Wtf have I done to deserve all this?? Pg 7 is today's new crap!!

Thanks babe.. It's my OHs mum that's going ott with it all.. First grandchild and all that :roll: I hope it doesn't cause arguments when baby is born I'd really hate it!!

People seem to be being seen quite quick now so hoping I'm next!!
yeah sorry I just realised I wrote "your nan" didn't I :) I did mean your OH's mum.

good luck!!
Lol pg brain lol
I may have to reschedule if they don't hurry up! :(
OMG I can't believe how much you're having to go through. You poor love. WTF is wrong with people?? The girls' nan must know you're in late preg - not that there's any good time to play silly buggers, but there are worse times than others. What a bitch. Hope you're ok :(
how is it going? have you had your appointment yet?
Aww chick, just read this, hope youre ok. As for the OH mother, Im the same as in its the first grandchild and of course they are really excited etc, but tbh I'm just doing what I want and what I feel comfortable with doing. As for your girls nan, give it to your solicitor and let him put in a counter claim of slander and let him deal with it. You dont need this crap, so just do it all through solicitors. Ive had to do it before and my nerves used to be wrecked, now I couldnt care less cause I know its just been done to stress me out. Things will get better chick, soon you'll have your beautiful LO in your arms. Good luck with your appointment, hope you got on ok xxx
Had to reschedule appointment for next week.. Some div crossed off my consultants name on my notes while i was in hosp the other week and put someone else on it and she questioned it before shed see me.. By that time it was too late I had to go :roll:

Thanks so much for all your support with everything.. OHs mum n dad are fuming, quite rightly! I've got an app with my solicitor on Thursday so gonna take it all to her.. I'm still in total shock and disgust!! Think will defo looking into doing her for slander it's disgraceful!!! She threatened to do the same with her kids dad when they was going thru a hard time so knew she was capable of this but didn't think she would actually do it.
Blatantly working with exs wife.. This 'woman' had complications with her pregnancy and was in and out of hospital.. She lied about her baby being dead for ten days for attention.. She's threatened to kill my kids numerous times yet she's still accepted by his family.. Says more about his family don't it!!
:friends:it speaks volumes about them hun !!! just hand it all over to solicitor so u can consentrate and cooking your lo !!!its good that oh parents are behind u makes all the difference !! now get the girls sorted and yourself in the bath !! xxx
Oh god not what you need,
when i had my daughter i never let her go with anyone not even for an hour until she was 11months old! and she never slept away from me/home until she was 1 and a half!! My FOB's mum just had to lump it cos she's mine :) so it was all on my terms and i laid them down lol x
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't let go so easy I don't see how some mothers can just hand their babies to just about anyone who will have them!!
Looking forward to seeing my solicitor on thurs she is great and very reassuring :) court date is march so at least I know I don't have to face the bitch til then!!
Massive :hug: you really have been through the mill hunny, dont know how they can get away with treating you like this, its disgusting x x
I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't let go so easy I don't see how some mothers can just hand their babies to just about anyone who will have them!!
Looking forward to seeing my solicitor on thurs she is great and very reassuring :) court date is march so at least I know I don't have to face the bitch til then!!

I'm quite chilled about my loved ones having bonding time with my kids, but taking a baby off to town when it's 2 hours old is ridiculous!
yer I'm not comfortable with people taking the baby off for an hr !! dont even think i would b ok with oh doing it for few weeks !!! xxxx
I just don't know what I've done to deserve this shit!! Ellie was up last night burning hot, throat closed up so was choking and being a bit sick.. Screaming her head and tummy hurt.. She's usually so good when she's ill, never makes a fuss just pukes and goes back to bed.. This came after I gave her her first dose of antibiotics for a uti before bed.. Gave her calpol and checked on her every few mins from 1:30am til 5:30am... Was up at 6:50am to Jaycee.. Ellie has docs at 10:50am.. May have been an allergic reaction or just coincindentally ill..

To top it off... After the school run for Jaycee (was a tad late coz non uniform was on the calendar but was unsure and they took bloody ages to answer the phone!!!) a 13w pregnant woman drove into the back of me after my car stalled at the traffic lights.. It stalled and as I was starting it and moving slightly forward she just went into me!!! I could understand if I'd stalled and she went into me but it was after!!! Stupid bitch!!!

For once I've not had bh all eve and night last night but after that they've come back :mad: I feel like crying my eyes out!!!
You poor thing sweetie, sending massive hugs your way xxxxxx
Massive :hugs: to you. You're doing an amazing job coping with it all xxx
oh horrible! poor you! can't believe how much you are going through lately...

so sorry you are going through this. Your luck must change soon though!!!
you poor babe i dont know whether to laugh or cry!! ive just read all your post and think its awful how youve been treated. the solicitor letter is a horrible thing to happen when your in and out of hospital but i bet shes timed it so its near your due date to cause problems. and your poor babes being ill too.

hows your OH now has he been in touch? if not text him and tell him to go buy the loo roll and a big bunch of flowers.

i hope things get better for you hun x x x big hugs x x x

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