Will you find out what team you are?

YES!!!! I guess I'm lucky in this area, having no OH to argue about it lol.

x x x x
Ah wow ladies do you really hate surprises?? lol

Ah if ever I stumbled upon an inckling that I was getting something for christmas I would be gutted....I love surprises...big kid I think lol ha ha!! Hey Pmum how you doing? Over the shock yet? lol xxx
omg i agree with catty the suspence is killin me already!! before i said i would have a surprise but now im actually preg i dont care what i said before i want to know!!!!
i tell you a little story- last time i was certain i was having a girl, and then at my sexing scan they told me it was a boy! - i was shocked an a little upset as i had been to a fortune teller and every1 was saying i was carrying like its a girl ect..and really had it in my head that it was a girl!!
then i went for a third scan as on my sexing scan i had an abnostic band in my womb which is a piece of tissue like a piece of rope from one side to the other, and the doc said that if baby played with the band an got it tangled around thier fingers or toes, they would be born without that finger and so on!
the scanner kept calling her she!! and when my face was blank she said sorry i presumed you knew the sex i said "yes its a boy" she said "no i can assure you its a girl"!!!!!!
i broke down in tears and thought that id lost my little boy (which by the way never exsisted) and at 30 weeks had to sell all the boys clothes ect on ebay, and buy all new pink crib linen (gave blue to charity)!!
Anyway she finally came out all girl! just thought this would give you guys an insight to know that it doesnt always run smoothly!! x
Well, that's what I said to hubby, it's not always 100% anyway!

The Christmas present thing, I used to go searching, then when I thought I'd found them, ran away, realising I didn't want to know!
I really was a sod! I used to my brother what he had too, he hated it! I dont like surprises never have done, my dh loves to surprise people any way he can so he hates that I cant stand them!!!

but I admire people who are able to wait and find out what the sex is!

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