Updated sent to hosp-Lump on my moo?? (tmi) and pains after lifting my LO

I really am :)
Thanks.. I'm praying I don't have another back to back labour!!
It means right occiput anterior... So basically means that the back of the skull is anterior, so at the front of your pelvis, and more to the right hand side, so baby is facing your back, and looking more towards the left hand side. LOA means the back of the head is on the left, so they're facing more to the right.

LOA is the "best" position, but then ROA is a very close second. Means that baby isn't back to back! xx
good luck with scan today hun. I had a lump on my "lady garden" area and it was a swollen vein as in a varicose type thing!!! NICE and attractive. It went as soon as I had LO and was nothing to worry about xxx
No don't let it be a vein!! I hate veins they freak me out lmao!!
Thanks for sharing, glad to know I'm not the only one and it will go away!!
hi the lump could be a batholems cyst (i think thats what its called) its where a gland down there gets blocked and swells up like a marble you can feel it under the skin, it sometimes goes down on its own and sometimes you get a head on it like a spot and it will burst, which gives you instant pain relief from the pressure, it will be clear or whitish liquid and as soon as its done it goes away, takes about a week to go completely. ive had them before freaked me out to start with thought id caught somethng, but there totally harmless although painful for a time.
Thank you :) the mw said it was probably a cyst.. I'll keep an eye on it tho just in case.. I always have 'something' wrong with me lol I can never be normal :(

Thanks everyone you've all been a fantastic help :hug:
hi you also put in your post "Baby is not engaged and it says baby is 'longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation, free ROA'... Not sure what that means if noone can tell me in this thread I may do a new one on it as I don't know lol"

where in your notes does it say this as i thought id have a look to see how my LO is laying but cant find it???
They wrote it down on a sheet of medical paper as I was admitted to my new hospital but still under my old one so different notes etc.. They would only write it down if they had felt your tummy at ur mw app.. Saying that, at my previous antenatal clinic visits they've felt my tummy and not put any positions down..
They should start recording it from around 30w as I remember with the girls it was around this time she said they were breech.. When is your next mw app?
with niamh i had a maleto check if my cervix was open he pulled out a great big flash light the sort of size you'd use if you went camping

i thought jesus christ its not a cave your going into pmpl

haha this made me laugh so hard i thought i would wet myself!!!:rotfl:

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