Wtf have I done to deserve all this?? Pg 7 is today's new crap!!

Thanks.. I don't know how I'm coping tbh! I really don't!!!
My luck never changes :( everything always seems to go wrong for me yet the evil people in my life are sitting happy... It's just not fair!! I'm a good person I try my best to help and put others before me and i genuinely believe in karma... I'm starting to doubt it!! Nothing bad happens to bad people only to good and it's so wrong!!! :cry:
you poor babe i dont know whether to laugh or cry!! ive just read all your post and think its awful how youve been treated. the solicitor letter is a horrible thing to happen when your in and out of hospital but i bet shes timed it so its near your due date to cause problems. and your poor babes being ill too.

hows your OH now has he been in touch? if not text him and tell him to go buy the loo roll and a big bunch of flowers.

i hope things get better for you hun x x x big hugs x x x

Just before she sent the letter my solicitor told hers that I was in hospital and everything..
So they knew!
As soon as I got the letter I burst into tears an called my OH who surprisingly left work and came straight home.. Things are fine with us now, we have more important probs.. :(

I don't know what I'd do without this forum seriously!!!
aww bless, you really have been through the wars. i really admire you for coping with all this. id be in pieces by now, really struggling to keep it together as it is and i dont have half of whats going on in your life xxx
I just don't know what I've done to deserve this shit!! Ellie was up last night burning hot, throat closed up so was choking and being a bit sick.. Screaming her head and tummy hurt.. She's usually so good when she's ill, never makes a fuss just pukes and goes back to bed.. This came after I gave her her first dose of antibiotics for a uti before bed.. Gave her calpol and checked on her every few mins from 1:30am til 5:30am... Was up at 6:50am to Jaycee.. Ellie has docs at 10:50am.. May have been an allergic reaction or just coincindentally ill..

To top it off... After the school run for Jaycee (was a tad late coz non uniform was on the calendar but was unsure and they took bloody ages to answer the phone!!!) a 13w pregnant woman drove into the back of me after my car stalled at the traffic lights.. It stalled and as I was starting it and moving slightly forward she just went into me!!! I could understand if I'd stalled and she went into me but it was after!!! Stupid bitch!!!

For once I've not had bh all eve and night last night but after that they've come back :mad: I feel like crying my eyes out!!!
Oh hun hope Ellie is better soon bless her !!!! hope there wasnt too much damage to your car and that the other driver was insured !!!
have a good cry always makes me feel better and get some choc !! like u said the other day happy hormones !! hope your day gets better hun xxxx:hugs::hugs:
Thanks everyone.. There always seems to be something going on with me so I'm kinda used to it now.. Accepted that I'm just bloody doomed!! Lol!
My car 'looks' ok.. Little scratch on it.. But it was on my left hand side so she may have damaged my exhaust.. Defo got her details!!

Just at the docs with Ellie apparently a 22min delay :roll: after driving around for ages trying to find a space to park.. Had to park in over flow where there r steep steps and a hill to walk up :roll:
Had a giggle at her docs name.. Dr jollyman :lol: and shocked that this woman is letting her child play with the bead table (u know the twisty ones all docs have..) bashing it with.... Get this!!!.... A URINE SAMPLE!!!!!! :shock:

Thats a wee shame - your laden with drama recently.

Hope Ellie gets on ok at doc's & make sure you dont get yourself too stressed!!

Try & relax over the weekend!!

SOunds like your going through a really shitty time! Hopefully it will all work out soon... talk to your solicitor and she will sort it all out. xx
Poor you, you having such a nightmare just now. Hope your little girl is better and you get a nice relaxing stress free weekend x
:hugs: hun i really don't know how you cope but you are doing amazingly! you are a true inspiration and makes me feel bad that i was crying at 3am cos of hubbys snoring. mahooooooosive hugs hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
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:hugs: hun i really don't know how you cope but you are doing amazingly! you are a true inspiration and makes me feel bad that i was crying at 3am cos of hubbys snoring. mahooooooosive hugs hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

LOL bless you!! dont feel bad.. i get angry and wanna cry at annoying noises too :hug:

well theyve changed her antibiotics, went to pick them up and the pharmacist said she thinks the doc accidentally put the wrong dosage :wall: so im waiting for the doc to call me back so i can start treating my poorly baby girl!
Mums not been very supportive today which has kinda got me a bit down..

and to top it off.. housing benefit is delaying our claim once again.. :mad: been waiting since 23rd august for this and theyre taking ages!! they want more info... after the woman reassured me the other week they wont need any more info grrrr!!!!!! if we get rejected then we are gonna have at least a grand in rent to pay and 500 council tax :cry: we cant afford to make any payments at all coz of our debts, his student loans etc.. if they reject us then im really gonna be pushed over the edge!

lighter note my solicitor sent me a letter via email, which she had sent her solicitor in response to their previous letter (not the court one and vile accusations) and its worded very well and really puts my point across :D shes basically asking for the kids on her own every other weekend over night and after school a few nights a week.. every week... overnight on school holidays etc.. a father wouldnt even get that!!! shes never been on her own with the kids not even in the garden (she was saying things to Jaycee when she was younger so i stopped it) yet expects all that?? weve not visited her house for over 2 years (drugs use there and my ex and his wife visit alot) and she never had a problem with that until she started seeing my ex's son (she wasnt allowed to see him for a yr coz she was still seeing the girls) and got in with his vile wife.. then made all these demands from nowhere! its a very long story... shes doing this all to hurt me and shes being fuelled by his wife!
I offered her a few hours afterschool every friday but she said her only day off is sunday... so i said a few hours every other sunday then as she has other grandchildren on the way (her twin girls are both preg, one overdue and one due a week before me) and his son.. so it wouldnt be right for her to spend her only day off with the girls until they come along.. she agreed (all this via email)... then the next day (obv had to discuss it with someone!) she went against it and said she was seeing her solicitor! she never used to visit regular... would be like 6-7weeks between visits sometimes.. she was always 2 hours late making the kids stay up later and struggle for school.. or she used to cancel last minute so i stopped telling them she was coming.. i used to contact her every week to ask her when shes coming next (had to keep her sweet coz i knew she was capable of this shit!!) and she used to take ages to get back to me... yet she claims ive stopped her seeing them completely and i always make excuses for her not to visit them... makes me so angry to be made out to be a liar.. thats one thing i hate.. liars!
she constantly bought them mcdonalds, sweets n stuff... i never buy them sweets!! (buying their love) never disciplined them EVER no matter what it was.. allowing them to jump on the bonnet of her car :shock: and when i tell them off shes like.. its okay i dont mind.. going over my head.. i say no to mcdonalds n shes like oh its ok they can have it... and i end up looking bad to them if i say no so i have to allow it... yet she says in a court form i need an order to make me attend a parenting skills class for behaviour and morals :shock:

sorry for the ranting u dont have to read it all lol just need to get it off my chest!
Theres so much more to this i just cant put it all into one post lol! id be here all day!! :lol:

i swear i could write a bloody book!!
Oh and she says im not allowing the girls to interact with other children and adults besides school and its affecting them.. :shock: they go to school, come home, do homework while i cook dinner, eat dinner, shower then watch a film in bed then sleep.. they go to bed (for film) at 6pm.. if ellie doesnt sleep the latest 7pm she will really struggle to get up in the morning for school and will be so tired when she gets home..
i dont get any time with them at all so the weekends are mine! I visit my family and take them swimming or to the park at the weekend if they have been good! how she expects to get all that time with them is beyond me!
oh hun cant believe whats she is expecting !!! cheeky cow !! think u have been more than fair in what u have offered and the least she could do is follow your wishes with how the girls r raised !!!! grandparents annopy me sometime when they go against u !!!xxxxxx
She sounds like a twit why does she want all that time with them?
I mean like you said she has only one day off and other granchildren thats a lot of time ot want to see them.
My mum babysits her grandson (my nephew) every wednesday and thats plenty of time with him and thats just 6.00 untill he goes to bed!
She is doing this to cause upset and distress and i seeriously wouldn't want her to see my kids especially with the drug use etc. Im afraid no court would take her seriously with the bad parenting etc if there are no signs of it (i.e school says there fine etc) and they probably won't want to be out with friends until they are older high school age or something, my nephew has only just started playing with other kids on his bike for an hour after school and he is 10 almost 11. And thats your decision its not bloody child neglect if you want them at home where they are safe and tucked up in bed! thats the opposite! If you where letting them rome the streets because you didnt give a shit that would be different....
Hopefully your solicitor will sort it out, let her go to see a solicitor she is asking way too much i dont know any grandparents who have all that time with there grandkids and most dont want it... they have normally finished bringing up there children and want a nice quite time to see grandkids now and again xx
Thanks for taking the time to read all that :)
She's blatantly doing this for the wrong reasons.. N filling out an abuse form ticking the 'physical' and 'emotional' abuse boxes.. Sick bitch :mad:
She's lied and said Ellie hasn't met her mum n dad but she has just a few times.. Why do I have to drag them everywhere??! I spent enough time at her house when I thought it was safe.. No harm in them walking down to see the kids there!!
I know it's all out of spite and to scare me etc... There's no way she will get that.. Just worried she will get unsupervised.. I don't want my kids in a contact centre especially not for her!! But I'd rather that than anything else!!
She also said it all started oct 2010.. Conveniently when I met my OH :roll: yet we went to butlins with her in April... If I was that 'intimidating' she wouldn't have come with us and even paid for it!! (I paid for OH) if she was concerned about the wellbeing of the kids especially around my OH (sick bitch) then she would have done something sooner wouldn't she!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

You soooo don't need all this!!!

Your girls gran sounds like a total nightmare. She sounds like the sort to make up lies to get her own way. It must be difficult to hand your babies over to someone who has totally different morals to you.

I think your a brilliant mum, you do so much for your girls. I dont know how you can squeeze much else into your daily routine, my wee 1 goes to clubs at night as she doesn't get out to play in the street, but it does get in the way of her going to bed early & she ends up hyped up when she should be sleeping & she's tired in the mornings. I've heard you saying loads of times that your at the park/going swimming ect with the girls so duno what she's talking about!!

I hope it works out with the housing benefit, i dont get any myself, but i used to be entitled to £5 a month!! towards my rent, I told them to shove it coz it wasn't worth the hassle with the forms ect, took them months to get back to me, i thought i'd get at least £20/£30 off my monthly rent, but a fiver!! lool - Most councils have a housing benefit calculator on their website, & I know you can get online benefit calculators that work out Housing benefit too, so maybe you could try one of them 2 get a better idea?? My council told me the online system is the same one they use to work out HB.

Thanks babe :hug:

Yeah I've done the online calc today, we couldn't do it before coz we didn't know exactly how much OH was getting paid and how much his student loans would affect his pay.. Plus we had to apply for working and child tax credits (which took 4weeks which meant we had NO income at all for a month.. V hard!!) but now we have the right amounts it says we can get full hb (our rent is only 115 a week coz it's housing association) but we only get £3 a week for council tax... It's do able.. So feel a bit better about thatside of money...
Well its obvious if she lied about physical abuse she would need proof plus your doctor/ school would back you up and say there is no evidence of that and once she has lied about one she could have lied about everything! Just stick to your guns and dont let her hurtful words get to you, she is just a busy body nosey old bitch... she will have your girls to answer to one day and they will see what she is trying to do when they are old enough (kids are very smart) xxx
She makes me feel physically sick!! Really looking forward to my solicitor appointment on Thursday!! She's fantastic!

Had such a crappy nights sleep :( hoping today will be chilled!!!
Laying in bed with my girls watching barbie films :D they make it all better.. Cuddles from my babies :D

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