I wrote a reply on the tapatalk app, and now it's disappeared

So I guess I'll type it again:
Love the clothes Rose, esp the fishy top

I'm not allowed to buy any more either!
Nope they always measure you laying down, either before/after they use the doppler. It's weird yours hasn't been done. But it's supposed to be done by the same person each time, and my usual midwife has now gone to live in France for a year!
I guess not, I think they mention it to you otherwise. Or at least I'd hope so.
I'm not expecting him to be big, esp now I've had a growth scan and I'll have another in 2 weeks. But like Rose said loads of people have said they are totally wrong, so I guess the only way to find out is to wait and see
I think babies always do what they want tbh! I don't really notice much of pattern with mine, other than he's usually asleep when I am at night, which I hope continues

I do wish he would get out of my ribs though, makes me very uncomfortable especially as weeks go on. He is still sideways, with his back on my right side. He should start shifting soon... maybe?