_•~•*XoXoX*•~•_ JULY 2015 Mummies-To-Be _•~•*XoXoX*•~•_


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2014
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Welcome ladies, and congratulations!!! :pompom:

It's early days still, for us, so here's lots of sticky-dust to help lil bubs nestle in tight :dust::dust::dust:

Feel free to post your expecting date, etc, and I'll periodically go through and update as info comes in.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all. :yay:

2nd July (Tri 2: 19th Dec)

MDSremos :yellow:
Roxyroo :yellow:
MrsG81 :yellow:
Laurend5 :yellow:

3rd July (Tri 2: 20th Dec)

Millielaura :yellow: :angel2: Sometimes our little ones are sent on ahead, though they remain in our hearts xx

4th July (Tri 2: 21st Dec)

firsttimemum26 :yellow:

5th July (Tri 2: 22nd Dec)

Emapot1 :yellow:
Laura29 :yellow:
CTD :yellow:
catherine1987 :yellow:

6th July (Tri 2: 23rd Dec)

Rebecca Brown :yellow:
La Reine :yellow:

7th July (Tri 2: 24th Dec)

Crawkay :yellow:

8th July (Tri 2: 25th Dec)

Ingridika :yellow:

9th July (Tri 2: 26th Dec)

LaceyKeo :yellow:
BonzE :yellow:
Twinkletoes220 :yellow:

10th July (Tri 2: 27th Dec)

Jennyxx :yellow:
claire2602 :yellow:
Nicky_G :yellow:
Angela2612 :yellow:

11th July (Tri 2: 28th Dec)

Loretta :yellow:

12th July (Tri 2: 29th Dec)

Boosh :yellow:

13th July (Tri 2: 30th Dec)

KWarbee :yellow:
Lexidust :yellow:
motleycruegirl :yellow:
Bellabeau :yellow:

17th July (Tri 2: 3rd Jan)

Toni_Win :yellow:
tee_babyfox :yellow:
katyjane83 :yellow:

20th July (Tri 2: 6th Jan)

AnotherYou :yellow:

21st July (Tri 2: 7th Jan)

Lola1 :yellow:


23rd July (Tri 2: 9th Jan)

no1mom :yellow:

27th July (Tri 2: 13th Jan)

Mrsolly :yellow:

29th July (Tri 2: 15th Jan)

Kaylip29 :yellow:

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Is anyone else still getting cramps? I've had quite a few this morning lol making me nervous even though I know its normal!!
Yep I am! Still nothing major just aware of my tummy a bit like I am when due on but not painful? I'm tired too but apart from that no symptoms?

It will go so quickly especially the first couple of months because of Christmas! Having said that if do anything to be a few months in!! Xx

Thanks for starting the new thread! Xx
I'm getting cramps like as if I was on AF this morn but minus the blood! They arn't really painful as such just kinda uncomfortable? Think I'm noticing them more as making me nervous now lol!! I'm tired and had a couple nosebleeds and a nightmare last night and apart from that got no symptoms either!
I know yeah its so worrying first tri lol just wanna be past it!!
Welcome July ladies, great seeing a new thread :) healthy and happy 9 months to all x
Hey everyone ☺️

So, little story about my first pregnancy.

I woke up one morning (with zero period tracking) and thought "I need to go get a pregnancy test". I still don't know why, but I did. So, I did. BFP.
Two days later, I got an immense stabbing pain in my lower left side. Went to hospital, got a scan for ectopic, all was fine. They dated bean to be around the four week plus days mark, and estimated due date as Jan 11th.
This date never changed.

Three weeks later, I had a fun (read: not fun) day in work. Up at 5:30, started at 6am, ended up working right through to 2am. I realised around late evening I was feeling kinda sicky.
By 2am I was starving. And feeling really sicky.
We stopped at McDonalds on the way home, I ate some chips, threw up within minutes.
Realised at that point I hadn't eaten all day.
Was home five minutes later, and went to bed.
Woke up next day feeling fine.

Around seven months, we moved house.
I moved a lot of stuff by myself as ex-OH was working.
I took it easy, didn't lift crazy stuff, just all the "odds and ends" bits.
Damn impatient me put baby's cot together by myself (after dragging each piece up two flights of stairs one at a time).

A couple weeks after, I noticed my back really starting to ache. (I'm very average sized and bump was pretty big by now).
I spent the remaining time walking slightly bent over and looking like/walking at the speed of your average stereotypical 80 year old.
No pain. Just achy.

Jan 10th arrived. No sign of anything.
I was up at 7am.
Around 11:30pm, I told XOH I was packing it in and going to bed.
He said there was only 10 mins left of the programme we were watching, might as well watch it then we could both go up.
Okay, I said.

Two minutes later, I sat bolt upright then doubled over. XOH is all "WHAT???".
"I think (read: just know) that was a contraction".
I went toilet. One or two tiny faint pink spots on the paper.
And another couple contractions in that time.
I phoned hospital just to let them know it seemed things were starting (considering average first time labour is 38 hours, and I'd never experienced this before, I thought things were "starting to happen").
I was in the hospital JUST after midnight.
Monitored for 30 mins.
Contractions coming thick and fast.
Wheeled round to L&D.

They offered me G&A. I felt sick after two puffs.
They offered pethadine before trying epi, I gladly (read: demanded) they give me the drugs.
She went off to get said peth.
Came back about four hours later (XOH) says she was gone about 15 minutes).
Shot me up.
I felt the desperate need to push.

Waters exploded.

Due to the peth taking the pain away, I fell asleep between contractions (every minute or so).
XOH says it was the funniest thing he'd seen in a long time, looking back.
I don't remember falling asleep at all.

DS was born at 3:35am, on Jan 11th (the date they gave me all those months ago), three hours 55 minutes after the first contraction.

I had practically zero symptoms (stabbing pain for an hour, and achy back. The sick I blame purely on my own non-eating-idiocy).

I had no idea what I was doing.
I had no idea about pregnancy/birth/babies.
I spent the eight months prior reading everything I could find on this forum. (And googling, but I wouldn't recommend that unless you know you can take everything google offers with a pinch of salt).

I am in no way an expert, nor am I a health professional in any way shape or form.
What I am, is someone who has had their own experience, and shared the experiences of all the other ladies in my month at the time.

For those first timers amongst us... Please, ask questions. Let us know what's going on if you feel weird or unsure, or happy or comfortable... All the symptoms, none of the symptoms...

No one here can replace your personal midwife/doctor/whoever, and if something genuinely feels wrong, CALL THEM.

We can, however, share that we too may have experienced that weird thing you're feeling, and help ease your mind at times.
We can also share personal experiences regarding feelings/appointments/scans/pregnancy aids/labour aids/etc.

For example. I'm impatient. Once I know a bit about something, I have to know everything.
It's waaaay early to be thinking about how to labour, but, because it was new to me last time around, and someone had mentioned something in a thread I was reading, I was looking up all different kinds of ways to go through it at like, six weeks pregnant.
Some will say pethadine is a terrible choice.
I had a great experience with it personally.

Anyway... The main point of this book I seem to have written, is please ask about anything that crosses your mind.
And if that is "why is the sky blue?" We can discuss that too.

Happy start to the rest of your lives, ladies :pompom::dust:
Aw I loved reading your pregnancy story!! :D
Haha I'm the same as you wanting to know everything once I know something. I already know I would want a water birth and really interested in hypnobirthing. Hate drugs lol when I was in hosp getting a cyst removed they gave me morphine and I broke out in hives, felt drunk off my face and kept throwing up. I also hate the feeling of being out of control so don't like the sound of gas and air lol!! Will probs all change in labour though haha.
Glad I have you to ask questions too lol! :)
I really wanted a water birth.

Bizarrely (selfishly?) because I knew I wanted to hold baby straight away, and was grossed out at the idea at the same time.
At least with a water birth, it'd be pretty clean, right?

I'd heard peth is known to cause the baby drowsiness.
Epi can leave you with life-long back issues.
G&A can just, fail to help.
Water birth can be not enough to take the pain away.
Etc and so on and so forth.

I was hoping water birth on G&A.
I was adamant I was against epi.

When they offered peth, I snatched it up and got lucky :)
Oh, and for all y'all due around first week of July... Congrats :) your baby's heart is just about beating :yay:
I always thought about a water birth for my first but I decided against it right at the last min
I managed to get by with gas and air and then had half a dose of diamorphine
It was very good and good job I dodnt have a full dose because I think I would of been asleep for a month lol
I kept nodding off in between contractions but it helped me a lot
My waters broke at 10:45pm I got to hospital at 11:50pm and was 8cms dialated
I had my beautiful little boy at 4:37am weighing 7.2 and a half
Amazing experience and fingers and everything crossed this baby will be just as amazing x
LaceyKeo, loved your story! Thank you sharing! My biggest issues at the moment is not believing I'm actually pregnant...being away means no access to a digi until tomorrow so not too long to wait! Iv worked myself up so much im scared the result will be not pregnant! Even though I'm 4days late and have had two faint first responses and one faint cheapie!!

I'm keen on water birth and as natural as possible I react really badly to drugs too!!

Girls, I have a scan booked for Thursday which by my reckoning will make me 5 weeks 4days...chances of a heart beat? It will be internal! Xxx
It'll be very faint but it is possible.

Internal will be much easier to pick it up with.

Let us know how it goes :)
Will do! Il also let you know what the digi says tomorrow...I really want to be a July mummy! X
Where are you going for internal Hun? Hospital or private?
Hope all goes really well x
Private, I'm under the care of an obs in harley street. Feel very lucky that i am have one this early. X
Girls, is it weird that I don't want to have sex with my hubby? I'm anxious (although I know it's completely safe) also don't want to excercise even though I do this every day? Where do I find out what not to eat? I had dippy eggs for breakfast and thought oh crap I'm pretty sure they are off the menu! X

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