Anyone, 3,4,5,6 DPO at the mo?

Chloe that's what mine have felt like! Period pains for me tend to be more to my sides but this aching is in the middle but like I said my af symptoms change monthly. And hi, I'm from n.i. too :) xx
Hi everyone, I last had AF on 22nd Dec and I was due to ovulate on Thursday 5th, had lots of EWCM leading up to that day and it had all disappeared by Thursday afternoon. However, I then started getting a lot of EWCM yesterday (monday 9th), more than last week, and again today. I have only just started TTC, so haven't done any temp or OV tests. I am now confused whether I did ovulate last week or if I am now about to ovulate. I was going to test this Sunday (10 DPO) but now I am not sure whether to or not as it won't be that many DPO if I haven't already ovulated. Any one else experienced this? AF due on 19th ish. X sorry if tmi x
Hi everyone, I last had AF on 22nd Dec and I was due to ovulate on Thursday 5th, had lots of EWCM leading up to that day and it had all disappeared by Thursday afternoon. However, I then started getting a lot of EWCM yesterday (monday 9th), more than last week, and again today. I have only just started TTC, so haven't done any temp or OV tests. I am now confused whether I did ovulate last week or if I am now about to ovulate. I was going to test this Sunday (10 DPO) but now I am not sure whether to or not as it won't be that many DPO if I haven't already ovulated. Any one else experienced this? AF due on 19th ish. X sorry if tmi x

hmmm this is a tough one. How long is your normal cycle or are you irregular?
To be sure I would make sure you DTD tonight in case you are ovulating?
Have you felt warmer at all this week?

I think this cycle you will have to ride it out. If you start temping tomorrow morning you may have some idea if you notice a drop then you will know AF is coming.....

x x
I have been tracking my cycle for about 6 months and it is never the same length, always comes late when I have been stressed. We DTD last night and going to again tonight... And continue until EWCM goes. I hate how this is so confusing. Plus I just got a batch of preg tests in the post today, which doesn't help the wait! I haven't had any preg symptoms yet. X
I'm 5/6 Dpo depending on which calendar I use. AF is due 19/20th Jan and I'm finding it really hard not to test. I know it's too early for a HPT but having 2 babies already I'm convinced that my symptoms say I'm pregnant but as someone has already said it could also be a sign of AF coming.

Symptom wise I've got lots of thick discharge (tmi), constantly needing to pee, extreme tiredness, moody, loss of appetite, sore boobs, all day nausea (had this with both my girls) and a symptom I've never had/noticed before which is cramping and a pulling/stabbing pain over my right ovary which started today. I've never ttc before, we've always ntnp and then missed period and then tested. So I'm new to this 2ww and waiting to test, the wait is killing me.

Hope we all get our :bfp: this month, good luck ladies and lots of sticking dust.
Hi there,

I am loving this post and would like to join in if you will have me.....

I'm 5 DPO and I understand it's quite early for symptom spotting but it's my new hobby Yesterday I had a headache and today I have noticed watery CM
I will not POAS I will not POAS I will not POAS until 10DPO
:wave: clairabella I'm 5/6 Dpo like you so we must be 'due' around the same time if we are pregnant. Do you want to be 2ww/testing buddies as we should be able/due to test the same day. Fingers crossed for a :bfp: for you. I like your last sentence I need to drum that into my head as well. So tempted to poas but I know it will be negative even if a baby is developing in there.
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oh hun sorry to hear about your loss, its just horrible and I can understand why you needed time out. I also had a miscarriage and then a chemical pregnanciy with my now partner and the emotional rollercoaster is exhausting. Just have to stay as positive as possible because I really do believe that it important for our hormones.

Yup, good for you for saving the digi- I alos have one I will save until after AF due if I get there!

So now I am 5dpo - my boobs dont feel as sore today. So what were you saying about yours? Yours dont feel so sore either? Mine were defintely sorer yesterday I think.

Annoyingly, today I just feel normal. A little cranky but normal. Yesterday was good as I had some twinges, just tiny ones low down and then inn the evening I felt a bit achey and fevery and my skin broke out in two more spots! I saw all this as a great sign!! lol But today, not really anything to report at all :O(

Hmmmm, lets keep a check on eachothers symtoms tomorrow! x

/keep us updated with any news through the day - I will be on and off here while at the office x

Aw, I'm sorry to hear you have been through this, too. There's really nothing that can make it easier you just have to let time do its job... Absolutely, really important to keep your spirits up!

I think I'm about 4/5 dpo and have had some cramps and the teeniest twinges in my boobs and abdomen (suspect it's more likely just 'one of those things' as opposed to anything pg related!). I have developed a nice big spot on my head, too! Have also felt, er, tmi, quite damp - sorry, even saying that is icky! Lol

It's so funny we are rejoicing about getting spots! :rofl:

I'm worried we didn't do it enough to get a bfp this month as we both got the cold around my ov time :( I did sneak some preseed into the equation (oh would think I'm a mental case if he could have seen me syringing pre-bd...)

On that note, hope you have a symptom filled Wednesday with lots of lovely updates :)

Ladies, your symptoms all sound really promising! Looking forward to hearing how you all get on! xxx
Hey :) Im kinda in the same 8 days late and gettin symptoms but still have not done a test. Was just wondering what kind of symptoms everyones been having? x
Hey :) Im kinda in the same 8 days late and gettin symptoms but still have not done a test. Was just wondering what kind of symptoms everyones been having? x

Why havent you done a test???????? :eh: x x x
Aw, I'm sorry to hear you have been through this, too. There's really nothing that can make it easier you just have to let time do its job... Absolutely, really important to keep your spirits up!

I think I'm about 4/5 dpo and have had some cramps and the teeniest twinges in my boobs and abdomen (suspect it's more likely just 'one of those things' as opposed to anything pg related!). I have developed a nice big spot on my head, too! Have also felt, er, tmi, quite damp - sorry, even saying that is icky! Lol

It's so funny we are rejoicing about getting spots! :rofl:

I'm worried we didn't do it enough to get a bfp this month as we both got the cold around my ov time :( I did sneak some preseed into the equation (oh would think I'm a mental case if he could have seen me syringing pre-bd...)

On that note, hope you have a symptom filled Wednesday with lots of lovely updates :)


Yeah, I used to be soooo annoyed about spots. But this month I am really happy when I see what I call a "hormonal spot" ha ha!

So, I have never used pre-seed.... you syringe it do you? Might have to give that a try.

Dont worry about the amount of BDing. As long as you did it once at the right time then .... well... it only takes one little soldier. :dance:

Well, today I am 6dpo and why oh why did I get the urge to test this morning. I'm not stupid, I know it would be way too early but I nearly did it! I resisted and called myself ridiculous (out loud in the bathroom) Oh dear, losing the plot alert! Luckily there was only be and the dog in the house and she already knows I am bonkers.

Sooooooo Wednesday..... the great thing is I feel AWFUL! I am tired and I slept through my alarm and was late for work urghhh!

Apart from that, nothing special. I am having vivid dreams but I tend to get them before my period anyway.

Does anyone else get dreams post ovulation in their luteal phase?? x

Looking forward to hearing anyone elses symptoms for Wednesday...

xx x x x
8DPO for me today. Tested this morning stupidly, and BFN. Hopes are right down now. Have gained a stinking cold overnight, pounding head, sore throat and cough. :(
Raj, you are still testing very early hon - do not lose hope!!! The cold and sore throat are excellent signs too at this point!!!

And I had a horrible headache two days before I got my last positive.

Anything else to report? x
Thanks Lara. I am just super impatient lol! Really doesn't help!
I have had other symptoms, washing up last night I was nearly sick when I could smell cooked cheese on a baking tray... very odd! Usually cant smell it and I like it if I can!
Seeeee, all really promising! Can't wait for a few days time when we can all LEGALLY test ha ha x x x
Hi Lara, I too slept through alarm today and was late for work, oops! And I slept so well during the night I was so tired, got up 3 times to pee though. My boobs are throbbing today my nipples tingling and lower back sore. My belly has cramps and if I stretch out my stomach muscles feel weird. I've been so hungry since yesterday and when I eat it makes me feel sick. My throat has been sore/ dry the past few days. I think af is on the way though as its due Friday and I've a feeling it's going to be a bad 1 as I never have af symptoms like this and have been getting weird clumpy cm (sorry tmi). I don't think I'm preg though but refuse to test. I'm 13 dpo xx
Hey :) Im kinda in the same 8 days late and gettin symptoms but still have not done a test. Was just wondering what kind of symptoms everyones been having? x

8 days late ! Jesus woman :test:

:) :)


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