6 week reassurance scan

@blisa We think so!!
It's been a bit of a rocky road so I've got a blood test tomorrow and then got to have a scan in two weeks!!

Crazy days xx
Aw, well I wish you all the best! Really hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months!
Glad they are keeping a wee eye on you anyway, even just for a bit of reassurance!! Keep us updated with how you are! We're here even if you just need a wee vent or whatever x :D
Glad everyone seems to be doing ok. We have our first midwife appointment tomorrow, so glad to get it moving and hopefully they'll do the 12 week scan on the dot of 12 weeks otherwise OH wont be here for it (away with work after that). All still ok with me (I think?!) I caved and ordered some maternity jeans and pjs which just arrived and I am so much more comfy now. My jeans were not doing me any good. I was determined to wait till after the scan as I didnt want to be left looking at maternity clothes if it wasnt good (sorry if that sounds negative but it took 5 years to get here!). It was the right decision though. I dont know if Im really showing or if its bloat but since there are two of them, actually forget that I think I am showing! 10+5 today
Glad everyone seems to be doing ok. We have our first midwife appointment tomorrow, so glad to get it moving and hopefully they'll do the 12 week scan on the dot of 12 weeks otherwise OH wont be here for it (away with work after that). All still ok with me (I think?!) I caved and ordered some maternity jeans and pjs which just arrived and I am so much more comfy now. My jeans were not doing me any good. I was determined to wait till after the scan as I didnt want to be left looking at maternity clothes if it wasnt good (sorry if that sounds negative but it took 5 years to get here!). It was the right decision though. I dont know if Im really showing or if its bloat but since there are two of them, actually forget that I think I am showing! 10+5 today

Aww bless!! Bet you are showing, I don't see a problem with buying maternity clothing but I do get what you mean hun, pregnancy is both beautiful but complex.. and amazing! So glad to hear your good! By the way new look have a plus size range, I know it's different to maternity however alot more choice! I'm currently looking to buy a Christmas jumper, I've found so many I like! One in particular which says 'bumps first Christmas' :D hope all goes well with midwife!! 12 week scan, I'm so excited for mine I really wish I could have one everyday! X

Leigh - did all go well with the midwife? Any further forward with scan dates? Hope your feeling better too! X

Star thats amazing! im showing already i was very slim and now i look like ive had a good meal, i need to look at maternity clothes as my jeans are killing me! just didnt wanna look for it to be bad news.

midwife went great she got me in for my scan next friday which i will almost be 13 weeks, she was very nice, just took my blood asked family qs etc. she pushed me through for a scan a i have requested all the screening they can do to make sure my little alien is fit and well. just a week to go and i can do the announcement :)

i think ill be measuring more than 12 +4 i had 3 weeks growth in 2 weeks on my last scan and they said i was measuring 9 weeks then. hopefully get a EDD too! think i might book an early gender scan as i wont find out till im 20 weeks i think she said that will be in January :( i wanna know for peoples christmas cards.

lots of friends on FB doing their big announcements i cant wait for mine! xxxxx
I can't wait either! Even though family know already! Sickness hit it's peak last night and this morning so very ill:( hope everyone else is good! Trying to invest in some super stretchy knickers! Haha x
my family and close friends know but i just wanna shout it from the roof tops!!

my sickness has gone - not that i had any just nausea! im feeling pretty good but i cant stop eating cheese! haha

i need to invest in some maternity pants i think, my jeggings are killing me xxx
Yeah! I'm so ready to start buying maternity! I feel really swollen, and that's being a bigger girl! My jeans button popped the other day in asda, to which my OH giggled at for a hour (child!) I can laugh now :D
I'm so the same!! So many ladies announcing beautiful baby arrivals/pregnancies! I'm sitting with my bottom lip out like when me?!
I'm so glad she pushed for 12 week scan for you! You will be so excited with it being close! Any waits a killer though! Well hopefully when I'm at the stage you are it will sort itself out, cheese yup! So fattening but feels like I have to have it everyday!! Haha xx
haha i bet at the time you weren't happy :)

i know so many people my age! its too exciting!

i know ill be nearly 13 weeks when i get seen but hopefully i will get a due date!

i think cos i was so small ive just bloated out! got a right belly going on haha i dont think the amount of cheese im eating is helping things haha!! but its all on my belly so i dont mind :) xxxx
Haha I was very embarrassed! Found it hard not to say to the people watching me 'oh I'm pregnant' cause then it's acceptable hahaha!

Can't remember if you said you wanted to know the sex? I didn't now I do, but I keep changing my mind!!
At least it's going into a little bump! I just look like I've over eaten haha!! Xxxx
some one actually said i look like ive lost weight on my face!

i am going to find out hopefully book an early gender scan before christmas :) xxxxx
Woo your at the 12 week mark now :D so excited for you!
I won't be able to book early gender until January but we're about to move & everything so glad I'm going to have something to make time go a bit quicker!
Hope your feeling ok! Still being sick regularly, tried ginger biscuits, acupuncture bands and eating small but often, isn't making much difference haha!! Xxx
oh god i didnt even realise id hit 12 weeks!

ive had the sicky bug and ive still got stomach cramps from it - i hope its from the bug and not the baby fingers crossed for friday!

i know we are looking to move too but i need to know. haha im so impatient xxxx
You hadn't been here for a while, glad all is okay! It probably is from the bug, the cramps for me seemed to get worse when I had been retching. I've got a doctors appointment tomorrow, I've been feeling so unwell for weeks and lethargic, thinking I'm going to need bloods done to check iron levels. I feel awful!
We are moving in 3 weeks! I really can't wait, get moved & my Christmas tree up haha! I'm banned so far as OH is a big bah humbug�� xxx
i dont tend to come on over the weekend. i feel fine and dandy today so i think it was just the bug!

we have a house viewing tomorrow so hopefully everything will go well for that! i want to put my tree up too but the OH is a grinch! he wont let me, plus i dont want to put it up to take it down to put it back up again in another house lol

i was really tired around the stage your at i just gathered it was the baby growing. i had my bloods done last week and the midwife has never rang so im guessing all is fine. scan day tomorrow and the big reveal! (all being well) xx
How did your scan go? I hope everything is okay!! :D xxx
Aww that's fab! Everything was good then? Did you get a picture too? Still 2 weeks to go for me haha! Xxx
IMG_2471[1].jpgyes i think so - was very rushed i felt... got to see the consultant on the 14th december as im more prone to postnatal depression, but i think everything was fine
Awww!! That's such an amazing picture!! Not great them making you feel rushed though! Ridiculous.
I've got consultant appointment for bloods etc to be taken on the same day as 12 week scan xxxx

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