Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

Holly Molly long it may continue Amelie ate vegetables and fruit for lunch!!!! I need to start cooking her bigger portions me thinks...
Oh haha. I give him 2 hours from when he wakes up?

That's really good!!! She must be loving it xxx
Yey for bigger portions! Sorry Hun didn't see your message, I should have facetimed as we had a quiet day today. We are out and about tomorrow morning but might be around in the afternoon? After that we aren't really about til next week. Xxx
Dysco God you are busy!!!!!! We are probably home this afternoon, we will go to the supermarket at some point but no idea when.

I thought I will die when I saw amelie at the video monitor wide awake at 6!!!!thankfully she went back to sleep by herself and we got up for the day at 7.30 :)

Made a stew for Amelie yesterday (no meat just yet). It has inside sweet potato, potato, leek,carrots,parsnip, swede, zucchini, green beans, peas a little olive oil and some rice, she will have it today for dinner but I tried it and God it was yummy!!! I have a portion from that for my lunch too lol :)

I can't wait for the weather to be a little better for us to start going for some walks eventually! Soon the baby lambs will probably appear at the field next to our house and I can't wait to see her reaction to them!!!
Omg that baby is here to challenge me, it's 7 o clock, she had 4/5 bottles and she only had 250 ml until now :(
What exactly I am suppose to do with her now????
I got my response... That cold caught up with both of us... we both feel poorly and I wish I could get that cold away from her. I hate seeing her suffering like that.
That will be one tough night and day tomorrow. No idea how I am suppose to take care for get like that.
Oh no! Being poorly is rubbish!

Poor you and Amelie

Feel better soon


Thank you Emily, how did your appointment go? Sorry j didn't have time to comment in your thread :(
Get well soon all of you. Daisy has had it for 8 days now. Hope it goes quicker for you. Xxx

Hope you both feel better today xx

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Thank you girls, we are both feeling sorry for ourselves though she still has the energy to jump at the jumperoo while I can barely move around the house :faint: we are waiting to hit us even harder the following days...
Thankfully she slept quite ok though she woke once at 12 crying :( and I felt so sorry for her that I let her keep the pacifier (I usually take the pacifier of as I have a no pacifier during the night rule). When I woke up later and checked on her on the monitor she didn't have it anymore and thankfully she didn't wake for it so i suppose its not going to be the bed of the world if I let her have it while she is poorly (if she wakes during the night that is, she usually Dosent wake)

I am not sure what our feeding plan is today. Though top priority is milk until she gets better as she had a dry diaper this morning after a whole nights sleep. But I may give her some fruit later if she keeps refusing her milk. She got 3 oz for breakfast and that's not even that bad for her lol...

Let's see what this day will bring I suppose...
Aww poor little bunny. Hope she gets some milk inside her today. It's hard when you feel poorly yourself too isn't it. Xx

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Tell me about it. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have dragged myself out of bed for anyone else today and even singing (or trying at least lol) nursery rhymes at this ungodly hour!!!!
Hey sweetie,

I know you are busy studying at the moment but I just wanted to pop on and say Hello.

Big hugs to you and Amelie, I hope your little lady is being good for you?? :lol:

Been thinking loads about all us Mummies that met in the 'other' part of the forum... How far we've all come hey??

Yeah it was only no so long ago that we were all sad and desperate. I wish lunette would join us too.
Amelie is not an angel baby lol but we manage an I love her so much that wfen when she is not "good" it Dosent really matter.
A little worse for my studying but I suppose nth I can do about that really
I got 5 min so a short update from us :)

Amelie is growing so fast that its scary!
She can now roll both ways intentionally and not like oups I accidentally rolled kind lol.
She sits unaided but as she decides to throw herself in all direction I usually have her with pillows all around her.
She tries to crawl and she does tiny steps if you hold her from both hands and she gets so excited bless her.

She still Dosent really respond to her name and that will probably take a lot longer as I keep calling her princess, baby bean, baby bunny, baby angel and whatever else than her name ha ha

Eating wise we are doing much better and now in 3 meals per day. Se still Dosent drink loads of milk but apparently here in Norway nobody heard of minimum 18-20 oz per day so my fabulous hv told me to stop counting as she Couldn't care less how much milk Amelie drinks if he drinks some and the solids go up and the milk down to end up to no more than 500 ml per day after 1 year.
We are still to find a proper feeding routine but we are in a good way...
Studying wise well studying after 10 o clock for 2-3 h and during the day while she naps leave me in a zombie state most of the day lol...
Ok now to head shopping as Amelie's preferable activity nowadays is to sit on the shopping cart (not the one for babies the one for toddlers) and have fun while I walk her around :)

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