People seem amazed when I say my parents haven't met Neil's parents. I was just wondering how long you had all been together before your respective parents met each other (and how it went!)?
I have known Neil for (counts on fingers) 7 years and been together for almost 6. We've lived together for almost 5 years and now expecting our first child but our families have never properly met.
Neil's family have met a few of my siblings (they are 17, 15, 12, 6 and 5 months so they sometimes come over for sleep overs and we have taken a few on holiday with us before etc). My mum has met Neil's dad (my mum was round and he dropped something off and although I introduced my mum as my mum he apparently had no recollection of meeting her!) and Neil's sister (she is 25 and was quite rude to my mum!
Neil's parents are a lot older than my parents (almost old enough to be my parents' parents in fact despite Neil only being 5 years older than me) and have very different views on things. Neil's mum doesn't seem to like me particularly although I am always nice and chatty to her (when Neil and I first started living together, Neil's mum found photos of his ex and put them up all round her house!)
I am nervous about our two families meeting now - 1) because we have been together ages and it seems to be getting more 'difficult' as time passes to find an appropriate occasion and 2) both Neil and I don't think there is much chance of them getting on beyond polite hellos (if Neil's mum can manage that!) I think my family will get on okay with Neil's dad - he has changed radically since finding out we are having a baby (first grandchild for both sets of parents) and can't do enough to make sure I am okay and Neil is looking after me etc. He will make a really good grandad and I think my family will get on with him for that reason alone (even if he does forget they exist completely afterwards!
Neil's mum and sister however are a different kettle of fish. Neil's mum seems distinctly unhappy about the prospect of our baby (we recently visited a few member of Neil's extended family - his mum's side - and discovered she hadn't told any of them that we are expecting.
I think this has turned into a bit of a moan generally about in laws but not sure about the whole meeting thing. Is it standard procedure for them all to meet asap? What happens if it all goes disasterously?! Very confused!
I have known Neil for (counts on fingers) 7 years and been together for almost 6. We've lived together for almost 5 years and now expecting our first child but our families have never properly met.
Neil's family have met a few of my siblings (they are 17, 15, 12, 6 and 5 months so they sometimes come over for sleep overs and we have taken a few on holiday with us before etc). My mum has met Neil's dad (my mum was round and he dropped something off and although I introduced my mum as my mum he apparently had no recollection of meeting her!) and Neil's sister (she is 25 and was quite rude to my mum!

Neil's parents are a lot older than my parents (almost old enough to be my parents' parents in fact despite Neil only being 5 years older than me) and have very different views on things. Neil's mum doesn't seem to like me particularly although I am always nice and chatty to her (when Neil and I first started living together, Neil's mum found photos of his ex and put them up all round her house!)
I am nervous about our two families meeting now - 1) because we have been together ages and it seems to be getting more 'difficult' as time passes to find an appropriate occasion and 2) both Neil and I don't think there is much chance of them getting on beyond polite hellos (if Neil's mum can manage that!) I think my family will get on okay with Neil's dad - he has changed radically since finding out we are having a baby (first grandchild for both sets of parents) and can't do enough to make sure I am okay and Neil is looking after me etc. He will make a really good grandad and I think my family will get on with him for that reason alone (even if he does forget they exist completely afterwards!

Neil's mum and sister however are a different kettle of fish. Neil's mum seems distinctly unhappy about the prospect of our baby (we recently visited a few member of Neil's extended family - his mum's side - and discovered she hadn't told any of them that we are expecting.

I think this has turned into a bit of a moan generally about in laws but not sure about the whole meeting thing. Is it standard procedure for them all to meet asap? What happens if it all goes disasterously?! Very confused!