How did you and your other half meet?

Ah, I love all these stories..

I met my OH when I moved to a new town and into a shared house. I fell over him in a sleeping bag in my lounge one morning and didn't know what to say so I offered him a chocolate chip brioche. Turned out he was my housemates best friend and decided that any girl who gave him chocolater chip brioche in the morning was the girl for him!
Met my partner throuh playing World of Warcraft :lol: we spoke every night on vent for about 6 hours while playing wow, 4 months later we met up, he lived about 200 miles away, fell in love then thought about asking how old we both were :lol; (Im 40 :( he is 23) we just clicked kept seeing each other long distance for a year (met up every month/ talked for hours each day) He moved in with me in April, say what you like about the age difference but we don't notice it but have had a few stares :(
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I worked with my fella (still do) but never really got past saying hello for the first 3 years. Then one day I mentioned to someone I was looking for a flat nearer to work to rent. He approached me and said he was looking for a lodger and would rather rent to someone he knew.
I moved in and it was all platonic at first. We did our own thing and never really mixed. But then I thought it daft that we were cooking separate meals so I started doing our tea, then we started sitting together as we watched the same stuff on tv, then after about a month things developed and we became a couple!!!

We've now been together for 4 and a half years and have just had our first baby! We still work together but we're now in the same office...together 24/7...think I need a medal xxx
OMG Rosa!

I met my husband on WoW too! :rofl:

I was engaged to someone else at the time and we just hit it off... dumped my fiance for an ud priest lol

Gosh, it's such a relief someone else did the same - i hate telling people how we met :blush:
I met my OH on we exchanged 3 or 4 emails and met up for lunch. i was very cynical and told my mum and sister to expect me home asap. i left at 11.30 and got home at 8 that evening with a coy smile! we moved in together after 6 months. nearly at our 3 year aniversary now and have moved to a new city together!
OMG Rosa!

I met my husband on WoW too! :rofl:

I was engaged to someone else at the time and we just hit it off... dumped my fiance for an ud priest lol

Gosh, it's such a relief someone else did the same - i hate telling people how we met :blush:

I meet my ex playing Halo2 on xbox i was living with someone at the time and just chucked him out, packed my bags and moved to england more or less :whistle:
My OH lived in the flat above where I lived for 4 years!

I spent the whole time blushing and giggling and hiding whenever he came near, and he spent the last 2 of them it making excuses to come down to the house and see me!

We were both totally in denial, though, and would NOT admit that we liked each other - me because I was embarrassed, and him because of the age gap.

On my 18th birthday we had both been out drinking all day [seperately!] and just happened to run into each other... needless to say I demanded a birthday kiss.... and got several!

We spent the next year pretending it hadn't happened, making eyes at each other and generally being shy, until one week I'd started going up to his flat [any excuses really... pets, games, PC trouble etc etc] and just didn't really leave! We watched countless movies and eventually got around to having a smooch, and making it official to the world :)

That was 11th June 2009... We got engaged 11th July 2009, and we're now expecting our first baby, due 28th Feb 2011. :love:
OMG Rosa!

I met my husband on WoW too! :rofl:

I was engaged to someone else at the time and we just hit it off... dumped my fiance for an ud priest lol

Gosh, it's such a relief someone else did the same - i hate telling people how we met :blush:

It was the gnome warrior that did it for me :lol: though we both horde now lol
well I had seen Peter years ago in his car when I was out and about with my ex. they are both into cars, and I always thought he looked older that he was really sweet looking, everytime I seen him drive about I got wee butterflies in my tummy, bad I know when I was with someone, but we were never ment to be, anyway that was 6 years ago

i work as a receptionist for the local gym, and this guy started coming in with a total player I knew at school, and I thought he looked hot lol and a bit of a player though so I never done anything about it, then we just got chatting for a good few month, and he was entering the fitness contest and had left his number in the card for it so I just text him one night saying when you taking me out lol and since then we have been together, the very 1st time I went to his mums house we went to his room and there was a picture of a green car on his wall and I was like whos car is that he said my old one I was like no way i have liked you for years, I explained who i was and he said yeah me to but I knew you were seeing someone so never asked, we neve even knew we stayed in the same town lol. I never knew it was him as he had laser eye treatment so no glasses, which i miss on him

we have been together 2 year now and he is nothing like is "player" friend, who I love really lol. He is caring and so fantastic with my daughter with my ex and he cant wait to be daddy and this pregnancy has been terrible but he has been fab

Young love eh xxx
Me and Ross worked together and fell in love with our whole team rooting for us to get together. We were both with other people, both of whom cheated on us and when we were boths ingle, we realised we should just give things a go - married now with one little boy and another little one on the way - our story still gets talked through on work nights out even 4 years later!!! x x x
Me and OH first met in 1994. he was the DJ at the local 'alternative' club and worked in the local music store. I thought he was way older than me and so, so cool, I used to make up excuses to go into the store just to try and see if he would notice me lol! I gradually got braver and braver and then one night was at the pub when he wasn't DJing and was just drunk enough to pluck up the courage to go and talk to him. He knew straight away that I was 'the girl from the store' but told me he was too shy to say anything, but hoped I had noticed that he had started buying in stuff he thought I would like. We ended up just being friends for a long while, things were complicated for him and his ex had just had a baby. When I was 18, I was due to go to Uni and it all came out before I left about how much we felt for each other. He ended up moving away with me 3 months later - that was in 1996 and we're still very much in love to this day!
I met David through our mutual love of Motorbikes!
Were both bikers and loved doing the ralleys, track days, charity ride outs and ralleys etc!

Id only every seen his eyes through his helmet and they were gorgeous peircing blue balls of gooeyness and that was it! Ha!! So I first saw him properly at an easter egg charity run!
We very quickly became friends and started riding together (motorbikes that is ladies) and were friends for about 2 months before I gave him a hug for fixing my clinking exhaust on my motorbike and the rest is history....been inseperable ever since and although cheesy he really is my one and only true love!
Hes an amazing bloke and stood by me when I became a wheelchair user through neuro illness and is still by my side today and I couldnt ask for anyone more loving, caring or sincere!

I knew when we got together that it would be forever and I just couldnt imagine or want my life to exist without him hes the best!!!

Also met my OH online... Joined a dating site recommended by one of my old 'naughty' friends *ahem* after bemoaning my lack of a serious relationship.

His was the only message I actually replied to (yes, I'm a fuss pot, so is he!) and one of the first things he did was send me a link to a video on YouTube of him wrestling...... Yes wrestling, seems he wanted to see if I'd be scared off but my response was 'oh so you secretly like dressing up and showing off too?' :)

We spent four days chatting on MSN and playing Scrabble on Facebook before going out for drinks and dinner.... He wasn't meant to come home with me that night but he did, kept it innocent though...

He says when he saw me he got really worried that I wouldn't like him as he thought I looked so nice *blush*

It was love in less than a month, we're both trying to clear debts and get ourselves into a really good position for the future but we're going away in October for our 1 year anniversary, four days in Centre Parcs may not be exotic but neither of us has been on holiday for over three years. :)
I met my hubby on a rock music forum - I knew who he was from clubs as we used to go to the same places - he had dreadlocks n piercings at the time n I thought he was lush! After we got together it turned out we used to live next door to each other when we were kids, but as he's 6 years older than me, we didn't remember each other but our parents did. He likes to think of it now as me stalking him hehe, it's a bit of an elaboration but I let him have it when I'm feeling nice.
i met my oh at army cadets wen i was 13!! we got together but i finished it after abt 4weeks cos i wanted to be a rebal we then kissed n was gunna go chill bk at his wen i was 14 but i us cudnt help thinking summet wasnt right (i knew he had jus cme out of relationship) turns out he hadnt naughty boy!! lol saw him again wen i was 16 in bus station so i shouted hi to him n gt his number he then started txting me beginning of 2008 n i was in newcastle visiting family came home spent one night at home then went to his n never left! 31/5/08 was official day we gt together lol we neva asked it just happened lol weve been thru loads of crap with his family n stuff n we got engaged 15/11/08 n we have own place bt looking into moving n we are trying for our first lil miracle!!

ps i can trust he wnt treat as im only person it happened with lol its as if were ment to be n were still very much in love even tho exs do try n get in the way grrrr
I met my other half on a now defunk chat site called UKChat 8 years ago. I was staying at friends and was online chatting and we just got talking we met up 6 days later at Leicester train station. I was kegging myself and it didn't help that I saw this great guy and kept thinking I wish it was him and guess what it was him :) That weekend we got together and he moved up from london to be with me :)
I met mine online too! Signed up to this site thinking it would be a laugh if nothing else! Messaged a few guys who were just after sex and then noticed his profile and had a look, and everythig just seemed perfect! I was proper suprised whenhe messaged back and spent all day talking to him, he was even on msn on his phone in tesco! His best mate had signed him up to the site without tellin him haha! The next day I dropped hints about how I was going shopping even tho I had no intention of going! Met him that day, crapped myself cos where I was meeting him there was some Pervy old man stood there with his phone out :rofl: but it wasn't him obvs! Proper hit it off and I even stopped smoking for him :)
well met my oh around 6 years ago although did'nt get together till 2 years ago.

kind of a tricky one. his dad and my mum got married 2 years ago and we met when they got together. didn't really think anything of it. he is 9 years older than me. i'm 23 he is 32. only saw him a few times over the years xmas etc so did'nt really know him as such.

then parents got married on 20th july 2008. i was bridesmaid he was best man and we spent all day together. still i was in denial and it was another month before we got together after the parents kept on at both of us. lol. we then moved in together in april 2009.

love him to pieces and we are now trying for our 1st bubba.
me and my OH met in August 07 I believe, he was trying for a job where I worked
I had a boyfriend until some time in September and then I split up with him and me and Josh were always very flirty with each other and I started to like him in a very short period of time, we became really good friends fast. he always talked to me about a crush he had and I never knew it was me haha. then in November he was round at my house and he kissed me and I was like oh okay! :lol:
now expecting our first in December and getting married in March :D X

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