Where did you meet your partner

yep :D getting married was probebly the best thing iv ever done!
Wow, married at 17 !!

Wish you all the good luck in the world !!
i met aaliyah's dad through my older brother lol he was a mate of his and we just got 2gether untill a few weeks ago and he left us both :?
and congratulations jenna glad you found a good man and hope the baby plans go weel 3 u
Bekki & Aaliyah xx
I had been out on drink night before i went out early in morning with terrible hang over to the pub for pool and drink and i looked a mess this lovely sexy looking bold tal bloke was watching me from the other pool table he was so yummy mmmmmmmmmmmmm anyway he was to shy and glanced at each other for over two hours and then his mate finally came over asked for my number and passed it to him he texted me the next day and arranged to meet and from there it has been brilliant . it was easiley love at first sight he is so lovely and within 2 weeks i told him i loved him and said the same!! i love him so much but i mean girls no matter what you think you look like you should dtill take a chance, i had had no sleep for two days had been out drinking the whole of them two days and was looking a right clip i still dont know how i picked my oh up he is so yummy yummy yummy we have been together 8 months now! xxxxxxxxx love him so much
I went travelling, and was working on a scuba diving boat on the Red Sea, based in Eilat (Israel) My OH worked on the same boat.
We ended up travelling around Israel, Egypt, India and Thailand, then we were working as scuba instructors on a little island in Thailand and I found out I was 17 weeks pregnant! Oops!
i know its an old post but mine was fate.

I went with my newly found mate for a drink down town. We decided when we got their to act like kids and buy 2 bottles of wine and sit at the park. We got absolutely steamed and kellly copped off with some lad. I walked home from the park through the town and smelt chips I munched on them and carried on walking. I got to the pub before the Bridge in our Town and their were two weird looking guys a bit Drunk. I walked passed and Paul said Hiya. I poohed and carried on walking thinking iv'e got about a mile and a half to walk home on my own. But because i had my confident head on i replied hiya back. They started walking and i thought what the hell have i done.Paul had a gentle voice and i felt at ease instantly for some reason. I asked where they were going. Paul actually lived in the next st with his brother. I thought he was having me on. They walked me bk(how gullable of me)to the flat stairwell.I winked at Paul and they went. I thought oh well ill never see them pair again i really fancied Paul. I went out onto the balcony for a ciggarette and what do ya know paula was walking past from walking his mate home.I said the famous words Hiya ha ha and asked if he wanted a glass of water. Had no coffee as just moved n my own flat and was skint. He came up and we ended up both sleeping in the bed (sleeping no sex). I know its hard to believe but we never slept together for about 2 months we felt as if we had known eachother a lifetime. We rabbited on for hours like best mates. He moved in after 2 weeks mad eh. An we got engaged after 6 months and had a baby after about a year and 10 months ha ha isn't that mad how it could have turned so wrongly.But i met paul by a very slim chance. to mad to resist adding my story.
I was with a guy about 3 years ago and he was into his cars and was on this 205 forum and we used to go to track days etc and i used to go on the forum and made friends with this guy and we were like best mates for ages and me and my current bf well it just wasnt working and hadnt been for a while and me and my mate ended up getting together after i moved out of my then oh's. His friend was Alan, cause they lived down the road from eachother they used to help eachother out with car stuff etc, take 1 car to tracks/events instead of 2 and i was booking tickets for an event near me and there was only 3 left so i phoned my then oh (i know complicated lol) and asked if he would like me to book them and he said yeah im just with Alan atm, so i asked if he wanted a ticket too as there was only 3 left and it would be gone by the time he had a chance so he said sure. So i added him to my msn the next day to send him his copy of the ticket, and we never really talked then unless i couldnt get in touch with my oh and asked him if he had been over. My then OH was treating me like shit by now and was spending more time with Alan on his car than even bothering to call me let alone come and see me and so i got angry and was speaking to alan and told him how much he was pissing me off. well anyways me and that guy split up and i went on msn and had a go at alan because i thought that he had told him that i bitched about him to him lmao...which he hadnt.

And we just got talking loads from there, it was just as mates for a few months then we really clicked and i have been happy as a bunny in an open field ever since :D Now we are engaged and expecting our first little boy :D

sorry for the long story lol
I finished with Simon so I could "play the field " when I went to uni the month after. That night Jon asked me on a date. I said yes but told him I couldnt get involved because I was going to uni. Here we are now after 11 happy years together, now pregnant with our first child. I had known him for 6 months, we used to go to the same nightclub. I never did end up playing the field, but am glad I met the love of my life when I did. He is great.
BubbleOne said:
Met my OH at work.

He was my boss :shock:

I say :lol:

I met my DH through friends in a pub. We were both very drunk (those were the days!!!) We started chatting, I went back to his (nothing happened) he dropped me off at my flat the next day, we went to the cinema on the Monday, he came round to mine on the Tuesday & basically didn't leave! We've been together 4 1/2 years, married for 2. :D
I met my DH at work too, couldnt stand the jumped up shit!!!!
I used to be horrid to him, and he just used to gaze at me with his big brown eyes lol, it took a while, and with him living in notts it wasnt easy, he was living with me after a couple of months!
2.5 years later we are married with a ickle cutie! Bit whirlwind some would say!
I met my dh through a dating agency we met in Feb 05 I bought him back to Ireland to meet my family in the May and he proposed. We got married in April just gone and are ttc no. 1 very whirlwind and I love him to bits.
I met OH at work too, we were both lifeguards at a swimming pool. We got together after a staff social at the bowling alley. We got very drunk & he challenged me to a game of air hockey. We had a bet that whoever lost had to do a forfeit, I lost & he said my forfeit was to give him a blow job!!!!! I said no but I'll give you a kiss...

We've now been together 4 years, lived together for 2 years, got engaged this year (still not got a ring yet though :shakehead: ) and got baby #1 on the way!
Ment my hubby on Wireplay (then gameplay) forums. Then added me to his ICQ and was chatting.

6 months later I met him at i6 (huge LAN party and he was staff lol) had a long distance relation ship for another 6 months (he lived Bristol and me Leeds) Then I came down to visit and he hasn't let me leave since :rotfl:

So known each other 7 years and will be married 4 years next Thursday \o/
Well I was only in england for a fortnight before i met joe..i was at the local alone cos i did not know anyone..this gorgeous guy with blondish long hair came in..he sat right across of me ( he was alone too ! ), he was watching a chelsea game and drinking a pint of guiness ( i remember everything ! ) he was looking at me all the time so i decided to go and borrow a lighter from him..anyways to cut story short before i went out of the door he came towards me and introduced himself..we met the next day for half an hour or so cos i was working..our first real date was in another pub..i drank so much red wine that my lips went nearly black..anyways now his hair is short but i still fancy him to bits..!
I met my ex through a friend, she needed her dog to be taken to the vets to be put to sleep but she didn't want to be in the room when they put her dog to sleep so she asked me if I'd go in with Mark....the dog hated men and he wouldn't go in the room on his own with him so I said yes. Two days later Mark turned up at my flat....bearing in mind I was suffering a great big dirty hangover and looked like poo. He asked me out that night...we went out and he stayed over and never left.......for 11 years... :lol: We are seperated at the minute but are trying to work things out. We had the most amazing 11 years I could have wished for and hopefully if things work out with us we will spend many more amazing years together..... :cheer:
i met my OH when i was 15 at a friends 15th bday house party! we got drunk and stupidly locked ourselves out of the house so me being the smallest had to jump on top of the conservatory and climb thru the open bathroom window!!

then mike turned up with his mate and i was like ooooh and completely hooked!!

that was four yrs ago and we have just had r first buby!!
I met my OH at work, and he was my boss - seems like a common theme! 8 years later, still together and expecting first baby!

Oh, and he's still my boss - at work that his :lol:
i met my ex(ish) at the bus stop.. lol

he was a bus driver.. and i was at the bus stop singing (i used to be a beyonce wanna be lol) and he told me i had a nice a voice.. and i said .. 'yes i know' :oops:

lol.. then later got talkin.. he is a rapper/producer.. so we had a very normal music based convo (but he was my first b/f so i didnt know he was chatting me up)..lol

then we got chatting about something real deep and i though 'yeaaaahhhh' i like u

plus he is a rastafarian.. and i have the same background..

gimme a sexy rasta who can hold a goood convo anyday.. and im hooked..lol

weve been together nearly 4 yrs now... (well i dont know if were together... its very rocky now) :think: but hes asking me back :wall:

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