~*~April Testing Thread~*~ 2 BFPS SO FAR!!!

Goodluck Sebbiesmum. Glad to hear you're going to try again. Hope you don't have to wait long. Goodluck everyone else left to test and sorry to hear about those who got bfn. I'm still trying but didn't get involved in the test thread this month as it was getting too much.
Looks like I am out for April..started spotting today and only ovulated around 10 days ago ( unless I am ovulating before I get my LH surge on my opks)
Well FF confirmed ov this morning with my temps. OH and I didn't dtd at all. I feel like I'm nagging at this point, every month asking if we're going to try... I give up.

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Well FF confirmed ov this morning with my temps. OH and I didn't dtd at all. I feel like I'm nagging at this point, every month asking if we're going to try... I give up.

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:( hugs xxx it can get so stressful

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Well FF confirmed ov this morning with my temps. OH and I didn't dtd at all. I feel like I'm nagging at this point, every month asking if we're going to try... I give up.

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I've had the same problem. Opk was positive and OH didn't want to because he had to get up early the next morning *bleh*
I think I'm definitely out this month
Could be ib? X

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It's got heavier and darker brown today so just the signs of af coming. Gutted. I want to have a melt down but not letting myself :wall2:
I'm sorry :(
If you feel you need to have the meltdown then do it, I used to do it! Let myself have a day/night of crying and feeling super sorry for myself and comfort eating lol then usually by day 2 or 3 I felt a little better. I also tried to change something each month to make me feel more productive like I was doing something towards helping that month to get a bfp. I'll probably do the same with changing something each month this time xxx

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I'm out this month.
AF came almost a week early and was barely anything. Normaly I have heavy periods, now just spotting for days, increadibly strange. Never had anything like it in my life, but must have been af as not pregnant and way past normal af day now, so yeah, on to the next month.
Gutted to have missed the last cchance of a 2017 baby :(
I'm experiencing lower back pain, pelvic pain, diarrhea (tmi) and tender breasts. AF due in 6 days so I hope I can get on with it so we can try again
Could be ib? X

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It's got heavier and darker brown today so just the signs of af coming. Gutted. I want to have a melt down but not letting myself :wall2:
I'm sorry :(
If you feel you need to have the meltdown then do it, I used to do it! Let myself have a day/night of crying and feeling super sorry for myself and comfort eating lol then usually by day 2 or 3 I felt a little better. I also tried to change something each month to make me feel more productive like I was doing something towards helping that month to get a bfp. I'll probably do the same with changing something each month this time xxx

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I feel like I already added in loads this cycle...I ate pinapple core post ovulation, I tried pre seed and added in vitex. If you have any other tips let me know !
Evening primrose oil the first 7 days of cycle is meant to help ewcm? Spirulina is good all round too I remember I used to take that xxx
Bleeding from chemical pregnancy has finally stopped! Just waiting to take some OPKS now! Hoping my cycle hasn't been messed up by all of this :/ so nervous to try again but determined to have another baby!
I've just had ivf/ICSI and today was transfer day. My official testing date Is the 21st of April so thought I'd pop myself down for then if that's okay :) not been on a testing thread for ages! Xx

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