Anyone, 3,4,5,6 DPO at the mo?

I've been having some spotting this evening, very little and its like a pinky colour in my cm. I have never got spotting before af which isn't due til fri anyway so I'm thinking that it could be a sign of a heavy af maybe cos I've been ill, idk but still not sure its a sign of pregnancy xx

I dont know why but I have a good feeling about your cycle! When are you due to test??

Lara, I am the same - I think, after reading my past 'symptoms', I'm having the same as before. With my first pregnancy, I didn't know until I was 7 weeks as we weren't even trying. Then, when I found out, I was like, 'oh that's why I wanted to eat salt, sobbed uncontrollably watching the Notebook, got bigger boobs and darker nipples, had excess hair at the base of my back (really), felt nauseus and slept loads...' I really was that dim!

I'm holding off until Sunday as I guestimate I'll be 10dpo then. My ICs arrived today and I stupidly decided to test them out as I was needing a pee. BIGFATNEGATIVE :( boo xxxxxx[/QUOTE]

I am also holding out until Sunday when I too will be 10dpo. Today I woke up at 4am FREEZING which I took as a bad sign. But I went to bed BOILING. So my body has no idea whats going on.
Ha dont worry about the BFN, we are waaay too early!! :shakehead: he he
Today, I felt awful getting up, I needed a crane to get me up.
Boobs are soreish but I would like them to be sorer, dont think they are sore enoguh for a pregnancy.
I have been a little sore throaty for last couple of days. Only a teeny bit.
Only other thing this morning was that up until now I have been totally dry down below. A tiny bit of ewcm this morning. Thats pretty much my only thing to report.

Hmmmm, few more days til testing! ahhhhhhhhh x:wall2:
I've been having some spotting this evening, very little and its like a pinky colour in my cm. I have never got spotting before af which isn't due til fri anyway so I'm thinking that it could be a sign of a heavy af maybe cos I've been ill, idk but still not sure its a sign of pregnancy xx

I dont know why but I have a good feeling about your cycle! When are you due to test??


Just tested. i had so little pee that i jusg dipped in toilet but theres no denying the bfp thats just appeared i dont know how to upload pic but im shaking. i dont have a good feeling cos im getting more pink and brown cm now and it still feels like af is coming. chemical preg maybe? im in total shock xx
I've been having some spotting this evening, very little and its like a pinky colour in my cm. I have never got spotting before af which isn't due til fri anyway so I'm thinking that it could be a sign of a heavy af maybe cos I've been ill, idk but still not sure its a sign of pregnancy xx

I dont know why but I have a good feeling about your cycle! When are you due to test??


Just tested. i had so little pee that i jusg dipped in toilet but theres no denying the bfp thats just appeared i dont know how to upload pic but im shaking. i dont have a good feeling cos im getting more pink and brown cm now and it still feels like af is coming. chemical preg maybe? im in total shock xx

Jeez you dipped it in the toilet???? :shock:

OK well slow down. I have had chemical pregnancies and having a little bit of brown cm isn't a sign of a chemical.
A little bit of spotting is just that. Spotting.
Its more likely to be implantation.
So, get yourself another test I guess that you dont hve to dip down the loo!

And then test again in a couple of days time.

The only obvious thing to me about my chemical preg was that my lines didnt get darker. They stayed there (but faint) for a couple of days, got slightly darker on the 3rd day I tested but then after that they got lighter.

Keep us posted and stay positive. After all, it looks like you've got a bean!! x

Did a CB digi 2 n it says preg 2-3! I'm not allowing myself to get excited though after my mmc. I'm still in shock. And yes I can't believe I toilet dipped but a little pee trickled out and no more so it was either that or a wasted test lol xx
I stupidly tested this morning as I am now retching, feeling really tired and have no energy, cramping is getting worse and my boobs feel so full and sore.

Got a very definite BFN so I now feel really deflated and regret testing. Why couldn't I be stronger and wait until Sunday/Monday.
Did a CB digi 2 n it says preg 2-3! I'm not allowing myself to get excited though after my mmc. I'm still in shock. And yes I can't believe I toilet dipped but a little pee trickled out and no more so it was either that or a wasted test lol xx

ahhh, thats excellent news. The digis are the best arent they! Thats really good, that means your hcg is getting to a nice level.

Hows the spotting?

x x x
I stupidly tested this morning as I am now retching, feeling really tired and have no energy, cramping is getting worse and my boobs feel so full and sore.

Got a very definite BFN so I now feel really deflated and regret testing. Why couldn't I be stronger and wait until Sunday/Monday.

Dont give yourself too much of a hard time. I nearly tested this morning too.
We know its too soon but we cant help it!

Hold out til Sunday. then we can both report back...

good symptoms, are they different to usual AF symptoms for you? x
The spotting seems to have stopped. My boobs feel like they are going to drop off, my belly is a big bloated mess full of pinches and slight cramps, my face is full of spots and I just feel like poo! This is so different to last time already. I hope u all get your bfps soon. I'm still in shock xx
thats brilliant news. All sounds just right - even the spots!!! ha!

Were symtoms skant last time? x x
The last time I woke up feeling a bit hungover but I had a few vodkas the night before - I had no idea I could be preg last time. I drank a few times in the 2ww and only tested as af was late and it never ever is but that was really the only sickness i felt. Last time I was a bit tired but that's all, my boobs weren't overly sore, no nausea, ate as normal but a few things tasted different. This time I'm starving but when i eat I think it's on it's way back out. I'm hoping these differences are a good thing xx
perfect, yes that sounds much more positive, more hormones surging around from that little monkey in your tummy !! x
I stupidly tested this morning as I am now retching, feeling really tired and have no energy, cramping is getting worse and my boobs feel so full and sore.

Got a very definite BFN so I now feel really deflated and regret testing. Why couldn't I be stronger and wait until Sunday/Monday.


Sorry to hear that it was BFN it's still very early and your symptoms sound promising.
I have just done a IC and it was BFN I knew it would be but I couldn't resist :poas::poas::poas:
I am also a POAS addict. I get some kind of thrill out of it every time, even my OPKS!!!!! x
Congratulations Keira! Fantastic news :)

Good signs today, Lara! No sore boobs for me at all but completely shattered and a bit sniffly. This just sounds a bit like I'm getting another cold, though. Boo! Sunday/Monday I will be POAS for definite. Reeeeally hope it's our month.

FX girls xxxxxxx
Congratulations Keira! Fantastic news :)

Good signs today, Lara! No sore boobs for me at all but completely shattered and a bit sniffly. This just sounds a bit like I'm getting another cold, though. Boo! Sunday/Monday I will be POAS for definite. Reeeeally hope it's our month.

FX girls xxxxxxx

I am hoping that the sniffles are a good sign! I have them too! So lets just say they are promising ha ha!

todays good signs/ "symptoms" at 8dpo -

Sorer boobs, but in no way are they crazy sore
Sniffles last night although my throat feels better now
Veins more apparent in boobs and across chest from last night HOWEVER, they are also more apparent in my thighs so I dont want to read too much into this as it could just be cos I am warmer.
A tiny little bit of stabby pains down in my lower tummy. nothing that noticeable though

Bad signs - my hands are freezing in the office so thinking thats not good as surely I should be feeling hot. :roll:
Nipples aren't sore only outer and inner boobs

How are all your symptoms today girlies??

x x x
They all sounds like good signs Lara - fingers and toes crossed for you

10DPO today and AF due today/tomorrow. Not tested today.

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