6 week reassurance scan

i thought it was a bit of a rubbish photo she only took one, it was facing the front of me so i had to move around to try and get the alien to move.

i had my bloods done etc but i have a separate appointment to see someone.

ive also booked a gender scan for the 21st december :) xxxxx
I've not been back for a while, I've had a few problems, firstly being so sick and lethargic, still waiting for bloods right now. But yesterday I had pinky discharge, so I phoned the EPU who have moved my 12 week scan to Tuesday instead of Friday.. very scared and worried now not really sure what to do with myself :(
Hope you are well x
Hi hun!
All is great! Baby was wriggling like crazy when she was trying to measure! Panic over on cloud 9! :D


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AMAZING!!!! ive been worried about you all day!

how far are you measuring now? xxx
12+2 now, due 18th June! I'm so happy xxx
aww babe that is fab news!!! such a relief isnt it seeing them on the screen.

my bump is coming out


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Aww wow! Lovely little bump you've got!! It's so real now, & we have announced it too. Feels great!! Xxx
its just popped out over night duno where my bump has come from haha!

i loved announcing mine still doesnt feel real yet xx
Aww I'm so happy for you!! When is your early gender scan? Xxx
i am for you too!

just had my flu jab :(

scan is the 21st december my early christmas pressie :)
Oh God Yeah I need to get booked in for that, do.you feel yucky?
Wow super exciting!! Have you bought any bits & bobs yet?
Had bloods done etc yesterday, also down syndrome test so awaiting all the results xx
my results for the screening came back within 2 days :)

ive only bought some little converse for my announcement, i still cant believe its happening! im in a day dream

ive just gone really tired, not sure if its the injection or lack of sleep, sure ill feel worse tomorrow ! xxx
Haha, I'm getting really bad pains in my hips at night, I have to change position every time it gets sore, really uncomfortable, wondering if a pregnancy pillow would help support it a bit.
I was so tired last night, I'm so prone to just falling asleep straight away right now and waking up in a panic that I'm late or something lol! Hope your ok today xx
i normally sleep on my tummy, but with a growing bump its starting to get uncomfortable. ive asked the OH for a pregnancy pillow for christmas haha its the little things!

im full of cold today! and a very sore arm!! hope your well xxx
Ah this could be the best invention ever! I would use this all the time haha! I'm going to see about my hips I've been told that it's part of being pregnant and everything's just adjusting, which I can believe as I never had pains before, but I was a bit of a tummy sleeper too. I'm terrified of sleeping in any other position apart from my side! Xxx
Back sleeping is fine until 20 weeks I think and tummy is fine most the way through if you can bare it! I can't wait for my pillow I feel so darn huge and uncomfortable! Wouldn't change it for the world but looking forward to comfort. I wanted a pillow good for sleeping and for feeding when baby arrives. I also get bad hips due to spd/pgp which my midwife said if it gets worse I may need physio. I've had physio on my bad back and neck and I'm the ticklish person ever. The physio even laughed at how bad I was. Apparently it's an overactive fight or flight reflex my reflex is fright by loud fits of laughter lol
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I just panic because I'm bigger, even though I know the baby is protected I get scared of lying a way that will harm it. Sounds so silly I know haha! I'm buying new pillows for at least supporting my hips xx

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