xx Tri 2 Rollcall xx

Gorgeous baby is Due 26th June 2012, we are over the moon to be Team Blue, baby name will be Charlie Michael.

thanks xxx
You missed me out, I'm team pink :) x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Oh can u add me I'm
Due 6th oct and will be staying team
Yellow :-)
You missed me out, I'm team pink :) x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

So sorry Jayjay, I missed your post - blonde moment, updated now xx

Everyone else you are also updated/added xx
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Lol no worries. Thank u :) x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
I am 13 weeks tomorrow, but I am joining Tri 2 a bit earlier, if that is OK!

My EDD is 28 September, but I'll get it confirmed at my 20 week scan which is on 23 May. I have a feeling it's going to be a girl, but again I'll get told at that scan.

Please can I be added and put my due date as 27 September, with a possible girl?

Names: Kristianna Sofia or if it's a boy Kristian Georgios.


xx NickiLou xx
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Hi ya

I've had my scan now and I'm Team Blue :). Would you update me please?

I have had my 20 week scan and I am team Blue!

Please may you update me?

im due on the 28th September (my brothers birthday)!

dont want to know the sex as we want it to be a total surprise!
*Please Update*

I have my 14 week scan next Wed (10th April) when I'll find out if it's a boy or girl, as I can't wait until my 20 week one to find out!! I'll also get my actual due date as well

I'll still be getting my 20 week scan on 23 May and it's still the same names!!


xx NickiLou xx
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Just joining in now
DD 07/10/12
Scan date 21st May
my due date is 6th october.. next scan 16th may.
girls name- harleigh summer lockhart
boys name- kaiden stanley lockhart

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