Will you stay team yellow?

Im far too impatient to wait. Plus it makes it more difficult to buy for team yellow. I paid with my son to go for a gender scan at 16 weeks because I couldn't wait for the 20th week ! X
I found out asap
I cant not know
Picking names and buying stuff is tough as it is without making it harder lol
Pretty sure we are staying team yellow, DH is desperate to have that surprise moment :-) We are first time parents so probably would find out if we are lucky enough to have any more babies.
were going to find out this time... just for logistics really. I enjoyed being yellow last time but there were moments I wish we had known.
Having just had my daughter by Caesarian on Sunday I can say I will never ever forget the moment they told me it's a girl. Not finding out and saving that surprise was the best moment of my whole life xxxx
We stayed team yellow first time round. I wanted to find out, but my OH was adamant he wanted to keep it a surprise. I'm so glad we didn't find out in the end, it made it that little bit more special when he told me that I was right and we had a son (I was certain it was a boy all along!)
We both agreed that we would find out if there was ever a next time. He's not so sure now, but I'm not letting him go back on his promise!! 8 weeks and counting until we can find out pink or blue :-) xx
Definitely not finding out. I was in two minds about it as logistically it would make things easier but then my SIL just found out that she's having a girl and I realised that finding out would make the rest of the pregnancy really flat for me.
Besides I love it when friends/ family/ random strangers play the guessing game and I love listening to their theories.
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i hate tandom strangers talking about my bum/pregnancy. i feel like they should just bugger off and mind their own.

we decided we will def not be one of those couples that refers to the baby by name until its here.
i hate tandom strangers talking about my bum/pregnancy. i feel like they should just bugger off and mind their own.

YES...and what's even worse are all the assumptions about what our life with the baby will be like. Honestly makes me want to punch people in the face. :wall2:

If we get the chance, we'll find out. I think I'm a bit of a control freak, and being pregnant in the first place is bad enough. At least I'll be able to do a bit more planning when I know what it's going to be. Pretty sure it'll be a girl, anyway...but just a funny feeling.
thing is - last time, ad we wanted to know, my LO wasnt playing ball and we wouldnt have been able to find out anyway
Hey Febmum2be - yyayyyyyyy your pregnant !!

Huge congrats to you, wonderful news... Xx
We had a surprise with my son but as he is nearly 7 we said on the next one we will find out to prep him really. If it's a girl we already have a name. If not he can help us decide.
I won't be finding out.

I found out the gender at the 20 week scan with my first two.
This time I want it to be a surprise.

I'm planning on raising them gender neutral anyway and have a few unisex names in mind. I'm more team Rainbow than yellow though ;) LOL
Dammit, I really want to have the surprise at birth, but my partner just told me he really wants to know beforehand... this is gonna cause issues lol
We found out with our DS and defo finding out this time! I need to know if i'm washing the blue or buying pink:-) I'm booking a private scan the week before xmas when I'll be 16/17 weeks. None of our family know we're doing this and expect to find out in January. So everyone will get a nice announcement on Xmas Day:-) x
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That's our plan too baby maker, find out and tell family on Christmas Day :-)
I should be able to find out from start of December, but going to try and leave it closer to Christmas so I don't have to keep it secret for too long! Xx
Good plan jenni;-) I'm terrible and might accidentally reveal it in the days leading up to xmas. I refer to bump as 'he' anyway so if it's a boy it wont be too hard. But if it's a girl I might give it away lol! But, worth a try. I'd love our DS to announce it but not sure he could keep a secret until the big day... xx
I'm going to book a gender scan before x mass il be around 16 weeks. We will announce on x mass day xx
I can't wait to find out thought I'd be able
To stay team yellow but I'm 16 weeks around Maisies birthday so will see if j can afford a private scan and take her for her birthday as I think she'll be more excited than me xx
I think ill not find out if I have a 3rd and final, when I am due a 2nd I will find out. I couldnt not know, 3rd time yellow is a dream. Who knows if ill even make 3 :lol:

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