LOL bless you!! dont feel bad.. i get angry and wanna cry at annoying noises too
well theyve changed her antibiotics, went to pick them up and the pharmacist said she thinks the doc accidentally put the wrong dosage

so im waiting for the doc to call me back so i can start treating my poorly baby girl!
Mums not been very supportive today which has kinda got me a bit down..
and to top it off.. housing benefit is delaying our claim once again..

been waiting since 23rd august for this and theyre taking ages!! they want more info... after the woman reassured me the other week they wont need any more info grrrr!!!!!! if we get rejected then we are gonna have at least a grand in rent to pay and 500 council tax

we cant afford to make any payments at all coz of our debts, his student loans etc.. if they reject us then im really gonna be pushed over the edge!
lighter note my solicitor sent me a letter via email, which she had sent her solicitor in response to their previous letter (not the court one and vile accusations) and its worded very well and really puts my point across

shes basically asking for the kids on her own every other weekend over night and after school a few nights a week.. every week... overnight on school holidays etc.. a father wouldnt even get that!!! shes never been on her own with the kids not even in the garden (she was saying things to Jaycee when she was younger so i stopped it) yet expects all that?? weve not visited her house for over 2 years (drugs use there and my ex and his wife visit alot) and she never had a problem with that until she started seeing my ex's son (she wasnt allowed to see him for a yr coz she was still seeing the girls) and got in with his vile wife.. then made all these demands from nowhere! its a very long story... shes doing this all to hurt me and shes being fuelled by his wife!
I offered her a few hours afterschool every friday but she said her only day off is sunday... so i said a few hours every other sunday then as she has other grandchildren on the way (her twin girls are both preg, one overdue and one due a week before me) and his son.. so it wouldnt be right for her to spend her only day off with the girls until they come along.. she agreed (all this via email)... then the next day (obv had to discuss it with someone!) she went against it and said she was seeing her solicitor! she never used to visit regular... would be like 6-7weeks between visits sometimes.. she was always 2 hours late making the kids stay up later and struggle for school.. or she used to cancel last minute so i stopped telling them she was coming.. i used to contact her every week to ask her when shes coming next (had to keep her sweet coz i knew she was capable of this shit!!) and she used to take ages to get back to me... yet she claims ive stopped her seeing them completely and i always make excuses for her not to visit them... makes me so angry to be made out to be a liar.. thats one thing i hate.. liars!
she constantly bought them mcdonalds, sweets n stuff... i never buy them sweets!! (buying their love) never disciplined them EVER no matter what it was.. allowing them to jump on the bonnet of her car

and when i tell them off shes like.. its okay i dont mind.. going over my head.. i say no to mcdonalds n shes like oh its ok they can have it... and i end up looking bad to them if i say no so i have to allow it... yet she says in a court form i need an order to make me attend a parenting skills class for behaviour and morals
sorry for the ranting u dont have to read it all lol just need to get it off my chest!
Theres so much more to this i just cant put it all into one post lol! id be here all day!!
i swear i could write a bloody book!!