Where did you meet your partner

well his profile was crappy to the message he sent me was just add me on msn he later told me that he had to get drunk to pluck up the courage to message me bless him we arranged a meet for a couple days later i met him at the train station and we dint let go of eachover for ages its amasing as i nearly always have very bad luck with men lol
manda x
I met my OH 9 years ago at uni. His friends were dating my friends. One night I went to a dodgy club with my mates and we met their lads and their friends. We were all quite drunk and merry and greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek, but my OH grabbed me and kissed me full on the lips. That was that.
We had to do the long distance thing for a while while he worked in Switzerland, London and USA, but we married after 3 years.
Now I don't want to seem to smug married here, but I can't believe how wonderfully lucky I am. My OH is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Yahoo personals ;)

Just before xmas and I wasnt really looking seriously. He's not short of offers in the "real world" but kept getting hammered by ads for it so curiosity got the better of him and he joined, met me within 3 days on there, we spoke on msn for 2 days then met up locally as friends and well 13 months later LO is nearly here!

We're both very conservative so the speed things have moved at is really unlike both of us. Some people you just connect with :)
we officially first met in a nightclub in manchester

he doesnt remember but i actually met him a few months before that, at his house where he was living with his girlfriend at the time (they'd split up sometime in between). i had stayed the night there with his lodger, some girl he'd hooked up with and another one of his mates who i'd hooked up with! i remember we were briefly introduced just before i left in the morning, and he barely glanced at me as he flicked channels on the tv. he must hav thought i was some kinda floozy and i didnt think much more of him either, as i had a grudge against men since his friend had not exactly treated me like a princess!

i would never hav dreamt in a million years back then that he'd be my child's father!

oh yes i made friends with his ex after they split up and i was out with her once and she was slagging him off and i was going, "yes, he sounds like a right tw*t, men are all sh*theads!"
a month or two later i met him again and this time had a conversation with him and as it turns out he was lovely! that was nearly 7 years ago i still think he's lovely!
I was at my friends house on her msn when Damian logged in, i asked her if i could abuse him as i was bored :oops: she told me to crack on she'd never spoken to him,
Sooo after chatting to him for about 4 hours Rachel and i were off to the cinema to watch Final Destination 2 and Damian invited himself along :shock: I'd never met anyone off the net before so was kakking it :lol:
He told me to look for his MK2 Golf GTi and that i'd know it was him as he would be the one climbing out the passenger side 9he'd broken his handle on the drivers side :rotfl: )
As luck would have it the door worked and we all went in to watch the film, he was gorgeous needless to say i didnt see much of the film i spent most the time sneaking looks at him :oops:
After we went back to Rach's and then he went home, we raced each other back to our own homes and sat on MSN that night till the very early hours.

We arranged to meet up again the next day and he came and met all ma girlie mates on one of our pizza hut lunch dates, he passed that test so the next one was the welcome to my world date where he came to a car meet with me and mates he drove in his own car and we had such fun that night coming home through London City with me trying to lose him down back roads, He found us again and after i dropped everyone one off he followed me home and stayed that first night talk about wow 8)

At that point i knew it would be special, it was very on and off for the first year as i had a BF and he got a GF then we finally got together for it to go tits up 6 weeks later, it broke my heart i've never known pain like it :cry:

We met up again and got back together for again the same thing to happen 6 weeks on this time i had no contact for over 6 months, killed me but was the kick up the harris he needed to realise what he had and what he wanted, we got back together and this time i guess you can say it lasted we've been married a year come June and expecting our first baby together :cheer:
He truly is the love of my life there is nothing i wouldnt do for him and i can honestly say the feeling is mutual he's made my life complete and i never want to live without him,.

Sorry for the gushy essay :rotfl:
Met my OH in a pub through a friend of a friend nearly 11 years ago and clicked straight away (i was 17 he was 20) sorry not very interesting
i was with my ex and mum showed me a pic of all the ppl she worked with, ian was one of them, i said wow hes gorgeous (in front of my ex) he said "i am here you know" so i replied "well when i break up with you im going after him" soa few months later i ended things with that lad and got my own place a job etc, and mum still worked with the "hotty" as i called him, i was staying at my mums over night when i got his number off her, spnt all night texting him and the next day he travelled from st.helens to lincoln.

It took him 7 hours as trains kept getting diverted and cancelled, i liked him as soon as i saw his big brown eyes. Then that was it he kept coming to see me when he was off work, eventually bought a big bag with him and moved in (without asking)

told me he loved me after the first week, told him i wasnt ready to tell him that yet so he carried on telling me, one day i told him i loved him too and he cried.

we now have a nice home a beautiful son and he still sends my heart beating when hes on his way home from work. I still get butterflies, but he is now my bitch :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I thank god the day i text him changed my world, turned it upside down and made my life a happy one again, he saved me!
Alfiesmummy said:
i was with my ex and mum showed me a pic of all the ppl she worked with, ian was one of them, i said wow hes gorgeous (in front of my ex) he said "i am here you know" so i replied "well when i break up with you im going after him" soa few months later i ended things with that lad and got my own place a job etc, and mum still worked with the "hotty" as i called him, i was staying at my mums over night when i got his number off her, spnt all night texting him and the next day he travelled from st.helens to lincoln.

It took him 7 hours as trains kept getting diverted and cancelled, i liked him as soon as i saw his big brown eyes. Then that was it he kept coming to see me when he was off work, eventually bought a big bag with him and moved in (without asking)

told me he loved me after the first week, told him i wasnt ready to tell him that yet so he carried on telling me, one day i told him i loved him too and he cried.

we now have a nice home a beautiful son and he still sends my heart beating when hes on his way home from work. I still get butterflies, but he is now my bitch :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I thank god the day i text him changed my world, turned it upside down and made my life a happy one again, he saved me!

awwww thats lovely :hug:
we both worked at mcdonalds lol he was floor manager i was till worker we went out a few times after 2 weeks he said he wanted to marry me and after 4 months he proposed in the snow :cheer: had millie a year later and now pregnant with our second baby. been together 4 years when baby is due
I met My OH when i moved into a new street at the age of 13. he was 4 yrs older and worried about being with me at first but eventually gave in to my friends pestering him. i moved in with him at 16 and became pregnant but sadly lost the baby, we decided we did want a child and starting ttc. she is now 4 yrs old and im pregnant with our second. He was my first real boyfriend and my first love and he will be my last. we are getting married in cyprus next year.!! xxxxxxx

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