didnt manage to wake him up he has done 14 shifts in a row so felt bad
cramping has gone just a dull kind of pain and a headache!!! 7 days till testing
ile prob do it 1st thing tomorrow morning, my body likes confusing me, it will hold out for af till i do a test, be disappointed about a bfn, then the witch will arrive about an hr later! grrrrrrrrrrrr
know the feeling last month i tested bfn then about couple hours later the af arrived but just to wine me up it only lasted a day!!!! (in the back of my head i still think what if i am already because af wasnt normal but poas said no!!)
look forward to coming on here in the morning now hope you get your bfp for xmas who knows this time around because you dont have any signs you may get your bfp good luck xx
thats so turn be positive and hopefully it will be a positive!!
why are our bodies so bloody confussing!!! well hope you get some sleep all the best will be waiting for your results xx
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