I got 5 min so a short update from us
Amelie is growing so fast that its scary!
She can now roll both ways intentionally and not like oups I accidentally rolled kind lol.
She sits unaided but as she decides to throw herself in all direction I usually have her with pillows all around her.
She tries to crawl and she does tiny steps if you hold her from both hands and she gets so excited bless her.
She still Dosent really respond to her name and that will probably take a lot longer as I keep calling her princess, baby bean, baby bunny, baby angel and whatever else than her name ha ha
Eating wise we are doing much better and now in 3 meals per day. Se still Dosent drink loads of milk but apparently here in Norway nobody heard of minimum 18-20 oz per day so my fabulous hv told me to stop counting as she Couldn't care less how much milk Amelie drinks if he drinks some and the solids go up and the milk down to end up to no more than 500 ml per day after 1 year.
We are still to find a proper feeding routine but we are in a good way...
Studying wise well studying after 10 o clock for 2-3 h and during the day while she naps leave me in a zombie state most of the day lol...
Ok now to head shopping as Amelie's preferable activity nowadays is to sit on the shopping cart (not the one for babies the one for toddlers) and have fun while I walk her around