~*~April Testing Thread~*~ 2 BFPS SO FAR!!!

Good luck MrsS15 :dust:

SebbiesMum I hope your cycle is ok x :dust:

Afm well I'm 10dpo & test was BFN. I stared at this thing from every angle and every light source possible! Lol. I thought I could see a shadow but my eyes are defo making things up, the strip is as white as snow!! Lol
Shall try again tomorrow:)
Good luck mrsS! And good luck to everyone else.

Cmon BFP's, we need more Christmas babies!
Im feeling awfully bloated, exhausted and woke up with a runny stuffy nose so Im praying it all leads to a BFP in a week or so!
Baby dust all xx
Cd35 and period due. Have got one test upstairs for the morning if Af doesn't come.
Got the most awful headache today
I've just had ivf/ICSI and today was transfer day. My official testing date Is the 21st of April so thought I'd pop myself down for then if that's okay :) not been on a testing thread for ages! Xx

Goodluck mrsS and all those still to test :)

And sorry to those who have had the dreaded witch darken their doorways

Updated to here
I'm due to test soon if af is late I'll buy a test but sick of wasting money on them lol
:witch:Well I'm out this cycle started bleeding tonight so that's it till next month good luck to those testing and see everyone who's out for April in the may thread :wave:
My mid month spotting only lasted a day so still in for now but haven't got to DTD much as hubby been working away. No idea if:when O'd, AF should be due on 36th if having another 36 day cycle so might test on. 24th, another 11 days to wait!

Good luck everyone testing hope to see some more BFPs on here soon xx
My AF due around 20th/21st so I have a while to wait too before testing. Like you summertime I am unsure about O'd. DTD as much as could fit in in the last two weeks.
Been feeling really crappy these last couple of days and feel a cold starting, sinus feels heavy and in general just feel yucky and drained - which I am hoping is a sign!
Hoping to see more April BFPs!xx
:wall2:Ok so I'm really confused.... started bleeding last night figured it was the witch arriving but was only a little when I wiped and a penny sized spot on the pad. When I woke this morning I was expecting to be bleeding properly lol but nothing. When I wipe its clean no blood on pad.... still cramping like it's af tho, can I just say I hate my body:wall2: guess if it doesn't restart by this afternoon I'll go buy a test when OH gets home from work, also we did dtd yesterday could that have caused me to bleed a little? It was fresh blood but watered down not like bright red but pink idk
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Might be IB mystery26. Sounds promising
Lots of baby dust to you
Just been to the loo and have a tiny bit of very faint pink discharge on my pants,very unlike AF so hope its not that as would be too early. Sorry if tmi! Trying not to get hopes up but i definitely feel my body is doing things,cant pinpoint it (along with sinus cold & some mild acne which i never get)but ive just felt out of sorts these past couple of days. Praying for baby dust everywhere!!x
Mines definitely af here with a vengeance now lol well onto may and hopefully a January baby
It's ok, the disappointment only lasts a day then I push myself forward onto the next cycle. I've learnt not to let it get to me ��
I'm waiting for AF on Monday. I've got sore nipples, nausea and just been feeling lethargic for the past few days. I'll put it all down to stress

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