Abit scared! *updated with scan pic*

Thinking of you! Hope you get the best result possible :)
thinking of you and looking forward to hearing some good news x x x
Well they scanned me ladies but im not jumping for joy just yet, bloods come back ok, theres a sac with the smallest blob in but she couldnt make out whether it was baby or not. I have a bleed above the sac which is why saturday happened and i have to go back in a week for another scan to see if that blob was baby or not. Ive done nothing but cry my eyes out x x

Fingers crossed for next week hun. I know it's not easy but try not to worry too much, I know it's going to be a long week for you. :hugs:x
at least there was something in the sac hun, im sure its the beginings of a baby! they saw nothing in mine this week or last and that definately sounds more prom ising xxx
Sorry it wasn't more reassuring for you M2A.

I understand it's hard but try and relax/rest over the next week. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now but try and stay positive my lovely.

x x
:hugs::hugs::hugs:i'm sorry it was so horrible M2A, alot can change in a week especially at this early stage, hope you are ok hunny.
I'm sorry you haven't been reassured. It is early days though like everyone else said.

Stay postive, thinking of you x
oh honey I hope you're okay I will keep everything crossed for you, that's positive news that they saw something in the sac, 6 weeks is still very early so I'm sure it was a little bean they saw and he'll keep growing over the next few days. We are all here for you if you need us :hug: x x x x
Thanks ladies, everythings like a whirlwind in my head, if im a few days earlier than 6 weeks then that means i got my first bfp 7dpo ish, can that be possible???
Surely if i am 6 weeks we should of been able to make out whether the blob was a baby or not??
I cant make any sense out of any of it! x x

I have been reading about this today on the tinterweb, I think all of the little beans grow at different rates so yours might just be growing a little slower at this stage. Or your dates could be slightly out? I pray that next week you have your scan and see a more developed bean with a heartbeat. xxxx
Aww I'll be thinking of you this week. It's going to be a long week but try and stay as positive and relaxed as possible and look after yourself xxx
Ive just been googling and come across this:
'My doctor said that by 5 weeks you should see a sac, by 6 weeks you should at least see a yolk sac, and by 7 weeks you should be able to see a heartbeat'

I seen a sac and a yolk sac today, so if the above is right, then i still have hope x x

M2A really hope your ok and everything with your bean is ok!!!!

Ive just been googling and come across this:
'My doctor said that by 5 weeks you should see a sac, by 6 weeks you should at least see a yolk sac, and by 7 weeks you should be able to see a heartbeat'

I seen a sac and a yolk sac today, so if the above is right, then i still have hope x x

Thats great then, you have hit all the marks he said. hope your ok hun, i know it will be a hard week but we are all here to chat, how is OH coping? was he with you at the scan? xxx

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