Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

I found out today that we have childcare from 2015! Oh my God!!!!
Until then she is in a waiting list...
What on earth I am going to do???
Still looking for a child minder, how hard can it be to find one???
I can see it coming I will eventually quit my job and apply for a different one in a different town in one year while meantime I will have my exams?
That or my parents they will have to come and live with us :roll: or luck strikes and we arrange childcare earlier... I mean I live in Norway it can't be that impossible to find childcare right lol???


Here she is all happy abs ready to go sleep :)
September 2014 more exactly so yes 2014-2015...though we need to send an email to ask if that was a typos :faint:
All that because she is born after 30 August... :wall:
Yeah best of all, that childcare its still not free I mean. The state and private nurseries they all have a common list where you apply and you have to pay a pretty generous monthly amount regardless to which one your baby goes !!!
I would understand if at the end of the waiting list the childcare was free but nope nope lol. Though you do get some money monthly for that like benefits or sth similar that we can't get any way because my papers weren't done the moment she was born :faint:

I am completely confused about that system really...
And even more confused what on earth I am supposed to do.
I am not pretty sure we can afford to live with only one income, though we do have savings and we should be fine for one year and my parents would probably help but I am not that happy to use savings for that.
Well I suppose we will wait and see.
Starting by sending an email to them and ask them what I am suppose to do with the baby 2 more years or maybe I missed sth?????
Though hopefully we will find a child minder but we didn't find any yet!!!
Why is it different because the day she was born? That is a crazy set up!
Really don't see how that can work?!?
I'm glad I got my childcare sorted 6 months in advance. I like to be organised haha!xx
Children can go to the kindergarten if they are 1 year old before August or sth similar?
Same with school she will go to school at 6 instead of 5 because the school year of 5 she will not be 5 before August.
I don't know how to explain it really. It's a stupid system.
But the mw at the hospital told me when she was born that its like vacation for them in September as everyone plans their babies before August!!!! I thought its stupid, now I know why they do it lol :(
Lolly I am trying to arrange childcare since she was born really. But the applications to the nurseries are done about this time so not much I could do before, other than looking for a childminder and have no great luck with that...
God, child care is such a hassle and so expensive.

Hope y get something sorted for amelie. Surely its a typing error? If not I imagine it will be easier to find a child minder? Don't they have loads were u live or is it that u can't find the right one for amelie? Xxxx
Wow that sounds like a nightmare with childcare! I'm surprised, I thought other places had it sorted better than the uk. :shock:
Right! It was no mistake!!!! They told me that its likely though to get a place at some point after January but very unlikely before that.
I will receive a mail to tell me from when she has a place and to what nursery (you apply for 4)
I don't know when they will receive a mail as because she is in a waiting list probably the mail will come in short notice before she starts!
I am doomed.
As about childminders I actually didn't find any that has an open place never mind one that I like...but it's not a very common thing here so I suppose there is not a big number of them.
I will talk to my hv too when I go for her jabs as probably I am missing sth in the whole picture here??????
What so mums do??? Quit their jobs??? Maybe there is a form of child care that I don't know about it???? Though I doubt It as I would have heard about that until now!
I suppose if she has a place from January it's not the end of the world my parents to come here from August to January (though for that my mum has to get the procedures done of getting retired) but if we don't really know when that place will be we can't actually make plans???
God I miss Greece so easy it is. You have a place at the state nurseries on if you don't you pick a private nursery and ou are all set. One of the thousands that are around...
Same here it's either free nursery or you pay for private. I hope your health visitor can help, surely other mums must be in the same position :shock:
Good morning everyone :)

Today planning on getting an activity center for Amelie with a go around walker.
It's this one.
Amelie loves loves being upright and I don't like encouraging tippy toeing that much but putting her in the jamperoo too often so we get this activity center and she can use it through toddler years too once she removes the go around walker.
I am not sure i like the idea of a free walker either giving the possibility to the babies to be freely mobile before they can so this one is a good compromise I suppose for her until she is old enough to walk with a push walker.
I have been researching the idea of a walker and got a little concerned the Canada completely banned them from selling and faces fees to people that own one or try to sell a second hand one :roll: after research I think the reason that they did it is the risk of falls from the stairs apparently and that Dosent apply to us as she will use it mostly on first floor but what put me off for buying one really is the developmental hip that gives mobility to babies that aren't suppose to have it yet and I somehow disagree with that one?
You will suddenly have a baby that runs fast (they are fast in those things) and close to the fireplace and near the coffee table pulling things and so on.
Me thinks her place at 6-8 m is on the floor practicing sitting and crawling and getting up instead of walking.

I may reconsider my thoughts if I will have at 7 m a very frustrated baby for example that wants to walk and can't but until then and if that happens an activity stationary center with a go around walker only that Dosent jump I think it's a good idea?

Anyway enough debating here, just trying to put my thoughts straight lol...

Last night Amelie had a nap at 7 :roll: she woke at 8 playing!!!!! Anyway I let her because though I actively encourage her to sleep 7-10 when I give her a last feed I terribly miss her and my oh Dosent get to play with her (quite important for me as he keeps saying that the baby Dosent smilie or look around the room for him :faint: that's not true lol)
I put her to bed at 10 after her bottle and she fell asleep at 10.30 and woke up crying with the bottom lip out at 11.30 12 and 12.30 !!!!! I thought I will die as she woke me all 3 times and she never does that???? Thankfully she didn't wake after that until 7.15 this morning and while she is all happy and playing I am so so tired...

So toy store for the activity center, supermarket and tons of laundry for us today!

We didn't do our laundry (I do separate washes for Amelie's clothes) for 2 weeks so I can only imagine how many loads I have waiting :cry:

Those that made it so far to my rambling lol have a nice day anyone and also any fabulous EASY recipes for banana bread????
Ooh I just made banana loaf, super easy. Not sure if its exactly what you want but I'll dig out the recipe in a bit, it's from the hummingbird cookbook. It's really easy cos you mix 2 eggs and the sugar together vigorously, then add 200g if mashed banana, then mix in 1teaspoon each of cinnamon, ginger, baking power and bicarbonate of soda. Along with plan flour. Once combined mix in melted butter and that's it! I'll double check and add the quantities in a bit xxxx

Ollie had me up and down like a yo yo last night, am shattered! Glad Amelie settled after a bit! I guess with walkers etc you just have to see how Amelie goes and if you think she frustrated on the floor too much but i love the activity centre!
Thank you dysco, i never found time to make that banana bread! Still have the bananas...

Baby vaccines tomorrow :( so horrible :(
We are also entering a new leap and I already don't like it... Never mind the 4-6 fussy weeks that will follow :faint:

The new activity center was a huge hit. Amelie loves walking around it and playing with all the things :)

This weekend we are buying her a playpen and hopefully we can find some place to fit it in the living room :shock:

Here she is enjoying some broccoli
I have found those bibs the most useful thing ever after the pacifiers!!!!
As always ignore the shirty kitchen we are getting there...
The bib looks fab! Is eating getting better? She looks great and so good she likes her new activity centre. Xx
Hey hope

I commented in Lynds thread about playing, we have the Graco Countour which has two levels. I love it the matress is comfy, it folds and stores nicely in a hold all and u can buy attachables for it like changing place. Its worth a look :)

Such a cute baby!! Xxxx
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Hey Hope! How's the activity Center and the weaning? Is she ok after her jabs???xxx
Russel thank you but Amelie is too heavy for that top level of a Graco travel cot.
We are getting sth like that to last her all the way to the toddler years.

Lolly I highly recommend that activity center if you are looking for sth similar. Amelie loves loves walking around it and playing with the different toys and thankfully she can use that when toddling too if you remove the seat that goes around :)
As about eating... A day needs more hours to fit solids plus milk.
After I talked to my auntie too (she is a pediatrician ) we decided that in 2 weeks so 1 weeks before 6 m she is goi no to have morning milk, 10 o clock fruits, 2 o clock protein and vegetables, 6 o clock baby porridge or goodnight porridge or sth like that anyway and 9.30 milk. That's all milk morning and night and on between only if she asks for it. Water or tea from a bottle after every meal (until she starts efficiently to use a baker) and obviously milk of she asks for it.
I am sick to the end of the world with her refusing most of her milk and me trying to fit more milk in her as she Dosent take enough it means that then she is too full for solids and we not advancing with that either.
Sorry for the long rant really I am so fed up :( today I only managed to get one solid feed in her...
I asked my auntie about the whole milk is the most important and food is only fun until 1 that I hear here all the time and she told me nutrients are nutrients and it Dosent matter from where you get them. As long as she has lipids, protein, carbohydrates and loads of vitamins every day, plenty of liquids and sown milk is more than enough and to relax. So I am going with that. She is the second pediatrician that told me that they couldn't care less how much milk they take per day of they eat a good variety of things every day. None of them mentioned the minimum of 600 or 20 oz per day that I hear here and I so stress about?
I suppose things in Norway and Greece are a little more relaxed than in uk

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