd like and need to keep an eye on her. She's measuring between 30 & 32 weeks. Idk why they haven't changed my due date because she's constantly measured at least 1 weeks ahead. Xx
PB they never change due date from what they decide at the 12 week scan. Once that is established they are using that to judge whether you are bigger than you should be. You're similar to me, my measurement based on them measuring my bump is two weeks ahead. When I'm seen again at 32 weeks I'm sure I'll get sent for a scan x
PB I totally agree about weddings - the smaller the better and have an amazing holiday after.

Glad scan went well, it's very good they are keeping an eye on her but like you say you've been musuring ahead all the way through. When are you back?

I've just come back from the hospital, it seems I will be having these appointments weekly, seen midwife, two consultants, Diabetes nurse and the dietician! They have started me on insulin as they don't think I can make any other changes to my diet.

How is everyone doing? X

Ah we'd never be able to spend 10k on it! I know that isn't even that much by today's standards, but I'd rather only spend about a grand :lol: I'm all about the honeymoon! Even if we have to take baby with us haha.

Glad your scan was okay though :) Sounds like you're growing her well in there! But your GD test was negative so that's good, it might be that she slows down a bit over the next few weeks. Or they could be completely wrong, they are just good guesses and not 100% accurate. But good they will keep an eye on her x

Ouch that sounds tough Tashap, they didn't wait very long before doing that! Do they not do metformin at your hospital? I was told they would try that first if I couldn't do it with diet. That is also a lot of professionals! At least they are looking after you. Have you had a growth scan yet?
Oh tashap that's a shame. At my hospital they said (when we were being tested) that only a very few people get out on insulin as it really means they don't think they can control it any other way. But I suppose at least you know it's controlled then and you are well looked after x
Pleased to hear they are looking after you and keeping a close eye on you and bubs Tasha, that's what matters, if insulin is the best option then so be it my lovely, you are being amazing doing whatever keeps your babe safe, don't forget that, sending big big hugs to you xx

Hope you are all well ladies, love to all of you xx
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Hi Lovelys, thank you xx

Apparently they decided against the metformin as my pre meal readings are high but following food if they had been in the ideal range then the increase would be fine. The consultant said it's better for the baby at this stage. I had a scan at 28 and have one at 32 weeks.

Thank goodness I'm off work as I don't know how I'd fit in these meals/snacks and appointments in.

What is everyone else up to? Can't believe we are getting so close now x

Ah tash sorry about the insulin :( but as long as baby is safe that's all that matters x

LOL Charli our budget was 3k xD soon added up! The honeymoon was by far the best bit tho wish we spent less on the wedding and had another week heh.
Yeah the woman ding my scan asked me of i had a gtt because she was so big. Lol according to the Internet her birth weight is 10+lbs xD my poor vag! Still.hoping for a little 7lb baby :p xx
Haha omg that's huge haha. Do you have a link to whatever you used? I wanna try guess mine :p

That makes sense Tasha, hopefully you don't find it too bad now x

I can try and find it again! I think it's basically 3 × from what the weight was at 30 weeks. Cos that's how much they're meant to gain in that time or something.

Just got back from.midwife and I am ranting...again aha. She was basically like if you saw the consultant yesterday why did you come? Well if I have an appointment I'm not just gonna not turn up. Anyways, she checked my 28 weeks bloods and I have low iron levels so need to take tablets so then she was like, didn't the consultant tell you this yesterday? Obviously not. So she said well it's good you came today then.
She asked me for urine sample which I took with me and said oh I just need to check it because you had something in it yesterday didn't you ... well no fker told me! But it was clear today. I had leukocytes in there yesterday I just Googled and apparently is something called painful bladder syndrome, if anyone had cared to ask me if I had pain when peeing I would have said yes! My bladder always hurts! Blahh. X

Oh was also told I most likely won't be able to give birth in the hospital I want/been arranged because consultant lead pregnancies have to give birth at the big hospital. :( wasn't happy hearing that. If I have no problems and the consultant says it's ok I'm.I'm.allowed to. But if I have to have section or be induced I have to go allllll the way to the other hosp. Lol x
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Ah well mine was 3lb 5... so 3x that is huge too! But my chart reckons about 8lb.

Ah that's really annoying... why wouldn't you turn up when you're told to?? Silly. They are really rubbish at saying if I have stuff in my wee too. I only noticed last time when I read my notes, they didn't do anything though!

Had my mw appointment just now as well and I also had leucocytes +++ so they are gonna send off a sample. Said it could be a uti or just normal. But won't know til Monday so I guess it's not urgent! Otherwise all was good. Though my tummy measured bang on 32 when at 29 it was 33! But it was a different midwife so she wasn't too worried and said it could just be different people doing it differently. Have another growth scan in 2 weeks anyway.

Hopefully you can give birth where you want. I only have one choice down here! Nearest other hospitals are like 45 miles in each direction!

Been to sainsburys today and got baby three a few bits in their sale! X


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I still haven't had my belly measured :eh: was you in a different position? But needing the loo and eating could have changed it to?
Oh i guess it's not serious then if it's in there?

Lol were all having huge babies by the sounds of it! Is any of your family doing the guessing game and putting bets on it I said no but can guess away... basically £1 to guess who ever is closest wins it all. My original guess was 7.2 ahahaha, hubby is guessing 10.8 :shock:

My consultant said baby has a pattern now, cos she doesn't move much she said she won't now. Utter BS lmao. Last 2 days she's crazy. She does what ever she wants by the looks of things lol.

Ooo rose they're nice. I wanna go baby shopping! Hubby says no we have too much heh.
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Ah very cute rose, love the fishy top! I'm not allowed to buy anymore :(

Oh that's weird... maybe they don't do it in your area? They put it on a graph and everything here. But yeah they weren't concerned cos I was having growth scans anyway and there's a huge degree of human error. The same person is supposed to do it each time but my usual midwife has moved to France for a year!

Haha I hope he's not too big. A that would hurt and b I don't wanna give birth to something that looks like a toddler ha! We haven't done that no, maybe we should :p

Yep babies generally do... mine doesn't have a pattern much except he sleeps at night when I do. Which is a win if that's the case after he's born! I'm trying not too stress about movements too much as long as I feel it throughout the day.

I haven't really bought much for the baby because I obviously have a full wardrobe of clothes from my son. The only things I've bought are where I know my son has been a completely different season to this little one. For example all my little boy's 3-6 month clothes are summer dungarees and things whereas this baby will be in the middle of Scottish winter!

PB I think it's fairly unusual for a first baby to be massively big. I wouldn't worry too much about the scan estimates, I know a lot of people who have said they were rubbish. Also known people who've said they were predicted 9lb babies and ended up with 7lb ones! X
I wrote a reply on the tapatalk app, and now it's disappeared :mad: So I guess I'll type it again:

Love the clothes Rose, esp the fishy top :) I'm not allowed to buy any more either! :(

Nope they always measure you laying down, either before/after they use the doppler. It's weird yours hasn't been done. But it's supposed to be done by the same person each time, and my usual midwife has now gone to live in France for a year!

I guess not, I think they mention it to you otherwise. Or at least I'd hope so.

I'm not expecting him to be big, esp now I've had a growth scan and I'll have another in 2 weeks. But like Rose said loads of people have said they are totally wrong, so I guess the only way to find out is to wait and see :p

I think babies always do what they want tbh! I don't really notice much of pattern with mine, other than he's usually asleep when I am at night, which I hope continues :lol: I do wish he would get out of my ribs though, makes me very uncomfortable especially as weeks go on. He is still sideways, with his back on my right side. He should start shifting soon... maybe?

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