When did you know your partner is 'The One' ??

i realised from the minute i met mine, 6 years ago! been together ever since and our wedding is all planned and TTC number 1!

we are still so happy together and i know he's the one for me forever! when he proposed to me this summer, i was shocked as i knew nothing about it but at the same time it made me realise he feels the same way i do after all these years!
from the 2nd night out with him really, he made me laugh and feel safe b4 that i was in a violent relationship and wasn't happy at all.
i dont remember an exact point when i realised :(
it was 7 years ago and i dont remember much about 2000 coz of my lifestyle :oops:
it was a gradual thing :)
i think we'd been together around 18 months when we exchanged "i love you"s
gonna change my answer slightly... i thought i did once :lol:

from the first time i saw her there was just something i couldnt get out of my head, and i couldnt understand what. was very little contact between us for months, til we started talkin as friends, and it was we kinda clicked, got on really well, were get close (in a friend kinda way), she was always there to listen when i was going through a rough patch.

then i was in a car crash, and pure instinct made me contact her first, before family/police/ambulance etc.. i still dont know why, but i did. despite me tellin her not to, she came to see me to make sure i was ok - first time we'd been alone together.

anyway, few hours of talking and plenty of butterflies later and we were sittin next to each other, and i dont know why (prob the adrenaline from crash) but i pushed her backwards and followed her down - and a long, slow, romantic kiss followed, with so much feeling i couldnt explain, and when we stopped it was just a perfect silence, looking into each others eyes, mouths slightly open about to say something to each other but neither did... we spoke later and came clean to each other that at that moment the words "i love you" were in both our heads...

i had that feeling every time we kissed - and i lost my breathe everytime i heard her say it, but it was ultimately that moment that made me think she was the one :(
Hmm looks like I am the odd one out :oops:

When I first met my husband I thought he was a complete tw@t... we used to argue ALL the time in the pub about inconsequential things and we'd often joke about how awful it would be if we were together.

Anyway 18 months later and I'm going out with his friend and then it got to the stage where I couldn't be in the same room as my DH without wanting to be sitting next to him (no lusty thoughts just a needing to be near him) and someone in a pub commented that we made an excellent couple though of course we weren't together...

We've been together 5 years now and I still occasionally think he's a tw@t but he's so fantastically lovely most of the time and I definitely wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

Maurice is very lucky to have such a great daddy too :cheer:
it might sound really silly, but one day, about 3 months after we met, i was sitting on the doorstep at his house while he made bacon rolls in the kitchen. we were talking away. then, i needed to fart so badly!! i thought, i'm outside, he's in there, he'll never know!!! how wrong i was. at near deafening levels, i let one rip, right in front of him, and he just looked at me and started laughing hysterically. this made me laugh, and as i laughed, i kept on farting :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

kinda knew then that we'd do just fine :wink:
I met my OH on myspace, but he only lives about 2 miles away from me. We chatted a little on msn but we werent really into each other and it was never meant to be anything other than chit chat. Then one night I saw him in real life for the first time in a local pub, I was with my friends and he was with his. We didnt speak at all, just smiled at each other, but I realised how good looking he was. Then after that we chatted online a little more, then about 2 weeks later we saw each other again in the local night club and we chatted breifly (very flrity though) but his mate was taking the mess out of my big boobs :roll: so I felt abit uncomfortable and went back to my friends. The next time he was online he gave me his number and asked me to text him later, so I did. We met up a couple of weeks later and ended up back at his mates house, when his mate finally went to bed, the two of stayed up all night talking (amongst other things :wink: ). I think I realised that night that he was the one, it was the most amazing night of my life. I almost said I love you to him, but bit my tongue because I knew it was abit early. I was in a relationship with my ex for four years and never had a connection like that with him.
skimpy said:
it might sound really silly, but one day, about 3 months after we met, i was sitting on the doorstep at his house while he made bacon rolls in the kitchen. we were talking away. then, i needed to fart so badly!! i thought, i'm outside, he's in there, he'll never know!!! how wrong i was. at near deafening levels, i let one rip, right in front of him, and he just looked at me and started laughing hysterically. this made me laugh, and as i laughed, i kept on farting :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

kinda knew then that we'd do just fine :wink:

:rotfl: I love it :lol:
skimpy said:
it might sound really silly, but one day, about 3 months after we met, i was sitting on the doorstep at his house while he made bacon rolls in the kitchen. we were talking away. then, i needed to fart so badly!! i thought, i'm outside, he's in there, he'll never know!!! how wrong i was. at near deafening levels, i let one rip, right in front of him, and he just looked at me and started laughing hysterically. this made me laugh, and as i laughed, i kept on farting :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

kinda knew then that we'd do just fine :wink:

Farting matters!! Hubby was too shy to fart so I had to encourage him to let rip (hell - I'm not too shy! Can't fart alone can I?). A few years on and he's a creative farter, multi tones and sometimes little hand actions to go with it. Kinda makes me know we'll do fine too.....
lol, I always say its better out than in and wont go out of my way to fart but if its there, its coming regardless of who's about :lol:

It took OH a year to be able to fart in front of me, and now everytime he does he goes red and giggles...makes my heart melt :D
I think I loved Brian from the moment I met him.... he was just soooo different to what I had dated before... he was charming, loving, everything.
We had only been dating a few months when my Mum fell ill again with cancer and he was working on a drilling rig in the north sea and he arranged for a helecoptor to take him back to Aberdeen to be with me.
Alot of people (inc. my parents) warned me off him as I was 16 when we started dating and he is 10yrs older - so they thought a 26yr old datiung a 16yr old girl meant he was some sort of weirdo, but within a few weeks of going steady, they realised I was right and they were wrong.

We have been together 7yrs now and I love him more and more each day. When he leaves for offshore I cry like a baby for a day and watch our wedding DVD, cuddling my giant teddy he gave me when we got engaged, and the day before he gets back I am usually sick with excitement.
i knew from first meeting him, i was 13 and hadnt had a real relationship just a few teen flings. i met him when i moved into his street and i met his brother whilst playing kerby ( :rotfl: ) we didnt start going out for another 6 months but when he asked me i was in my bedroom window and he was standing in the street lol. we have been together 9 years and altho we have had some really bad patches there is no one else i can imagine waking up next to.

It would have to be about two weeks after meeting him (the night i met him i was on a date that i didn't realise was a date :shock: ). Just looked at him about after a week of being together and realised i loved him, he said he felt exactly the same and my feelings havent changed whatsoever after nearky 2 years together
:D I knew within the first few seconds of meeting him!

He had just flown over from Ireland to meet me with all his things after quitting his job and handing over his house. We had never met before only talked on msn and he came out the airport doors.....all I could do was stand and hug him because it was all i had wanted for so long!!! :D
Within 3 days of meeting my OH I knew he was the one.

We had "met" online when he told me off, a complete stranger, in World of Warcraft. Over the next couple of months we got talking in the game, then msn, then skype, and finally mobiles. I invited him to visit me for the weekend as he lived in Surrey and I lived in Rugby. By the Monday morning, we didn't want things to end. I had been independent for years and loved being able to do things when I wanted and how I wanted, but by the time he had got home later that day, I knew I wanted to be with him and asked him to move in. We waited for him to find a job and he moved in just over a month later. By then we had also found out I was pregnant (happened the weekend we met). Things have gone from strength to strength since then and I still have no regrets about having changed my life so drastically. He and Jeni are now my life and I would have it no other way. :D
Squiglet said:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
What was the question Squiglet? :)

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I just re read my response... I'll stop talking now... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I think she meant what was the question that you asked all your potential boyfriends :lol:
The day I met my DH, he walked into my living room with a slab of Stella on his shoulder. I knew about half way through it that he was the one.

We met November, he moved in in February and we married the following May. It's our 5th anniversary this year, and I wouldn't be without him. He completes me, corny as that sounds and as much as he p1sses me off sometimes, I don't ever want to think about being without him.
the night i found out my aunt had been killed in a car accident.

It sounds terrible, we werent living together at the time and all I knew was that I wanted to be with him so I drove to his and he just cuddled me. When we went to bed we, well lets just say it was incredibly tender and intense I had never had anything like it before :oops: ... that was when I knew....
Fell in love first day i met him :hug: :hug: :hug:

I joined a text message service talking to people via text
James was one of them after a few days this progressed to talking on the phone he seemed like a sweet guy.
so we continued to chat for a few more weeks
then we started emailing each other he sent me his photo and i thought he looked quite tasty.
After a few more weeks of emailing and chatting
We decided we would like to meet so he travel up to Newcastle to spend a long weekend with me.
The first thing i thought when we meet was my god he is tall and wow his trainers are bright red :rotfl: :oops:
But im short so every one is taller then me
we went for a meal and got to know each other more i was warming to him by the moment
I decided to show him round my home so we went down the the coast near where i live it was a lovely sunny but not warm day.He gave me his coat to wear as we sat in the sand looking out to sea ( sweet :hug: )
then we walked along the beach talking and laughing as we shared stories of growing up.
as we walked off the beach James asked me if he could hold my hand
my heart did a skip and i said yes we walked the rest of the way along the dunes holding hands.
I by this time thought he was gorgoues :D
i then decided to show him one of my fave places a lovely wooded area near by
when we got there he held my hand as we walked more talking and laughing he was really attentive and wanted to know all my little stories and he shared his. we reached the river side and sat down he sat behind me and drew me back in to him and folded his arms round my stomach
I could feel his breath of my neck it sent shivers of desire down me
i swear i though i was going to explode with what i was feeling for him.
I was saying inside my head turn me around and kiss me but he didnt
we then carried on walking as he chatted away i was overwhemed with the NEED to kiss him so i turned held his head in my hands and kissed him.
but theni llost my nerve stopped and continued waking holding hands
(i found out later he was despreate to kiss me more but because i had stopped he did not want to push it :hug: _
We got back to the car and we smailed at each other shyly then he gently drew me toward himand kissed me softly i melted into him and we kissed for ages I WAS IN SEVENTH HEVEN
We then went back to Newcastle to find his hotel i had a feeling id be staying the night.
then we went off the have another meal.
we held hand and played footsie all night we both knew with out saying we would be sleeping togehter that night.
AND IT WAS FANTASITC :cheer: :wink:
We spent the next few days together and it was magiacal
after we left a resturant one night we where laughing at a funny joke he had just told me and i slipped up "I LOVE YO"U i said i tried to cover it up and he did not comment.
that night in bed he told me he loved me too
I have been hurt in the past loved but not loved back so i joked it of "yeah right your only saying that"
i turned towards him and felt tears fall on my shoulder i asked him what was wrong as i stroked his tears a way
he said "you dont belive me when i tell you i love you and that hurts because it's true"
My heart was pounding like a sledge hammer i really wanted to belive him but i was so scared of being hurt agian
When it was time for him to go home i felt like my heart was breaking i reall thought id never see him agian
but he said that he loved me and this was not just a fling he then rang up National Express and booked me a ticket to come down South to see him the following week.

I came down and we decided we wanted t be together permently so i stareted looking for jobs down South
I was offered a interview i went back home for a week and came back down for the interviewand got the job.
So i went home packed said goobye to eveyone and moved down here
And 4 years later we our still very much in Love and very happy and excitely waiting for our Son Collier to be born

Yes it was quick but i knew it was right yes i was scared stiff that i would go wrong but i loved him and i jumped in with both feet and it worked
James is loving thoughtfu,l caring, considerate, warm, sweet, sexy hunky man,
who loves me cares for me and shows me every day how much i mean to him :hug:
through holding my hand and kissing hugging me in public, stroking my hair when we our watching telly
And Knowing me and my little ways like none else dose AND LOVING ME WITH MY FAULTS NOT IN SPITE of them

I LOVE YOU JAMES :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

SORRY FOR LONG anwser :oops: :oops: :oops:

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