who is on Myfitnesspal?

I'm pippa1703, i only just joined as I've gained another 6lbs last month! :oops:
Lost 2.5 of them already, but still!!

I used mynetdiary before, a similar app, I lost 4stone using it.

With what ive gained since, I have 2stone to lose to make a total of nearly 5 and half stone :)
I'm on it, if anyone wants to add me i'm kiwifrootkai :)

I love it though, it really does help me keep an eye on what I eat.

I'm rhinohorn, please add me!

I need motivation. All I am doing is sitting on the sofa stuffing my face. It's not good
I'm giving myself until after Crimbo before I start using MFP properly!

I have about 2 stone to lose (maybe just over) but I gained over 3 stone when preggers :shock: :shock:

I've just started this today! It's fairly brutal, all I've had is a muller rice and I've only got 900 odd calories for the rest of the day .. Mind it says I'll have lost 6 lbs by jan 14th which is an incentive!

Anyway I'm navylouise on there if anyone wants to add! I could use the support!!
I'm giving myself until after Crimbo before I start using MFP properly!

I have about 2 stone to lose (maybe just over) but I gained over 3 stone when preggers :shock: :shock:


Me to! I have the app but not going to do anything about it untill after Christmas. I lost weight after having LO and have gained more! Agh! The joys of mat leave an lunch and cake dates xxx
Hi, Im on there too though have restarted recently now Im pregnant. My name is FishCakeFace so feel free to add me if you'd like to :)

I Love that ap, haven't used it since I found out about my m/c but i'll be back on there soon. I think my user name is kloekiss :)
Hi guys I've been using the app properly this time since 1st of jan if anyone wants to add me, could do with extra encouragement as starting to lose track again and I've still got about 80lbs to go before I get to my goal weight. My user name is lea2b
Hi all Im slou80 on fitpal looking for buddies in this losing weight lark lol xx
Im.back on it lol!

Username: babyem90


tapatalking x
How do I add you all? It.only has fb, email.and phone.contact options.x

tapatalking x
I love this app! I used it before I got married and lost 1.5 stone! Then of course I have to go and get myself pregnant 1 month after the wedding.

Once I have my 6 week postnatal check up ill be back on it! I put on 3.5 stone in pregnancy, I've so far lost 2 stones. I'm looking forward to my c-section wound not hurting and being able to do a bit of exercise!
I'm on mfp as well (LadySylvanas)
I lost 4 stone on mfp last year and first time in years I was finally slim and happy. but due to depression etc sadly the pounds piled up again :( put 2.5 st back on.. I've started dieting recently and lost 2 lbs this week hope I manage to lose it again and keep it off this time! feel free to add me x

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