Is this it??

Hi Ladies.....just back from hosp....had to go to antinatal assessment uiti who sent me straight into delivery as if waters had broken I was classed as pre term.....and apparently high risk......

So hooked me up to monitor for 30 mins and monitored Little Legs HB, and the Dr came and did an internal and took a swab to see if the bud turned a different colour (detected amniotic fluid), took a urine sample to check for any signs of UTI and checked blood pressure with PE history.....and THANKFULLY everything is fine!

Said cervix is still nicely closed and waters are still in could have been a surge of urine which was released when I went to stand up with the pressure of the baby on my bladder.....

So I was a drama queen today and apologised for wasting their time, but they I wasnt wasting their time at all and said it was better to get it checked out just incase as like SStar pointed out if could have led to infection if left unchecked.....

So thankfully all is well, little legs is staying in here a little longer and Im back home now with my feet up lol but thank you for all your replies and messages and sorry for the false alarm lol xxx
So glad that all is well Wilma, at least your mind is at rest now and you can relax (for a little longer anyway) xx
Thanks Princess.....yeah def chilled out now coz as much as we cant wait for LL to arrive, Id rather he or she is in there a little while longer ...... xxx
Glad all is well hun, Little legs is still comfy in there :)

Thanks Pmum me too....maybe I will know next time if they go and not confuse it with a wee lol Dozy mare that I am lol xxx
Thanks too and glad LL has at least another couple of weeks growing time.... Got the jitters being in delivery suite mind lol!! xxx
Thanks Pmum me too....maybe I will know next time if they go and not confuse it with a wee lol Dozy mare that I am lol xxx

Don't be daft hun, I'll be the same and if they didn't go with K how do you really know unless they really gush all over the floor lol.

x xx x
Ahh thanks Pmum..... but yeah your right I had no odea what it would be like...just hope they stay in tact till the induce me now lol hee xx
Glad everything ok wilma I wouldn't have known either and always bette to be safe and get these things checked out. Glad little legs staying a bit longer x
glad all is ok, and they took you seriously, it happened to me over a week ago i put a post up here as i was worried as with my 3rd my waters broke at 22 weeks and had him at 33 weeks, but midwife just told me to lie down for half an hour and if something leaked when i got up to go to labour and delivery nothing happened so i just stayed home. I'm still notsure what mine was but i am convinced (even thoug iot a doctor) thati eiether just weed myself with very diluted urine, or from early on i had 2 sacs that were both growing and eventually the one that the baby never survived in was startngo be pushed out the way and i think it could have been from that. I have had no leakage since. all tehe girls were so helpful here probably more so than the midwife.
Glad all is well with you and little legs - take care and plenty of rest x
Just caught up with your thread wilma, so glad to hear everything is ok with you and lil one xxx

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