By the time she is in bed I am tired dead to do anything...
I have been snapping at my oh lately a lot about housework really

I don't bloody want him to clean but putting things where they belong should be a good start.
In the outside hallway we have a wooden thing with drawers. The moment he comes in he leaves everything on that one! Mail and keys and wraps or shopping bags. He brushed the puppy and left the brushes up there

i am emptying the bloody thing every other day and tidy there. I constantly find knifes and scissors and all sort of things that later Amelie can pull and hurt herself. Sane comes for the bathroom. He empties his pockets there

sometimes I feel like throttling him really
Anyway Amelie had at 5 vegetables with some baby rice to thicken and a whole fruit pot(a ready made one as I was trying to see if she will like apricots as we don't have any fresh during this season at the shops)????holy bananas in pyjamas that's the most she ever had at once!!!
I found that she likes thicker purées how than the usual ready made things so I will probably add some porridge to those fruits or some baby rice. Is this normal progression to happen with purées I am thinking???
Aiming for 2 meals tomorrow and maybe 4 bottles but No idea when and how
I was thinking sth maybe 7 milk, 10 fruits, 2 milk, 5 vegetables, 7 milk, 10 milk? Obviously those times will depend of when exactly she gets up hi mostly from how long she naps as that's why I usually don't have time for milk and meals

too long naps sometimes
She already has stuffed nose so waiting to see what tomorrow will bring