Bah I have a grumpy baby today

She Dosent eat, she is not easily amused she cries a fair bit and she chews everything she can find....
I have no idea if its that shitty developmental leap that we are going though (I thought we are done with that btw?) or that its teething that bothers her or just I have a little Madame ha ha!
Thankfully (touches wood) she still sleeps through the night, thought I am waiting for the 4 m sleep regression to catch up with us and then I can truly feel sorry for myself (as if I don't know lol)
she is really good now with grabbing things and also hands to eye coordination improves every day so we are heading in a good way.
I would say that has most of the skills now to be weaned and the conditions but she just Dosent want to I suppose....
She is sitting almost unaided or actually with a little help, she can grab things ok and put in her mouth quite fast but she is still working on it as sometimes misses and ends up with things on her eyes or head
Motor skill wise she Dosent roll! Yep actually she will never do as she barely stays on the floor without having a shot fit...
Same comes for crawling and tummy tummy... She is so good at lifting her head up while on her tummy but God she would not stop for a sec that whining the moment you put her on her tummy until she cries like maybe 1 min later???
Lazy potato... I suppose she may just walk skipping crawling...not that I mind but boohoo for my back
Soon I have to plan our 10 h driving trip and that scare me shittless lol
How bad of a mummy I am that I couldn't wait for her bed time to come lol ????
Actually she is keep waking and I am keep stuffing her pacifier in her mouth for her to sleep a little longer because I can take no more today and no way she is getting up until 10 and her before bed bottle (that he better gulp down as she barely ate today...)
Baaah that was a long day...