Amelie Celeste aka the hope bean...

I see that the link there Dosent work. Basically is a wooden playpen with wooden bars like a cot but its square. You can have it up for you get babies or all the way down for older babies and toddlers.
I totally agree Hope. W has never been a great milk drinker - not as bad as Amelie. And rather than stressing about how much he takes. I concentrate on food. William still pushes away and fights his bottle. Yet put him in his highchair and he eats anything you give him. I think your aunties plan sounds great!!!
Since W turned 6 months I think he's gained a lot of weight. I can see a difference in him.
I would love something like the activity Center, but I would need to move house!! My house is actually bursting with toys!! Haha...
I know what you mean by the playpen, I am going to get W a travel cot to play in. He's pretty much going to have the run of the house, and pop him in his travel cot to play if I need to do something. Also to take him away for a night and when he goes and stays at his gran and papas xx
Dreading the days that will oh is completely loaded with a bad cold, barely managed to get any sleep during the night and I feel like crying only thinking that my baby will suffer that much too :(
It's so awful when you can't really give them much to help their congestion while we can get a crap load of things to feel better :(
So I am on the following days for a very poorly baby that Dosent eat or sleep and probably cries day and night... My poor princess.
My oh went with the puppy to the vet 3 days ago and the vet was loaded with a bad cold (why the hell someone sick that works with public Dosent stay home is beyond me...) so considering by that time of incubation me and Amelie will be poorly on late Monday or the day after :(

Great...going to find a nasal saline spray and some paracetamol for her and pray to Gods it will be fast and not that bad for my poor baby.

Oh the puppy is going around sneezing and with a snotty nose too :roll:

That shitty vet maybe I sent him a bill and call him to baby sit a poorly baby :wall:
Sorry to hear your OH isn't well...!! Try not to worry about Amelie, but it's good to be prepared. A few weeks ago I had the worst cold I'd ever had. I ended up in bed for a whole day (luckily a Saturday so daddy was off) it took me over a week to shake it off. Was horrible. Then OH started feeling it, but it never came to much. I was so worried about William, never caught it!!! I was amazed. That's twice iv had a cold and he never caught it. Fingers crossed Amelie is the same :) xxx
Thanks lolly I pray to Gods she will not get it :( but I doubt it if my oh got it by being 10 min in the same room with the vet...
He is feeling awful and I am knackered trying to do things at the house, take care of the baby and him... God help us all if we get sick too...
Also men are so whinny when they are poorly :wall: I know he is sick but I feel like telling him the bitter truth that its just a cold not a deadly flu grrrr and to start pulling his weight around lol
Haha... Well that weekend I was ill it floored me, I had a man cold. Hope it passes!!!!!
What's Amelie up to today? My mum is just away. She was visiting. Iv made some gluten free scones. There awful. Ha... We're going to my OHs mum and dads for dinner, and I have no
We are just staying home feeling sorry for ourselves lol... Amelie is a little whinny but we are starting a leap too :( no activity really pleases her so I end up carrying her around a great deal of time...
The housework it's just not going to happen!!! We had curry for lunch and for dinner just some spaghetti with meatballs I think (ready meatballs, ready sauce lol) no time to be creative like you!!!!
You should see how much dust is in my bathroom :faint:
Struggling with getting a good feeding routine with Amelie :(
You did so good with William that maybe you move with us 1 week to get us in a routine ha ha!!!
I didn't get any solid meals in her yet today :roll: planning on some vegetables with baby rice or maybe a porridge with fruit??
I never made a porridge with oats (not that common here) so off I am to google how to.
Though not sure about giving oats at 5 o clock??
Haha! Anytime :) thing is William has gotten into his routine on his own. Iv taken a really a laid back approach. Iv gave up stressing about milk. I need to work on a naptime routine! Ha...
I really hope the bug doesn't get too bad!
And as for the housework just leave it :) I always do housework at night when W is in bed. And just try do a room at a time. It's constant. Iv set my OH some housework rules today, I had a bit of a moan and now I feel bad :( ooopppsss!!!xx
Oats at 5 should be ok. I think. Give her a full tummy :) xx
By the time she is in bed I am tired dead to do anything...
I have been snapping at my oh lately a lot about housework really :(
I don't bloody want him to clean but putting things where they belong should be a good start.
In the outside hallway we have a wooden thing with drawers. The moment he comes in he leaves everything on that one! Mail and keys and wraps or shopping bags. He brushed the puppy and left the brushes up there :roll: i am emptying the bloody thing every other day and tidy there. I constantly find knifes and scissors and all sort of things that later Amelie can pull and hurt herself. Sane comes for the bathroom. He empties his pockets there :shock: sometimes I feel like throttling him really :(

Anyway Amelie had at 5 vegetables with some baby rice to thicken and a whole fruit pot(a ready made one as I was trying to see if she will like apricots as we don't have any fresh during this season at the shops)????holy bananas in pyjamas that's the most she ever had at once!!!

I found that she likes thicker purées how than the usual ready made things so I will probably add some porridge to those fruits or some baby rice. Is this normal progression to happen with purées I am thinking???

Aiming for 2 meals tomorrow and maybe 4 bottles but No idea when and how :(

I was thinking sth maybe 7 milk, 10 fruits, 2 milk, 5 vegetables, 7 milk, 10 milk? Obviously those times will depend of when exactly she gets up hi mostly from how long she naps as that's why I usually don't have time for milk and meals :roll: too long naps sometimes :wall:

She already has stuffed nose so waiting to see what tomorrow will bring :(
Oh no! Poor girl. Really hope it passes!
Sounds like a plan :) but knowing Amelie she will decide :) haha! I'm glad she is enjoying her food. William has never refused an Ella's kitchen pouch, but he's funny with my cooking. Must be something they do to it!!!
It's hard trying to fit food/milk in. And try and do things. I found it hard to get out for a couple of weeks when we started weaning.

Oh no!! Typical man :) haha! Well I am fed up of my OH putting half washings on like nearly everyday... And I'm left to dry, and put away. I think it would be better to do all our washings twice a week? And just do it at once. Rather than wee bits here and there. I just feel I am constantly putting washings away!!!! Agh!! But never mind. I know I'm very lucky :) xxx
How do you get Amelie to nap? This is my next mission with William! Naptime :( xxx
It sounds like Amelie is making huge progress with her food, I'm sure it's up and down but are getting a taste for it! Hope the cold doesn't come out too bad Hun, terrible timing to coincide with a leap too. Big hugs to you, it won't be an easy ride xxxxx
Hey dysco :love: do you have time for a face time cuppa today? I hope you and your gorgeous man are doing perfect. Of to look at your thread for any updates in a min!!!

Lolly I was always very strict with Amelie's bedtimes but I am also blessed with a baby that naps well. Until 1 m ago it was nap every 90 min now its every 2 h. If I don't put her down for a nap at 2 h fix she starts whining and crying and rubbing her eyes. Sometimes she falls asleep right away, sometimes she fights it big time but I know that she is so tired so I keep trying and eventually in 5-10 min she is asleep. So she naps without fail every 2 h or all will brakes loose.
When she starts showing signs that she can stay up 2.5 h or 3 h then I will adjust the naps too.
Is he not napping or not giving you any signs when he is tired?
He sleeps great at night. He's put to bed at 8pm awake and eventually nods off... Naptime is a different matter. I really need to work on it!
The wee soul gets really heavy eyes when he's tired, but he fights it so much!
Usually ends up in tears, I try put him in his pram or car seat, but he just wants to play an wiggles out it... So he ends up having a cuddle on the couch with me :(
I need to set proper naptime and get a place for naps. Pram and carseat are not working anymore xxx
Pram(she wasn't fitting in there since 11 weeks) and car seat son work for naps for us since week 12 :( she sleeps downstairs on her Moses basket (a huge one bigger than cribs) and now that outgrew that I bought her a playpen and I will start putting her in there to nap. I watch the clock and for ex she woke from a nap at 10 now at 11.50 I put her in her bed, seahorse on, pacifier on, cuddly blanket near her and let her kick her legs and run around and around like 5-10 min. When she sounds almost upset I go give her the dummy back that probably threw until then lol and pat her bum a couple of times and she eventually nods off.
I suppose at W age he needs a morning nap and a noon nap and that's all? Or maybe an afternoon catnap? How long does he last until he starts whining?
He has 3x30 mins nap. Sometimes only 2. But I wish he would have 2 longer naps.
I wanted to buy a travel cot. But I don't know where I'd put it. Thought it would be handy when he's on the move too. And then out him in for naps.
Maybe I should try out him in his cot upstairs?
It really varies, he's sleeping cuddled into me just now. We're lying on couch watching friends. He has a seahorse too. I think I need a week of setting 2x hour long nap times I think xx
He lasts minutes. And throws himself about. He's fiesty xx
Lol :) I meant from when he wakes until he needs a nap

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