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When did your parents meet OH's parents?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
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People seem amazed when I say my parents haven't met Neil's parents. I was just wondering how long you had all been together before your respective parents met each other (and how it went!)?

I have known Neil for (counts on fingers) 7 years and been together for almost 6. We've lived together for almost 5 years and now expecting our first child but our families have never properly met.

Neil's family have met a few of my siblings (they are 17, 15, 12, 6 and 5 months so they sometimes come over for sleep overs and we have taken a few on holiday with us before etc). My mum has met Neil's dad (my mum was round and he dropped something off and although I introduced my mum as my mum he apparently had no recollection of meeting her!) and Neil's sister (she is 25 and was quite rude to my mum! :oops: )

Neil's parents are a lot older than my parents (almost old enough to be my parents' parents in fact despite Neil only being 5 years older than me) and have very different views on things. Neil's mum doesn't seem to like me particularly although I am always nice and chatty to her (when Neil and I first started living together, Neil's mum found photos of his ex and put them up all round her house!)

I am nervous about our two families meeting now - 1) because we have been together ages and it seems to be getting more 'difficult' as time passes to find an appropriate occasion and 2) both Neil and I don't think there is much chance of them getting on beyond polite hellos (if Neil's mum can manage that!) I think my family will get on okay with Neil's dad - he has changed radically since finding out we are having a baby (first grandchild for both sets of parents) and can't do enough to make sure I am okay and Neil is looking after me etc. He will make a really good grandad and I think my family will get on with him for that reason alone (even if he does forget they exist completely afterwards! :roll: )

Neil's mum and sister however are a different kettle of fish. Neil's mum seems distinctly unhappy about the prospect of our baby (we recently visited a few member of Neil's extended family - his mum's side - and discovered she hadn't told any of them that we are expecting. :( )

I think this has turned into a bit of a moan generally about in laws but not sure about the whole meeting thing. Is it standard procedure for them all to meet asap? What happens if it all goes disasterously?! Very confused! :?
Me and Shaun have been together 4.5 years, have 4 month old baby, and none have ever met! I want to do something so they do. I thought a christening would be ideal but we're not having one (His choice)
My older sister went to school with one of his sisters. But that's the only 'in-law' meeting!
Oh gosh, I can't remember the first time they met!! :think:

It was a long time ago (been with OH 8 years) I think it was one night they were all in the same local pub and I just introduced my parents to OH's mum and partner. Can't quite remember how I introduced OH's dad to my parents.

They get on ok, but the don't have any contact outside of my and OH so mainly at famly events (like our wedding) or if one of them is round ours and the other pops in. Also my parents live the same part of town as OH's mum so sometimes see bump into each other at the pub or supermarket. They're all civil but whether they all like each other I wouldn't like to say!
Me and OH have been together for eight years and my parents havent properly met his mum ever.
My mum has briefly met his mum but that was just us bumping into her in town and a quick hi/bye.

I am sure that they would get on ok its just that nothing has ever come up where we have all got together.
I think it is probably about time tho :)
They met when I was in hospital after the C section.

They have since bumped into eachother a few times at my house...
they have only met once in the 20 months we have been together and that was at our wedding
We've been together for 6 years and our parents have never officially met. Our dads have but that was only when they both helped us decorate :lol:

I'd like to keep it that way :lol:

I dunno, it's just that OH's family are so different to mine, I dunno if they would get on :?
Mines havent officially yet and weve been together 2 years.
Dads met when we moved into our, i just think they are totally different people and it would be awkward to have a forced meeting.
Im sure they will meet when the baby is born, will chat about the baby for half an hour then never see each other again.

Just how i like it
Ooh, you've made me feel far less inadequate now!! :) Everyone I have spoken to (workmates, friends etc) have always said it is really weird that they haven't met but it just never seemed to be important to us. :? If Neil didn't get on with my family it would be difficult as I am very close to them all and my siblings always want to be with us (apparently its very 'cool' to have a sister that lives away from home and can spoil you rotten - even my 17 year old brothers asks to stay round! :rotfl: ).

Our families actually live walking distance from each other but after what you guys have said, I don't think either of us will be insisting on trying to invent an appropriate occasion to force them all together! :shhh: I suppose they might both pop in after the baby is born and coincide (although we live about 40 minutes away from our parents so they tend to always ring ahead) but otherwise I'll just see what happens. If and when we get married, I suppose it would be inevitable! :lol:

You've all made me feel a lot happier though, thank you! :hug:
We've been together 2 years, 7 months and they've never met. Don't think they will anytime soon either lol!
Until recently my parents & OH's parents had only met a handful of times, and that was always very briefly when dropping something off or helping us move house etc.

Now OH's mum takes DS swimming on a Saturday morning (I teach the class so I can't!), and my mum takes my niece so they see each other every week in term time & seem to get on well enough.

We've never had a meal together or anything though. We've been together 6 years and lived together for 4 years.
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Im actually quite shocked that a lot of you have had years before your parents met (how did you get away with that). I dreaded the day the parents met as they are very different people and i cant actually remember when it was but mostly at family events but we all went out for a meal together at one point.
our parents met about half hour after i was born lol ( me and OH were born in same hospital 2 hours apart)but properly like a week after we re-met up :D
my boyf's mum is dead and his dad is estranged so iv never met either of them myself and nor hav my parents; but the first time my folks met my boyf's stepmom (his dad's 3rd wife, he's on his 4th now!) was the week after millie's birth! we'd been together 8 years by then :shock:
we've been together 3 years, and it happened in January of this year. (my mum and dad went on a holiday to scotland, we went with them but stopped at glasgow - and they popped in OHs parents house for a cuppa)

I imagine that'll be the only time in the near future... the only way i can imagine them meeting again would be at our wedding or sonmthing (of which there are no plans for lol - havent even been asked lmao)
i'm quite shocked! my mum met my (now) MIL only a few weeks after we started 'dating' and they are good friends now!
My mum and brother (and me) stayed at my OH's mums house xmas eve so me and OH could wake up with our families at xmas.
Our parents all met at our wedding. There is no other realy social occasion (barr a Christening had that occured first) that would bring them all together.
our parents met at a summer bbq at my parents house the summer after we got together.. we got engaged a few weeks after that..

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