I woke up so tired today

I don't get it why as Amelie sleeps through the night and yes I do have my hands full all day with her but the same I did before working and having on duty nights???
Anyway as that wasn't enough I realized that there is one week left to submit an abstract to the congress as my boss gladly reminded me in those 3 emails that I got from him

One week and I am not even close to on what subject I am going to submit an abstract never mind to actually made the statistics an graphics for one

and all that when Amelie naps or sleeps for the night

I barely have time to cook, pee and catch a breath during the day so God knows how I am going to do actual intellectual work

Also I am not closer to studying for my exams. The person tha says that its possible to do that while having an infant clearly had the angel baby who played all day alone in silence an 2 maids one to clean and one to cook or even better grandparents living under the same roof...
I suppose I need a good kick on my but as its not going to be any easier and I suppose I am not the only one studying for exams with a small child?
On a more even dramatic note we can't find childcare for Amelie! She is on the waiting list for 2013 nursery but she is only guarantee a place from 2014

to top it all up we found 0 child minders in the area that have an open place (I don't think that child minders are a usual thing here anyway) so I am quite confused about how am I going to go back to work????
On the light I those weird events my parents started the procedure of getting retired so they will be able to help us in time of need. But they live in a different country so they will end up coming here for like 3 m at a time that ofc is a temporal help but surely not a permanent solution... (Never mind the big eyes that my oh made at the thought of my parents living with us for 3 months lol)
Ok that turned into a massive rant. Mostly me thinking here lol...
Here is Amelie concentrating hard on a broccoli lol