August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Amazing tips girls, thank you so much for refreshing my memory, I will work from your lists too xx

Awww Elspeth :( I could have written this :( Just returned from abroad with a toddler that could not be any more difficult at the moment and the travels/environment changes must have made his behaviour even more difficult. Moving out on the 5th of July and exactly as you said, have to pack my life away. Too confused/distracted/overwhelmed to even think where to start. Could not be feeling any less ready for the new baby :oops: Feeling so guilty for feeling like this too :( Haven't got relatives close to us either, will be relying on trusted friends that kindly offered to help out xx Any similar possibility for you?? xx
I know it will be tough for both of us my love, but I also know it will be worth it in the end, it must! We're trying to provide a better nest for our little families, it will take time and effort but we will get there. One step at a time. And deep breaths xx Sending you so many supportive hugs :hug:

Sending so much love to all of you wonderful mamas and mamas to be, you will be amazing when our babies arrive, I can tell. You are doing such an amazing job already.
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Misscharli in my hospital you would be given these tiny little pre made bottles of formula (all a new born needs) if you asked for them so I imagine all hospitals are the same. When you are breastfeeding baby is only getting colostrum in the first few days until your milk comes in so they are just getting a few drops out your boobs really. They might be latched on for hours of the day though while they do it and that's what tells your body to make the milk. When a baby is born it's timmy is the size of a small marble, by day three it's the size of a large marble (so still tiny) and milk comes in between day 3 and 5 so it's not like they need a lot to start with. So it's hard to tell if breast feeding is going to work for you until milk comes in unless you're having trouble like they won't latch. Those first few days are the hardest and of all the mums I've known that have tried to breast feed and given up its been because they just couldn't handle the first few days and feeling like the baby was getting no food. But honestly once milk comes in they get tons and pile on weight! X
Thank you for your kind words ladies.
It really means a lot. It is lovely to have our little group and to be going through this together, highs and lows.

H4R, so sorry you are in such a similar position to me. You are right, it will be worth it. I just need a plan of how I'm going to get through it!!
It feels so tough. I didn't anticipate how absolutely drained I'd feel
Because of having a child I don't get a moments peace.
Glad you are back safe from your time away.
I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Hopefully when we are settled in our new homes we can 'nest' and connect a bit more with our imminent arrivals.

The situation with the birth worries me as I don't want to do it on my own
I do have a friend who is 40 mins away who has offered to be on call.. Might also enquire whether I could bring my daughter to a birthing centre while we wait for family to arrive. Also I will see if I can find a childminder in my new area who can have her during the day a couple of days a week and then have her if an emergency situation arises. With this massive baby I'm growing I might end up with a planned section, that would be a lot easier to plan for.

So much to think about.
Wow thank you girls for all the advice regarding the hospital bag! I will definitely be going through the list making sure I put everything in that you's have mentioned! Hope you's have had a lovely weekend.

We bo Gut our furniture yesterday so now just have it to put up as it's all flat pack but we are not rushing just taking our time as it's not like he will be in his room for a while when he does arrive.

I'm currently in hospital as I have noticed his kicks aren't as hard as what they normally are and he is moving less so I phoned up just thinking it may be due to the codine I'm taking and apparently it's not. The midwife on the phone said codine doesn't affect baby until they are born.

And now I'm on the monitors he is performing moving and kicking around! Haha
Well done for phoning up re. change in his movement and so happy to hear he is performing now Rach xx Keep kicking around little babe!
Please let us know how it goes Rach, sending hugs xx

Have a good week August mamas, love to you and your bumps xx
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Ah Rach I hope all is okay :) glad to hear he was moving normally though! These babies do like to worry us!

Thank you for your kind words ladies.
It really means a lot. It is lovely to have our little group and to be going through this together, highs and lows.

H4R, so sorry you are in such a similar position to me. You are right, it will be worth it. I just need a plan of how I'm going to get through it!!
It feels so tough. I didn't anticipate how absolutely drained I'd feel
Because of having a child I don't get a moments peace.
Glad you are back safe from your time away.
I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Hopefully when we are settled in our new homes we can 'nest' and connect a bit more with our imminent arrivals.

The situation with the birth worries me as I don't want to do it on my own
I do have a friend who is 40 mins away who has offered to be on call.. Might also enquire whether I could bring my daughter to a birthing centre while we wait for family to arrive. Also I will see if I can find a childminder in my new area who can have her during the day a couple of days a week and then have her if an emergency situation arises. With this massive baby I'm growing I might end up with a planned section, that would be a lot easier to plan for.

So much to think about.

Yes Elspeth, you can take them with you. We will be doing so with our little ones

Glad he's moving normally again Rach :)

My gtt came back and all is fine. Was worried when they said she was 3lbs heh, just a big baby I guess.

Hope everyone is ok xx
Wow thank you girls for all the advice regarding the hospital bag! I will definitely be going through the list making sure I put everything in that you's have mentioned! Hope you's have had a lovely weekend.

We bo Gut our furniture yesterday so now just have it to put up as it's all flat pack but we are not rushing just taking our time as it's not like he will be in his room for a while when he does arrive.

I'm currently in hospital as I have noticed his kicks aren't as hard as what they normally are and he is moving less so I phoned up just thinking it may be due to the codine I'm taking and apparently it's not. The midwife on the phone said codine doesn't affect baby until they are born.

And now I'm on the monitors he is performing moving and kicking around! Haha

It was exactly the same when I was on the monitor Rachel. Baby had been really quiet for 2 days and then as soon as I got on the monitor baby moved 90 times in an hour!!
I think it happens all the time. It's really good to be reassured though. I felt so much better for getting checked over.
Thank you for your kind words ladies.
It really means a lot. It is lovely to have our little group and to be going through this together, highs and lows.

H4R, so sorry you are in such a similar position to me. You are right, it will be worth it. I just need a plan of how I'm going to get through it!!
It feels so tough. I didn't anticipate how absolutely drained I'd feel
Because of having a child I don't get a moments peace.
Glad you are back safe from your time away.
I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Hopefully when we are settled in our new homes we can 'nest' and connect a bit more with our imminent arrivals.

The situation with the birth worries me as I don't want to do it on my own
I do have a friend who is 40 mins away who has offered to be on call.. Might also enquire whether I could bring my daughter to a birthing centre while we wait for family to arrive. Also I will see if I can find a childminder in my new area who can have her during the day a couple of days a week and then have her if an emergency situation arises. With this massive baby I'm growing I might end up with a planned section, that would be a lot easier to plan for.

So much to think about.

Yes Elspeth, you can take them with you. We will be doing so with our little ones

Really Kumber.
That's great to hear
What happens then? They can stay with you while you wait for a relative/friend to come.
I know a quick labour is on the cards for you this time. This is the scenario that worries me, all my friends have had very speedy 2nd labours and I worry about getting to the hospital if I'm waiting for an hour + for childcare.

In all likelihood I'll have another longish labour or a planned induction but you never know.

I was born 50 mins after my mum's waters broke in bed. She just made it.
Thanks everyone! He seems back and happy again now lol but the hospital have had me back in for a scan just to make sure everything was alright and they were very happy with him. He is even practicing breathing already! He is head down so that may be the reason why his movements have changed as he has switch positions.
Really Kumber.
That's great to hear
What happens then? They can stay with you while you wait for a relative/friend to come.
I know a quick labour is on the cards for you this time. This is the scenario that worries me, all my friends have had very speedy 2nd labours and I worry about getting to the hospital if I'm waiting for an hour + for childcare.

In all likelihood I'll have another longish labour or a planned induction but you never know.

I was born 50 mins after my mum's waters broke in bed. She just made it.

I think it depends on the hospital or unit. Some will let you have them in the room, others will have them in a separate room with an auxiliary to keep an eye on them. I think I'll prefer to have my boys in the room with me, as I don't trust other people and they probably won't settle with anyone else but hubby

My two would go mental if they were left with someone they didn't know in a hospital! My little boy still doesn't even like being left with my OH or his aunt that much!

Been sitting down for about 45 minutes and getting uncomfortable stomach, can't decide if it's braxton hicks or baby has moved into a transverse lie (he was head down at one point) he also hasn't kicked me for a while so worrying a little bit but I'm sure he will wake up soon. Going to try a cold drink and give him a prod like they would when they put the monitors on seeing as that always seems to wake him up! X
Hope all is ok Rose and baby is just being sleepy
Hope the babe wokeup and gave you some strong, reassuring kicks Rose! Sending hugs your way xx
Thanks ladies, he has been moving around but not really giving big kicks apart from when I ate some chocolate cake he got a bit excited lol. He almost always goes crazy as soon as I get in bed and want to sleep which will be very shortly so will have to see! I've just lost the will to live setting up a new computer and have had to make my OH have a go before I throw it at something!
Seemed normal once I was in bed although I spent the whole night dreaming about movements! X
So pleased he is wriggling about again. These babies do like scaring everyone - do you think we will all have mischievous children?

Thanks for sharing the hospital bag info I was planning on asking you all what I should pack and then you all covered it.

Hope everyone is okay x

I can't believe our babies are being so naughty. I think I'm the only one who hasn't been worried yet (though I'll jinx it now... plenty of time left!). As usual mine is currently lodging his arse up under my ribs, I think he's gonna be a pest and not go head down properly!

OH and I went to our first antenatal class last night. It wasn't too bad, they squashed week 1 and 2 into one week cos they cancelled last week. So they skipped all the healthy eating and smoking stuff (yay... kinda bored of that now esp at 32 weeks nearly!). Instead it was kinda nice stuff about bonding with baby in the womb and we watched a bit of a DVD about how they develop after being born (which just happens to be the same DVD my mum has lent me from work...). I felt quite young though, cos it was an evening class I guess most of the people there had been at work during the day (like me) and they all seemed to be married!

Pretty sure I've got carpal tunnel syndrome, I think I've had it for a few weeks but hadn't really thought too much about it because I don't have tingly fingers. But it's getting worse and the backs of my hands are really sore now, as well as my knuckles! I realised at work earlier that if I stroke parts of my wrist it makes my hands hurt/tingle. Really odd! But nothing they can do about it apparently, though I'll mention it at my 31wk midwife appt on Thursday.

Hope you are all doing okay :)

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