Abit scared! *updated with scan pic*

Just saw your updates hun. Fingers crossed its your wee one! Big hugs'

Thanks Louize and Nurse.

I really dont know how to feel at the moment part of me wants to prepare for the worst but then another part of me is telling me to stop being silly, its way to early and my little bean maybe a November baby rather than an October baby. I was on my own today as OH was in work then he was looking after little man, but im not too sure how hes feeling, hes trying to be strong for me i think x x

I've just seen this - I am so sorry you're being put through the mill with all this hun. I think you will be fine and what you saw on the scan was totally what you'd expect at this stage. Try with all your might to stay strong this week because the outcome has every chance of being positive :)
Hang in there honey xxxx
Just caught up hun, glad to hear the nhs actually did a scan for you, sorry to hear that it couldn't give you the reassurance you need but at least it gave you an explanation for the bleed and sounds like you are on track so everything crossed for next week when you go back - keep resting and try to stay strong for your little bean xx
Oh hun im sure your little bean is ok you've seen a little blob which is something a heartbeat can't always be seen at 6 weeks but by next week hopefully you'll see a little heart beating away xx
Got my fingers crossed for you, hopefully everything will be good next week xx
sorry youv had to go through this.. fingers crossed for you!! :hugs: xxx
Sorry to read this hun, I'm sure there will be more to see next week, it's amazing how much things change in a week, get your feet up and grow your little bean for his/her tv appearance next week. Take care xx
Thank you so much for the lovely messages ladies, really need all the support i can get at the moment and over the next week. Im glad ive got the xfactor tour on thursday to look forward to, should break the week up abit x x

Thanks everyone, you are all great on here :friends:
Well after everything being a whirlwind in my head, i think ive worked it out, well i hope i have as its given me more of a positive spin on things. Ive worked out im wasnt 6 weeks yesterday, i was only 5w+4d. The 6 weeks is going off you ov'ing on day 14, i know for a fact i didnt, so i have done some working out based on my ov date of the 10th feb(confirmed by bbt and opks) my due date is actually Nov 3rd not Oct 31st. So what i seen today on the scan wasnt anything to worry about really as im not as far gone as i thought.
So after all that i am now seeing things more clearly and im looking forward to Monday rather than dreading it.
Come on little bean get growing so you can say hi to mummy on monday x x

Just caught up with this, so sorry you had a horrible day. Brilliant news that you worked out your dates different. Im sure everything will be fine on monday :hug:
Sorry only just seen this thread........how stressful for you, you don't need all this worry after what you've been through before :-( It's good that you've reviewed your dates though...really sounds like little bean is still sprouting :) All the best for good news next week hun xxx
Thanks Rosa and Amanda, im feeling alot more positive today, but im so tired as i hardly slept last night until i worked it all out, then when i did fall into a relaxing sleep before i knew it my alarm was beeping x x

M2A, just caught up with the thread and let me tell you my story about scans - I had one about 5 weeks, there was just sac, then I had one at about 6 weeks because of the bleed - there was a sac and a yolk sac, they couldnt see the baby at all. But at 8 weeks they could see the foetus and the heartbeat and everything, so I think your scan was normal. I know it's hard not to worry, I have been worrying myself sick because my symptoms are gone now.
Thanks for the reassurance Knopk :)
You hear so many different stories about what you should or shouldnt see and before you know it alarm bells start going of in your head thinking something is wrong, i feel so much more positive today and im going to try my hardest not to worry x x

So pleased you're feeling more positive hun, roll on Monday! :yay: x x
Thanks MissJ :) i dont know where all this positivity comes from but aslong as it keeps me from worrying then thats all that matters x x

Yep. Monday's just around the corner too so not got too long a wait. :thumbup: x x
hi m2a. ahw bless youwhat a crappy day for you waiting around and worrying... really glad you have worked those dates out and you sound like you are very accurate with them.

i don't know if you remember but i went for a scan at 6 weeks 3 days and they couldn't see the baby at all... just the sac and then she eventually found the smallest flashing flicker of a light which turned out to be the heartbeat.. it was so wierd though cos there was no baby shape or anything on the screen - just this feint feint flashing light. Even at 6 weeks 3 days i understand i was lucky to see the heartbeat and i was half expecting not to as everyone had said that you might not see it until abit later. The sonogrpaher invited me back 3 weeks later and that seemed like forever to have to wait but by the time i went back the diffrence was amazing... those first few weeks it's incredible how the little bean goes from being 1-3mm long at week 5 and then just 2 or 3 weeks later it's 11-14mm...there is some real rapid growing that goes on (all be it on a tiny scale!)

I was reassured by knowing that at least they had seen something and that it was in the right place and not ectopic or anything.

ahw hope you have a better week and that little bean get's growing a bit for taht next scan.. take care and try not to worry. good news about your working out of your dates x x x
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