Abit scared! *updated with scan pic*

Just caught up with today's posts M2A and I am so pleased all is well for you and that you have another scan to look forward to at 9 weeks :) xx
ahw what a cute little pic and i'm so so sooooo pleased it was all ok. Such a relief to see the hb and amazing the difference a week can make!

Ahw that's great news... especially when they say you might not be able to see the HB at 6 weeks and then when it's there it feels even more special. really pleased for you - that's lovely news and a lovely little pic x x x
Excellent pic M2A you must be so chuffed! Great little bean! xx
Thank you so much ladies :) im still over the moon today, just hope that the bleed either dries up or comes out before my next scan. When she said she would see me at 9 weeks, when i checked the date im going to be very nearly 10weeks, cant wait to see baby again :) x x

Thanks Kezza :) how are you hunny? Not spoke to you for ages x x

Just spotted your scan picture, soooooo cute. The difference between this and the next scan will be unbelievable. I get another scan in 4 weeks, I have a large ovarian cyst that is always there it's just that every hospital I go to wants to check it. It'll break up my wait til the 20 week scan, and you'll only have to wait about 3 weeks then til your 12 week one!! xx
Thank you ladies :)

It is amazing chookette, i find it really fasinating how baby is so small but you can still see it. Cant wait to see the difference in 3 weeks.

They scanned my stomach TORino, expected a transviginal scan as i have a tilted uterus but everything seemed ok today :) goodluck for your scan hunny :clover: x x

Thanks for this hun, im trying to be positive about my scan but there's always this little thought in the back of my mind that there is nothing in there!
Really happy for you M2A, your little bean looks very comfy in there :) Nice to know you are being closely monitored aswell xx
Congrats M2A! Am so pleased that it turned out ok and you bubba is in there safe! I am waiting for a first scan date to come through now.......can't wait, it must be so reasuring to see your little one and hear the hb!! So happy for you :) Will keep fingers crossed that all is well at 9 weeks xxxx
Ah m2a just catching up am sooooo pleased for you! Fab news :) hope you're doing well xxxx
Thank you so much for your lovely replies ladies :)
Im on countdown to my next scan now, been as though it will be when im 9w6ds, im going to ask whether i can have my 12w scan at about 13w, this way it will be past the dreaded 12w+3d, when my babys hb stopped last time x x


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