Wtf have I done to deserve all this?? Pg 7 is today's new crap!!

Ethan was a happy child still is most the time he is just stubborn !!! Sounds like a good plan! Feeling bit sad bout not needing the forum as much in couple of weeks !!! Xxx
I know.. :( i know i wont have the time to come on here as often.. the parenting part of the site is always handy :)
ohh not looked at that part yet !!! started to have a look on the labour and birth bit !! looking forward to being busy will mean i can actually do something without pain !! how r your bh today ? xxx
Yeah.. no pain... ahhhh..... lol

still strong bh today.. :roll: lots of pressure and baby scrambling to get out lol! feel quite sick today.. felt v sick last night didnt sleep well at all.. having some probs with OH now too which doesnt help :( he stayed at his mums last night. finally hit him hes gonna be a dad so he decided to fuck off in his car n park up somewhere and 'think' for three hours without telling me or answering the phone... bearing in mind he text me at 8:15pm to say he was gonna be home in 45mins.. then nothing! really pissed me off... n his mum is like 'thats how he is'... so i said well he aint fucking doing that with me!!! i wont accept that!! feel for him n all that but its not right what he did. just a text to say he needs time to think would have been enough.
now his mum is making it out to be my fault.. cant cope with this shit!! we didnt even argue or anything! he finally went to his mums at 12:30am.. told him I need time to think now so he can stay at his mums again!!
Sorry for the little rant there lol!!
Oh no, the last thing you need is that!!!
It will be great to talk I think and try to see what's going on and how u both can improve it!!! Talking is the best way to resolve stuff I found !!
Good luck hun
ive tried talking to him.. hes just so immature and has such a short attention span its impossible!! while i was in hospital he was only able to visit for half hour a day and in that time i was constantly shouting at him to stop touching things and fidgeting while i was trying to talk to him seriously about the baby!! he didint even know what i was in there for!! he thought it was just the low fetal movements.. didnt know anything about the fact i couldve been in labour!! i updated him constantly via text all day and never got replies coz he was busy at work which i understand... but when we had our half hour together (bearing in mind NOONE came to visit me and everyone elses familys and OHs were with them all day) i was expecting at least to have a serious conversation about the days events... but no. i just wanted him to leave after 5mins of him being there :cry: weve not known each other long and i know hes immature and silly but i thought he.. anyone... would be able to be serious when needed to be! im drerading giving birth with him next to me!! :cry:

sorry for ranting again feel so down today :(
Yeah.. no pain... ahhhh..... lol

still strong bh today.. :roll: lots of pressure and baby scrambling to get out lol! feel quite sick today.. felt v sick last night didnt sleep well at all.. having some probs with OH now too which doesnt help :( he stayed at his mums last night. finally hit him hes gonna be a dad so he decided to fuck off in his car n park up somewhere and 'think' for three hours without telling me or answering the phone... bearing in mind he text me at 8:15pm to say he was gonna be home in 45mins.. then nothing! really pissed me off... n his mum is like 'thats how he is'... so i said well he aint fucking doing that with me!!! i wont accept that!! feel for him n all that but its not right what he did. just a text to say he needs time to think would have been enough.
now his mum is making it out to be my fault.. cant cope with this shit!! we didnt even argue or anything! he finally went to his mums at 12:30am.. told him I need time to think now so he can stay at his mums again!!
Sorry for the little rant there lol!!

It must be hard for the men folk esp if its their first. But I suppose we just need to get on with it & cant run away & hide so they shouldn't be able to either. The whole turning phone off thing is a pet hate of mine, I go mad if OH isn't contactable, even when not pg.

Hopefully he's done all the thinking that he needs to do & will be home soon.

I had quite bad BH last night - seemed to last alot longer than they have done before & i've been feeling very sick & light headed too. Think my body is starting to give up!

or baby starting to come :cheer: !!

he didnt even turn phone off just let it ring and ring and read the messages i sent him without replying... thats the worst of it!!

i cant handle his mother either.. ive brought my girls up on my own.. no help.. noones taken them out for the day etc etc so its hard for me to be ok with someone i dont even know taking my baby out for the day!! shes bought a travel cot for her house :shock: and keeps going on about it staying over and her taking it out all the time... i dont know this woman!! i barely know her son!!! ive tried to explain to his dad how i feel by telling him (its not personal to them) my past like how my ex tried to kidnap jaycee and threatened to kill them etc.. which makes me very protective of them... my OH knows this too but they dont seem to give a shit! i feel like just an oven to them and im expected to just hand the baby over when the cord is cut!! i know i cant stop them bonding with their first grandchild coz of my past etc... but they need to be understanding and realise its not right for a newborn to be staying at its nans so early!!.. she keeps telling me how when she had her daughter she was home from hosp after 2 hours and let her sister take the baby to town straight away!! 2 hours old!! that may be ok for them but not for me!! i feel like im being pressured to give them my baby!!! whats so wrong with me being there too?? why cant we take the baby shopping together?? why does she need to do it alone?? why does my baby need to stay at her house as early as possible??? i dont want to do it!!
or baby starting to come :cheer: !!

he didnt even turn phone off just let it ring and ring and read the messages i sent him without replying... thats the worst of it!!

i cant handle his mother either.. ive brought my girls up on my own.. no help.. noones taken them out for the day etc etc so its hard for me to be ok with someone i dont even know taking my baby out for the day!! shes bought a travel cot for her house :shock: and keeps going on about it staying over and her taking it out all the time... i dont know this woman!! i barely know her son!!! ive tried to explain to his dad how i feel by telling him (its not personal to them) my past like how my ex tried to kidnap jaycee and threatened to kill them etc.. which makes me very protective of them... my OH knows this too but they dont seem to give a shit! i feel like just an oven to them and im expected to just hand the baby over when the cord is cut!! i know i cant stop them bonding with their first grandchild coz of my past etc... but they need to be understanding and realise its not right for a newborn to be staying at its nans so early!!.. she keeps telling me how when she had her daughter she was home from hosp after 2 hours and let her sister take the baby to town straight away!! 2 hours old!! that may be ok for them but not for me!! i feel like im being pressured to give them my baby!!! whats so wrong with me being there too?? why cant we take the baby shopping together?? why does she need to do it alone?? why does my baby need to stay at her house as early as possible??? i dont want to do it!!

Oh hun this is the last thing u need !!! your oh is going to get a big shock soon!! u never know it might b the making of him. know men struggle a bit sometime my oh had a little panic the other day when he realised how close it was and we already have the boys !!!! mil r a nightmare but have found it best to make your feelings and rules known asap !!

ive been feeling bit sick today too and having bh on and off maybe we r all starting to get ready for our lo !!

Hope oh pulls his socks up he will probably b back with his tail between his legs soon !!! xxx:hugs::hugs:
Aw hun, I really feel for you. You have had such a hard time recently, it's no wonder this is all getting you down. Don't do anything your not comfortable with regarding leaving the baby. The Grandparents will get there time but you need to be comfortable first. Don't let them put you under pressure. You sound like such a strong person, I am sure you will do what's right for you and the baby.
Thank you all.. this is unfortunately the least of my worries now ive just recieved a court letter from the girls nan with disgusting allegations against me and my OH.. im devastated cant stop crying... its disgusting im so fucking angry... evil spiteful vile excuse for a human being!!! i cant cope with this i really cant!!!! :cry:
got appointment with consultant today at 1:45.. i dont need any of this right now :(
oh hun !!! hope consultants goes well and u get some anwsers !!! cant get over how much s**t keeps coming at u at the min !!! sure it will all sort its self out just try not worry bout the stuff out of your control at the min.:hugs::hugs:xxxx
Oh babe u don't need any of this!

On OH's mum it's so out of order of her to pressurise you into leaving LO! She will just have to accept that it is ur child and not hers and it's up to u where the child goes and when.

On ur girl's nan what a vile woman! :hug:

Thanks babe.. Hard not to let it all get to me tbh :( App was 1:45 didn't know we have to do a sample and queue up to give it to someone to test before we see someone.. Just sat down to wait and there's a few ahead of me.. Hoping they stick to the times they give!! Last thing I need right now is to be late for the kids and possibly getting a parking ticket!
Fx if u get a parking ticket at the hospital u can get the department to say it was therefore and u should have to pay! We do it all the time at work.

I've parked outside the grounds at pay and display as parking at the hospital is impossible at this time of day so I wouldn't be able to do that :(
Getting all light headed with these bh :(
oh dear :( you are going through such a difficult time!! You are being very strong, just hang on there! The situation might change dramatically after the little one arrives.

And as to your nan taking little one on her own... Well just say no! Say that you are not ready for that, that the baby wants to sleep or whatever, or just don't pick up the phone! It's your baby, so it's up to you, don't let her take control like that!!

massive hugs xx

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