Anyone, 3,4,5,6 DPO at the mo?


Just tested. i had so little pee that i jusg dipped in toilet but theres no denying the bfp thats just appeared i dont know how to upload pic but im shaking. i dont have a good feeling cos im getting more pink and brown cm now and it still feels like af is coming. chemical preg maybe? im in total shock xx[/QUOTE]

Hi congratulations u mind if i add ur bp to the jan testing thread as it may makegirls feel more optimistic xxx
Hi girls can i join tis thread please?
I am 5dpo today
symptoms have been spotty forehead....achy boobs....and crampy niggley pains now and again everyday. iv also had a cold since i ov'd....yesterday it appeared to be going, but today its coming back with a vengeance

good luck girls xxxx
Hi girls can i join tis thread please?
I am 5dpo today
symptoms have been spotty forehead....achy boobs....and crampy niggley pains now and again everyday. iv also had a cold since i ov'd....yesterday it appeared to be going, but today its coming back with a vengeance

good luck girls xxxx

Of course you can join this thread!

We seem to range from about 6 to 11 dpo here at the moment so testing beginning for some of us now.

I am not due to test until Sunday - wooop woop, nearly here!

Now there seems to be a pattern with the sniffles. Do you think its just the time of year?

Also, how many of you usually get niggles down low on unsuccessful cycles?

I think I have had these stabby pains quite a bit in cycles, but cant recall if they were in my non pg cycles.

x x x
They all sounds like good signs Lara - fingers and toes crossed for you


yikes i hope so, although I have had a lot of these symptoms before with BFNs and then AF.

The veins are quite promising although not conclusive of anything I have read.

Got everything crossed for this month as next month its clomid time! Secretly hoping I dont have to take the clomid!!

Who knows!! x
Can I jump in too? I think I am around 7/8 DPO - have had some symptoms
- slightly sore boobs with twinges and occassionally itchy
- creamy cm since yesterday
- a 0.2C rise in temp today (got to see if it continues tomorrow!)
- very hungry and thirsty all the time!
- slightly extra tired
- stuffy nose and sore throat (but probably coz I am still recovering from a wekk old cold :confused:)

babydust to all ya lovely ladies!! glad to see so many in 6-11 dpo :)
Hey there,

I'm 10DPO on Sunday and Can't really report any symptoms today.
All your symptoms sound promising ladies and congratulations to Keira!

I am hoping that the sniffles are a good sign! I have them too! So lets just say they are promising ha ha!

todays good signs/ "symptoms" at 8dpo -

Sorer boobs, but in no way are they crazy sore
Sniffles last night although my throat feels better now
Veins more apparent in boobs and across chest from last night HOWEVER, they are also more apparent in my thighs so I dont want to read too much into this as it could just be cos I am warmer.
A tiny little bit of stabby pains down in my lower tummy. nothing that noticeable though

Bad signs - my hands are freezing in the office so thinking thats not good as surely I should be feeling hot. :roll:
Nipples aren't sore only outer and inner boobs

How are all your symptoms today girlies??

x x x[/QUOTE]

Sore boobs - excellent! I wish mine were sore :-( lol

Also veiny boobs are a great symptom. I have a good feeling for you. How are your temps looking?

I suspect I may have the remnants of a cold and AF is coming early as I've been tired and bloated. My friend made me POAS again today despite only 8dpo and unsurprisingly a bfn :-( Xxxxxxxxxxx

Oh, I also have about 2 new spots. Really sore lumps. Hormones suck ass! Unless they're baby hormones.... *sigh* Xxxxxxxxxxx
Hmmm I am such a div! I caved in and tested. 9dpo. BFN!! I am now deflated and grumpy. Luckily my OH is about to go out for the morning so I can flounce about and moan on my own to the dog.

I tested this morning because I had this WEIRD "symptom" last night which sounds crazy but has only happened toe before in pregnancy. It was freezing coming in last night and the house was super cold still and my toes were like ice. I noticed the tip of one of my toes was completely white. It felt like an ice block. It took a few minutes to warm it up and for it to turn pink again and I suddenly realised that the last time the crazy white toe thing happened to me was when I was v v early pregnant (later mc'd at 6wks)

But today BFN - not even a hint of a line. Not even a line that perhaps just crazy ladies could see. Zilch, nothing, not a sausage!
I'm not out yet am I??? X x x
not at all, hun! you are still very much in! 9 DPO is still very early for a test I think... but good thing on the toe - probably your body is gearing up for the BFP! Do you have any signs of implantation? I have heard that, if you do, then its good to test atleast 3 days after implantation
Hi ladies,

Had a goof read of this thread, can I also jump in.

I'm 11dpo today, tested yesterday & got :bfn: My symptoms are:

Boobs have been hurting since 3dpo.
Been having headaches past few days.
Legs ached for a couple of days.
Boobs this week have gotten alot bigger, they feel really full & pert.

I've been temping & they have just kept rising this month, which has never happened before. I had a slight dip at 5dpo so hoping it was implantation. This morning it has risen to highest it's ever been & I've been temping for nearly 6 months.

FF says not to test until 22nd jan when I'm
18 dpo, no way can I wait until then tho. Have loads of pg tests in the house so think I'll be testing 2moro.

Fx for everyone & lots of :bfp: this month! :) Xx
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not at all, hun! you are still very much in! 9 DPO is still very early for a test I think... but good thing on the toe - probably your body is gearing up for the BFP! Do you have any signs of implantation? I have heard that, if you do, then its good to test atleast 3 days after implantation

Thanks for your encouragement :o)
The truth is I flit from thinking I have good symptoms to then thinking, well my AF symptoms are soooo similar !!!

My only suspicion re implantation was Thursday. Woke up with headache. Absolutely shattered with stinging eyes and at 4am was nauseous.

After that back to the same old same old.

Breasts getting sorer but that's not all that unusual with AF.

How are you feeling about this month?
Thanks for your encouragement :o)
The truth is I flit from thinking I have good symptoms to then thinking, well my AF symptoms are soooo similar !!!

My only suspicion re implantation was Thursday. Woke up with headache. Absolutely shattered with stinging eyes and at 4am was nauseous.

After that back to the same old same old.

Breasts getting sorer but that's not all that unusual with AF.

How are you feeling about this month?

I totally understand! Its very difficult to differentiate OV/implantation/pregnancy symptoms from AF symptoms... but if you think if there was implantation on Thursday, you will probably show a +ve on HPT only from Monday morning I guess... so dont be disheartened by the BFN!

I think even I might have had the implantation on Thursday - buying an FRER today to use it for Monday FMU. My temp dropped slightly on Thurs and rose by .2C on Friday and a further 0.1C today morning - so hopeful that all is well down there :) Quite positive this month!

Lara I caved too 9dpo and bigfatnegative, of course! Didn't help that I checked out countdown to pregnancy website and saw pics of 9dpo tests with nice lines but my (2) test(s), ahem, didn't have a thing. Stupid lousy reproductive system... :-( Xxxxxxxxxxx

Don't think you're out though. Your symptoms sound good especially as they mimic your earlier pregnancy xx

My symptoms today - tired, dot to dot on my face, and (oh dear) bit windy. Attractive!! Xxxxxxxxxxx
Wow there must be something about us all testing today I've been out all day and didn't think about testing then as soon as I walked into the house I had the urge to POAS. I got a very red BFN.

Let's stay positive ladies and remind ourselves that we are not out until the witch arrives ;-)
I don't have any symptoms today

Even I dont have many symptoms today apart from a dull ache in the lower abdomen - not too happy abt it...
Not long for you to wait until Monday Vid 81
Really hope you get a BFP!
I'm due AF Wed but was later last month. Totally confused. Going to just come clean and admit I'll be POAS daily now till the witch comes Xxxxxxxxxxx

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