Where did you meet your partner

I met my partner at a nightclub, on 19 July 2003. It was a Saturday night. My first night out at a nightclub in England is where I met my current BF. Hadn't been out clubbing since I moved from America in 2001. Been together 3 years and 2 months now. Expecting his first child and my second daughter next month! :wink:
i met my oh in a night club when we were both 18, it was the 1st november 2001 when my dad abanded me, my brothers and my mum to go to canada to be with his mummy!!
I met my hubby jon thru friends at my mums local pub, we were kinda pushed together both really drunk, he walked me home, i tried to have my wicked way with him, he refused and said if he did that it showed he didnt respect me and he wanted to see me the next day to see if i was really interested, woke up with major hangover next day very nearly bailed on meeting him, but mum said "aww poor jon he'll be waiting in the pub his hopes high"
so i went out of guilt, n clicked with him brilliantly sop glad that my mum persuaded me! we talked about starting a family after a month lol and he proposed a month later, found out i was pregnant and then got married (we'd known each other 6months when we tied the knot :shock: ) still happily married and very much in love comin up to our 2nd weddin anniversary now

he is my best friend and rock i love him to bits, sorry bit gushy still in the honeymoon period i guess :oops:
***sloppy alert***

I met my boyfriend (un-born childs father) at a music festival! Id had a very hard summer (my 5 yr relationship finished with my boyfriend, I lost my flat and job!) and had gone of the rails abit - didnt care about myself or much else. At the end of the summer i atteneded the festival (which me and my ex had been to 5 years on the trot) on my own.
he camped oppersit my tent and we got chatting straight away. Over the 4 days we where there we hung out and had a right giggle. On the last night we sat up together all night and had our first kiss.

I totaly wasnt looking for anything serious, but then how could we - he lived in Glasgow and i lived in Liverpool.

I worked on my self for a good few months, stopped hanging out in a band gang, got treatment from the docs from depression etc. By Novemeber i went to vist him in glasgow and sinse then we where inseprable!
I moved up there in Febuary, for a few months and now were both in Liverpool. Very very happy. I never would have believed a year ago i could ever EVER be this happy.

Darren is brilliant with me and the un-born baby. Even tho were both young, this is what we want and we are so in love. He is pergfect for me - and even everyone in my family concider him one of the family and love him to bits! We returned to the music festival this year and had the best time.

its amazing. :)
I was at a party with a friends boyfriend and I didn't know anyone there. After a while I was pretty drunk and walked over to a guy who had been standing near me a lot during the night and I introdced my self. He then introduced himself and I told him it was nice to meet him and that he was going to be my friend for the night since I knew anyone else.
Well, That was 7 yrs ago last weekend. And we have been togather ever since. :D
I met my DH through a friend who was going out with his friend.

First time I saw him was in the gutter :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It was all very childish really and he actually asked "Will you go out with me" Well I was only 14....... he he.

We are childhood sweethearts and have been together 14 years and married for 2 (yep it took us a while and we did it in Vegas.....Got married that is) :D
I met Karl in a chat room just over two years ago. We split after 14 months, distance was a pain and he started working weekends too but still see each other as friends and were still having fun now and then which resulted in Jade. :lol:
i met my husband in a hospital. we both worked there :)
I met my hubby in ARGOS!! lol we were both working there as saturday jobs I was 17 he was 18!! Been together ever since and married for 4 years!
i met my hubby at a summer camp when i was 16. for the rest of the summer after the camp he'd take a bus to my local town so we could meet up, even though he's terribly travel sick :D I love my hubby
hello girls,
i met my OH in a car park :rotfl: well its where we used to all meet in cars but he happened to be there one night and we just got talking!
and now im having our baby i have only been with him 11 months! :D
I met my hubby 8 years ago via an online penpal/email pal site. I was 22, he was 25. I was just looking for a chat buddy ....nothing romantic! But after 1 year of corresponding and huge phonebills, we decided to meet up and following that, we became best friends...then dated...then got engaged...then bought a house together...then got married 4 years ago and now we are TTC. :hug:
Richard was my friend at school, he was two years above me. We got to know each other because he was my ex's best mate.

We became a couple when i was 17 at a mutual friends 18th birthday party. We were very drunk and Richard said i owed him a birthday kiss (his birthday was the day before) and that was that we will have been together 9 years this year.
at met my fiance at college, he was in the same class, 8 of us all started hanging around together, one day plucked up courage to ask him to come out at the weekend (never asked a lad before!!), started going out, 2 weeks later he went in the army, a year later he was off to Iraq and proposed, now been together 3 years 4 months and TTC :hug: :cheer:
I met my DH at a BackPackers in London 18 years ago exactly (6th Jan 1990). We travelled together for 18 months before getting married.

Emilia xx
I met my fiance about 4 years ago in Liquid Nightclub, he came up to me and asked if I drove a black clio awww. (He was right), We didnt exchange numbers or anything as I was seeing someone.

A year later I met him again, through a friend he came up to me again and said the same line as before, and I realised it was him who came up to me the year before.

A year later again after this I was single, but I got a forward funny email from my friend and I noticed his email address on it, so I added him to msn, where we got chatting exchanged numbers, chatted some more.

He then offered me a shot of his car (he had a real flashy fast sports car at the time) I took a shot, and we went for a drink after but nothing happened, afew days later he asked me if I would pick him up from his cousins wedding - I did and the rest is history.

They do say tho that you meet your future partner afew times earlier on in life before you actually get it on.

We have been together over 2 years now and I proposed to him, we have also bought our first house together 6 months ago.
i met my DH about 4.5 years ago through a shared interest of cars on the web - back then it was seen as a risky business!

We lived 450 miles apart at the time, gradually we became friends and realised we liked each other more than that, so one weekend decided to meet for the first time, despite having never even seeing a picture of each other - later we confessed that we were both already in love before we set eyes on each other.

Despite the huge distances involved we saw each other EVERY weekend, for the next 3 months until i moved to Scotland to be with him!

We were married in June last year and life together just gets better and better! I love him to bits, now were embarking on the next stage of life together and trying to make a new life! He's just as excited as me!
i met my bloke on the internet faceparty infact got chatting over msn araanged to met up it was love at first site been ineperable ever since got engaged 2 weeks later and planning on getting married this summer all being well
manda x
manda224 said:
i met my bloke on the internet faceparty infact got chatting over msn araanged to met up it was love at first site been ineperable ever since got engaged 2 weeks later and planning on getting married this summer all being well
manda x

Could you be anymore the same as me???!!!!!! lol

We met on faceparty, chatted over msn till 4am every night for a couple of weeks then had our first date and it really was love at first sight! We started living togther and trying for a baby after 5 months, and we got engaged on our 1 year anniversary, and getting married in the summer!

It was wierd cos his profile wasnt all that great - I dont know what prompted me to message him, I never used faceparty for meeting guys just to stay in touch with friends - and usually ignored messages from guys as I was REALLY adamant on stating single for a while! But as soon as we started talking I knew he was the one :D

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