what did you do when you started weaning...


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Just gathering some facts before i start kyran

1. how old was your child when you started weaning them?
2. How many meals a day did you give them and how much?
3. Anyone know any popular 4month+ popular homemade dishes!
4. Anything else you wanna add about when you started weaning!
HI there :hug:

1. Daniel was about 18 weeks.
2. In the beginnign (about 1st week) he just had 1 baby spoon of baby rice. Then (2nd week) I started giving him apple puree, again one spoon once a day. Eventually we went to half a jar once a day, then a jar, then a jar twice a day. Now he is on 3 solid meals. Morning-porridge, noon-savory+pudding, tea-1 large savory+pudding.
3. In the beginning it is better to give them just veggie puree. Daniel loved squash puree and broccoli one. Aww, and apple puree.

Hope this will help. But, what I want to say is dont rush into weaning. Take it really slowly :hug:
1. How old was your child when you started weaning them? If I remember correctly, Harrison was about 17 Weeks
2. How many meals a day did you give them and how much? We started off with just a couple spoonfuls everyday and then progressed to him having breakfast, It was C&G so we just went by the instructions on how much to give him and then a few weeks later he started having Lunch and then a little while after that we put him on dinner too.
3. Anyone know any popular 4month+ popular homemade dishes! We gave him, steamed veg, Squash, fruit and we also gave him some jar food too.
4. Anything else you wanna add about when you started weaning! Persevere (SP?) you may try one food and he won't like it but you need to try it something like 50 times before he will decide.
1. How old was your child when you started weaning them? Jenna was 5 months exactly

2. How many meals a day did you give them and how much? We started Jenna with Organix baby rice for the first 2 days, pureed carrot for 2 days, pureed apple for 2 days, pureed sweet potato for 2 days, pureed pear for 2 days and tonight we are trying banana. She will eat 2/3rds of the small tommee tippee pots (So I defrost about 4 small ice cubes of food that I've steamed and pureed). We have started with evening meal (about 5pm), then after 2 weeks of that we're giong to add in breakfast, and then when Jenna is 6 months old we'll add in lunch

3. Anyone know any popular 4month+ popular homemade dishes! We want to try to avoid jar food, so we have started with carrott, sweet potato, apple, pear, banana. Next week we'll introduce butternut squash, parsnip, swede, and the week after we'll move on to blueberries (just mash them!), brocolli, mango, plums etc. It's all so easy to prepare - just cook, puree & freeze in trays! I have also bought annabel karmel baby & toddler meal planner, and 100 purees books which are really good.

4. Anything else you wanna add about when you started weaning! Make sure you have an 'all over' bib as carrot gets everywhere! I also make sure Jenna has a drink of water with her dinner
i first introduced millie to solids at 17 weeks but it was just a teeny tiny amount of fruit puree then about 3 spoonfuls of babyrice some days, but not every day, maybe 2 or 3 times a week at first. i didnt properly start til she was 6 months then she was on one jar of stage 1 fruit puree a day, then 2 jars at 6 and a half months but she wouldnt take savoury foods at first. only at 7 months did i really make an effort, making her eat 3 meals a day, and lunch and dinner would be savoury! by 8 months she was on cereal for breakie, and lunch and dinner both with puddings too!
Finn was 4.5 mths when I began.
I gave him / still give him something like Cow & Gate fruity breakfast cereal for breakfast or maybe some apple/pear/fruit puree.
For lunch and dinner he will have a veg puree (the annabel karmel book has some nice ideas or I look at the flavours of baby food in jars and try to make it myself!)
He also has Petit Filous fromage frais.

I'm starting to introduce a little bit of meat now.

Some fave purees are...
strawberry/mango/banana/peach (mmm I'd eat it myself!)
Carrot/apple or pear
Carrot is a nice base for a lot of purees as it's sweet.

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