6 week reassurance scan

Oh that is just awful! You do not need to put up with that at all hun! Do not allow him to get you down! I'd love to see how they'd cope!! Xx
Life would be different if men had periods and babies.
sanitary products would be free on the NHS on repeat prescription and have space age technology. Morning sickness wouldn't exist. And labour would be such a drugged up peaceful affair. lol birth control would be the man's responsibility..... ah we can dream lol
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Yeah we can! I honestly feel like screaming at my OH sometimes, like is carrying their baby not good enough?
Anyway! It's all about the babies, nevermind the blinking men, they will be the only ones missing out if we did it alone xx
Awake again for the loo haha! Thought i'd check in and see how everyone is?
Im still the same, no change in anything sickness still hangs about like a bad smell. OH seems to be more nice he took me to have a look at prams (early i know just a browse!) Made me feel so good! And a bit scared of where all the moneys coming from, but now its the battle of the grandparents on whos buying what, this little one has 4 sets! So is going to be super spoiled! :D x
I'm good thanks I had my first gp appointment since being discharged from the fertility clinic. I was a bit upset as had wiped some pink that morning and had a few light cramps. No problems but it gave me a little fright. Gp had no sympathy and told me at one point I'd gone over my time already so couldn't ask any more questions? I was even more upset after that. Only ever spoke to her on the phone before as I don't like to take up actual appointments as I know they are stretched unless it's unavoidable. Looks like I will be dealing with the midwife and consultant from now on anyway. I know there is a queue but I was being as quick as I could. She hadn't read my notes and I had to explain all the medication I'm on so she could prescribe enough to get me to the midwife meeting next week. Pretty unimpressed.

Anyway I am 10 weeks today and have midwife next week so feeling good about everything again now. I do have complete sympathy for nhs workers of course. I just think she could have read the situation better (and maybe given my notes a glance).

I still don't feel sick unless I don't eat for a while. I feel bad for all you ladies suffering it must be hideous. Hope the oh stuff improves also. I think a sit down serious conversation might help so he really understands how he is making you feel. Will he go to midwife meetings? That would probably bring him down to earth. Hope everything improves xx
hi girls!

hope you are all well, feel like im coming down with another cold!

the Oh sat and spoke to me the other day, about everything i told him he is pushing me away and he needs some professional help with everything he went through, he doesnt see his drinking as an issue but they dont.

i was looking at baby things and thinking how am i gunna afford all these things haha!

not feeling too nauseous these days, boobs still killing tho, and i seem to be staving i make my meal and i pick at it as im not that hungry its strange but gotta keep going.

are you showing yet Blisa? xxx
Im feeling much better where my OH is concerned, but this was after i had a mini melt down and told him i felt alone, he actually suprised me and told me he was just worried and didn't know how to cope with it, i symapthise; must be horrible not being able to do much.
That is no exscuse for her to be rude to you! I feel bad for NHS workers yes but in no way does their 'time limit' affect their mannerisms, actually i've spoken with a few midwifes who are so ignorant! Glad it wasn't anything bad, still hard not to panic about it though, i'm having mild cramps today which i'm a little on edge with, as i haven't felt it before!
I hope all goes good with the midwife! I'm counting the days down till 12 week scan! I love having a look day by day at how my little ones progressing best advent calender ever! Haha xx
I've been having the same issues with my oh. he told everyone I tricked him into the baby which isn't true I think he had actually convinced himself! he's no help he walked out for a week but he's now back so seeing how things pan out! we had the big talk last weekend
hi girls!

hope you are all well, feel like im coming down with another cold!

the Oh sat and spoke to me the other day, about everything i told him he is pushing me away and he needs some professional help with everything he went through, he doesnt see his drinking as an issue but they dont.

i was looking at baby things and thinking how am i gunna afford all these things haha!

not feeling too nauseous these days, boobs still killing tho, and i seem to be staving i make my meal and i pick at it as im not that hungry its strange but gotta keep going.

are you showing yet Blisa? xxx

Glad to see you back! Has the talk improved anything at all? My OH is the same with drinking, it's as if he needs it to get through life! Im bad when it comes to alcohol though, even before i was pregnant, i hardly ever had a drink as i hate it!

I dont think i realised how much babies cost in total! Even though they are totally worth it and thinking about it, i want everything new! Although second hand doesn't bother me, but i want nursery and pram, etc to be new!
Glad your not feeling the sickness anymore hopefully that means your over that part! Wish i was haha! Im starving all the time, and trying not to over indulge, but when i dont eat i feel awful again!
Im actually not sure, with being a bigger girl, i feel as though my tummy is going more round where as before it was more flat, i feel bloated though! Have either of you got a little bump yet? Xx
I've been having the same issues with my oh. he told everyone I tricked him into the baby which isn't true I think he had actually convinced himself! he's no help he walked out for a week but he's now back so seeing how things pan out! we had the big talk last weekend

Your in the right place if you want to have a wee moan! Haha!
Goodness me!! Tricked him into having a baby? What a horrible thing to say, certainly never got yourself pregnant!
They do not understand, i don't think its real for them until there's a little baby to see and hold. Very hard to deal with the different problems, etc pregnancy brings along with them acting that way!
Hope you are ok! X
Nikkix we dont need men!!!

as soon as he has had a bad day he will drink, i dont drink never have my phobia of being sick is the cause of this haha!

im starting to show i was washboard tummy now not so much haha
Only special occasions i would have a few, nothing to what he does! Definetley do not need them, however im giving him a chance! Last one however!
So wish i could tell, i dont think ill show for a good while even though i feel like i am! X
im giving him another chance too. fingers crossed he will change.

im the opposite i wish i wasnt showing so much, i suffered with eating disorders and body dis-morphia and its really hitting me over the past few days and im not sure why. im going to bring it up with the midwife on monday i dont want it effecting the health of my baby xx
Aww hun, i do apologise! Sounded insensitive. But i hope you get the support for that, are you taking any vitamins, etc?
nothing to say sorry silly! im only taking folic acid at the minute, i suspect when i get my bloods done they will stick me on iron and allsorts! feel shattered these past few days :( gets to wednesday in my working week and i just want a lie in haha xx
Yeah they've got me on vitamins as well as folic acid. Nothing more yet but still got to be tested for gestional diabetes which im at more of a risk due to my dad having diabetes apparently! Fingers crossed i dont but each day as it comes! Have you got 12 week scan date yet? Forgot if you had said! 9th lf december for me such a lonnnggg wait ahh!
Im feeling pants again today, and my boss is an arse, ive work every saturday night going for the last 2 months, i asked for this one off tomorrow and he said fine he would cover it. Now about 3 hours later he cant as he has plans load of crap! He also said i do not need a saturday off as im pregnant! Honestly! Grrr xx
i will have to be tested for that also, my mam has diabetes and type 1 runs in the family. no nothing yet just my first midwife appointment which i should be 11 weeks if im growing at the normal rate, i had 3 weeks growth in 2 weeks when i last went for my scan. December isnt that far away :)

your allowed time off! thats unfair i had a boss like that when i worked in a pub now i just work 8.30 - 5 every day apart from weekends which is great but not too great when the OH works all weekend xxxx
Finally sitting down chilling for tonight! OH in the pub (SHOCK) but he's watching footy then bringing me food ha! Also bought me new pjs and a comfy sports bra because they killing me!!
Wish i had set shifts, he said he would but thats been said for 2 or so weeks now and no further along! Im fed up working night shift and being shattered constantly! Xx
my boobs are killing me! but all my OHs mates seem to love my expanding bust! i certainly dont and the OH isnt getting any enjoyment outta them! they are out of bounds!

my OH lives in the pub, hope your doing well, i have my first midwife appointment today i dont know what to expect? xxxx

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