who is left?

Believe it or not, I am still here although I rarely post anymore. I'm more of a lurker these days (and its nearly always to check on news from Jenna!) but I do check in on everyone and sometimes post in other areas. It will be a year for us at the end of this month if no BFP next week :cry:

Vicki, sorry to hear about your M/C :hug:
I am TTC too. AF is due either Saturday or Sunday.... pray for me girls... pray for me pleeeease :pray:
Baby dust to you all! It's good to know i'm not alone although it would be also good if you all suddenly decided to have your babies together :cheer:
Yay.. three cheers for the TTcers!!
:wave: Hi everyone I am still here TTC #1 :wave:

Sending everyone lots of babydust :hug: :hug:

To the girls i missed while away from pc.

I hope you all get your BFP real soon
& thanks alicebabe

:hug: :hug:

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