Our hip dysplasia journey!

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Ok so it might be a tad late to start this, but I want to record katie's progress and also if anyone stumbles across this with similar worries and stuff it might be encouraging!

So where do I start?! When katie was about 4 months old, my hv came round whilst MIL was round. MIL casually mentioned she'd noticed she didn't stand right on her feet, one leg was always a bit bent! I hadn't really noticed it til then! Hv had a good look, checked her creases, had her stood up and everything! When she looked at the back, she had an extra crease by her bum - standard checks don't look ay the back, just the front! She said it was probably nothing to worry about but she'd refer het for a scan just to be on the safe side! When she did the wiggling the hips thing they do to see if they click there didn't seem to be a problem!

Fast forward 5 months and we get to katie's 9 month check! When the nursery nurse asked if I had anything I wanted to ask about i mentioned how we were waiting for an appointment about her hip, she checked her notes - nothing! She called HV in to ask her about it and she turned round and said, sorry I must have forgotten :shock:!! She then promised to refer her straight away! I wad a bit shocked, but again didn't think much of it, just kinda buried my head in the sand! I knew it could mean hip dysplasia, but i didn't want to read too much cos I didn't think anything would cone of it and didn't want to worry myself!

A few weeks later, after a lot of chasing up and we finally got our appointment thru! So off I trot to the hospital, heavily pregnant and on my own cos I didn't see reason to take anyone else! We had to go to xray first and then for our consultant appointment! We got in to see the consultant and he had a quick look at the xray, then examined katie. Next think i knew he was mumbling that he had a problem! I didn't know what to think! I managed to keep it together and got told vague details of the problem and the procedure to sort it! Tbh I wasn't told a lot and then read a lot on the Internet!

I got out of the appointment and broke down! I went into the appointment expecting to be told there was nothing wrong! Let alone be told my daughter had a condition that would drastically alter our way of life for the next few months! I did a hell of a lot of crying in the next few days, wondering what effect the treatment would have on katie and also how I would cope with her being waist to toe in plaster, especially with a newborn!

So her 1st birthday comes and goes, she only got a few presents, mainly xos we didn't know what she would be able to play with! Suddenly I got a call off the hospital - a cancellation had come up, she could have the operation within the next couple of weeks! That sounded fab, out of the way sooner than expected, but there was a vital flaw - I was due to give birth days before! After consulting with the nurses on the ward I decided to leave it, I wouldn't be able to cope, especially seeing as I was a newly single mum! So we were back to the waiting game!

Time was rapidly marching on and watching katie around children her age it was apparent how behind she was falling! Katie never crawled, but bum shuffled everywhere! I know thousands of other babies bum shuffle, without any reason, but this always seemed really significant to me! She physically couldn't crawl cos she couldn't bring herbleg under her! By the time she had the hip spica on, she was just starting to pull herself onto her knees, a handful of times she made it to her feet for a split second! My daughter was 17 months and I'd never even seen her stand properly! I'd also never seen her "walk" you know like babies do, you hold them and they take little steps?! I got so fed up of the constant questions off friends of is she walking yet, etc etc?!

Anyway, I've rambled on enough for now (blame the lambrini :lol:) and il come back and continue our story soon! Well done if you've got this far :flower:
Awww hun, sounds like you've both had a time of it!! Katie will get there :D I know what you mean about the are they walking yet question! I go to a baby group and their are kids that have just turnt 1 and are walking and Jacob doesnt, although he speaks for England and they don't, Jacob has a large vocabulary compared to them :)
Thanks Alice, I obviously knew about Katie's hips from your other threads/posts but never really understood the whole story. I gotta say that I think you are remarkable, you seem to have coped with so much and you sound like such a strong person. You have a very special little girl :hug: - make that two special little girls who have an amazing mummy!
Great idea recording her progress...can't believe how amazingly you've been coping with it all :hug: How's she doing?
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Great idea to share your journey chick. :hug: xx
Thanks guys! She's doing really well, it's really slow progress but every say I'm seeing tiny little steps in the right direction which is really encouraging! The most frustrating thing is seeing ella start to overtake her! For example I can hold ellas hands and she'll pull herself up and stand there for ages, buy katie can't do it! Her right leg is getting the strength back a lot quicker than the left, which is understandable!

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