_•~•*XoXoX*•~•_ JULY 2015 Mummies-To-Be _•~•*XoXoX*•~•_

No not yet. They only got really bad after carrying my godson in from the car - probs just strained too much xxx
Hi ladies hope your all well
I still can't get used to this huge bloating that seems to appear throughout the early evening I look 5 months gone : 0
Anyone else have this? X
Yep, I do! its painful! i have trapped wind in the morning too! I am loving being pregnant and will take any symptom that comes my way!
Thanks for the advice everyone. My OH was a bit concerned about the slight brown discharge so told me to phone the midwife. She said a little bit of brown is fine as it can be a little bit of leftover AF, but if I had pains or red/pink blood to phone up and they would see me. Fx.

Another question ladies...sorry! I've also found my cm has dried up today, whereas up until now I've had a fair amount and it's been quite wet (sorry for tmi!). Anyone else found this?

Laura I get really bloated in the evenings too. I love the look of the bump I end up with, but it's disappeared by the morning!
Yeah very sad to see the bump gone by morning bridger : (
I wouldn't worry too much about the cm mine was the same loads then cleared up
And then I get more again now everyday little clumps stringy not v nice but told by midwife it's normal
So sorry if tmi x
I'd be interested to know thoughts on this: I was told cm would continue while the mucus plug is building, then eases off once it's done. Occasional increased cm after that is where the plug loses a little bit or rebuilds etc.
anyone know if this is true or have another version?
I have no idea about that, sorry Loretta!

Haha KWarbee your story made me laugh :) Think my OH would be exactly the same if that happened! Fingers crossed you get a scan earlier. I didn't realise that they can be as late as 14 weeks!

Hope your pain has eased off a bit Claire. I'm really hoping I don't wake up in the night with it again xx
My latest moan is... Spots!! Lol I have an awful painful under the skin one at the bottom of my nose and its making it painful to talk!
Since coming off my pill , ttc then getting preg my skin has gone craazy lol I never used to get spots and now they are terrible :L anyone else??
Yes! I'm always whinging about my spots :(
They're on my chin/jawline and reeeeally pissing me off! I manage to conceal them pretty well but they still really get to me. I should probably just stop being so vain.x
Woken up in agony this morning. Oh just noticed that my hip (that ive been bitching about for about a week) has a tennis ball size swelling out the size of it. Hurts so much :( xxx
Ooh Claire that sounds painful. Any chance you could get seen by an osteopath to get it checked out?
Congrats tee, and welcome ☺️

Claire... Uhm... That's not right.
Call someone.
Call anyone.
Go to A&E.
I dunno that that'll be preg-related, but... Please go get that checked hon :hug:

So I'm feeling... Eh.
Day off today which is awesome, and I have LO all day too so that's good. Gonna go make our dinner in a but so whenever he gets a a munch on, I can just plate him some up, minute in the mic and we're good to go.
I've always called it macaroni cheese, which, it isn't really. It's one of those "handed down for generations" recipes, and it's my absolute 100% favouritest meal.
Pasta, cheese (grated), tinned tomatoes (one chopped if you want, one plum), Worcester sauce, (garlic power if you like).
Boil off your pasta.
In a Pyrex dish or similar, put a layer of grated cheese, the juice from the tin of plum tomatoes, some wor-sauce, and (optional) garlic powder.
Put a layer of pasta over the top.
Put a layer of grated cheese, (optional chopped tomatoes), Wor-sauce, (optional) garlic powder.
The tin of plum tomatoes.
Cover the whole lot wor-sauce and (optional) garlic power.
Tiny pinch of cheese on top of the plum tomatoes to crisp off.

This can go straight in the oven, or, wait until you're ready.
Oven at around 180-190. Put in for around 45 minutes.
Top should be getting that "burned" look, and if you've used a clear bowl, you see it all bubbling inside.

You can do as many layers as you like. You can throw whatever else you like in there (I've chucked chopped up bacon in there, chunks of chicken... Mostly I just do it as above, cause I'm a tomato whore).

Best thing: pasta is just one of tescos own huge bags of penne or fusilli for cheap. Tinned tomatoes are tesco value. Cheese is just tesco mature cheddar... Cheapy cheapy meal, and cause it's only me (and sometimes LO) eating it, I get like three days out of it :)
If the pic's attached... That's one I made couple weeks back, before it went in the oven.

In terms of pregnancy... Very little to report. All seems to have settled down. No symptoms at all...
Lil stickybub's just in there doin it's thing :)

Hope you're all well :dust:
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Hi all!! Claire that sounds really painful! Get that seen to xx
How's everyone feeling today? I'm having a full day of doing not very much :)
I see the midwife on Thursday too! Fingers crossed they give me a scan before Xmas! Can't believe I'm in my 10th week it's going so fast xx
Had a bit more brown discharge this morning. I've now started bleeding. It's like my period has started :( GP appointment at 6:30pm
Sorry to hear you're suffering with pain Claire, are you going to see someone about it? Hope you have some relief from it soon.

Lacey, that recipe sounds amazing. It made my mouth water! I would totally put bacon and chicken in there too. :)

I'm having a super lazy day today, feeling my usual tired and a little bit of nausea this morning but otherwise feeling well.

Hope you all have a nice weekend xx
Oh no Bridger, I'm sorry, you must be so worried. Some ladies on here have had quite substantial bleeding and everything has turned out to be absolutely fine so stay hopeful hun. Thinking of you, keep us all updated xx
Super tired this afternoon. Finished the things I really had to do and now ditching the rest. Am on the sofa under a rug, with no intention of moving. And seriously considering that recipe too, Lacey. Sounds like just what I need.
Bridget, hope to GP has good/comforting news for you. Fx xx

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