Me and my Hubby had only decided to stop using protection after my last AF which was in July. We had been discussing it for a while but I had not long had the implant removed and so thought it would take a while for my system to get back to normal. Anyway we didn't want to chart or take basal body temps, we just wanted to TTC naturally but decided if after 1 year there was no success we would try OV stick, charting etc.
So cue my first AF after using no protection....she's a no show....Cue me starting to think that we couldn't be this lucky!!! I wait until 2 days after my AF and decided to do a test. Hubby has no idea that i'm even late, nevermind taking a test so he's happily sitting on Facebook while i'm peeing on a stick!
Waiting the designated 2 minutes I'm sure that it's going to be negative and I can carry on as usual.....NOPE hello 2 pink lines it's a BFP!!!
I calmy get myself together and go into the next room where Hubby is still happily typing away on Facebook. I hide the test behind my back and tap him on the shoulder, smile at him and ask "How much do you love me?" He looks at me a bit strange and says "I love you loads and loads...Why?" So I say "Can I have a kiss?" As he gives me a kiss I pull the test out from behind me back and said "Suprise Daddy!" He takes the test out of my hand looks at it, looks at me, looks at it, looks at me and then says..."That's a bloody cross...THAT'S POSITIVE ISN'T IT!!!!!" Jumps up, gives me a massive hug and then legs it out the front door!!!! To be honest not the reaction I was hoping for. He returns about 10 minutes later with his arms full of roses of all different colours! We promptly went back out, together this time, to buy a clearblue digi test which said PREGNANT 2-3!